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Data Management John Speed.

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Presentation on theme: "Data Management John Speed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Management John Speed

2 Agenda Introduction Information is Power
Sources of Data Processing Reporting With Great Power comes Great Responsibility What is the Data Protection Act Why should you care? What are the principles Questions

3 Introduction Who am I Why care about Managing your data

4 Information is Power Data | Processing | Reporting

5 Sources of Data Where does it come from?
Professional Fundraising Organisations (PFOs) Payroll Giving Agencies (PGAs) Charities Own Fundraising Activities Supporter Management Systems (CRM) Employers Telemarketing Third Party Lists (e.g. Royal Mail)

6 Sources of Data PFOs (New Only) Name Address
Contact Info NI Number Payroll No. Employer Agency Pledge Amounts Mail and Com. Prefs Management System Name Address Contact Info NI Number Payroll No. Employer Agency Pledge Amounts Mail and Com. Prefs Monthly Donation Amounts Matching Unique PGA Ref. No. Unique Charity Ref. No. PGAs (Monthly Payments) Name Address Employer Donation Amount (-Admin Fee) Matching Unique PGA Ref. No.

7 Management Systems Where do you store & How process your information?
On paper In a spreadsheet (e.g. Excel) In a custom database (e.g. Access) With a third party provider In a dedicated CRM package (e.g. Razors Edge)

8 Processing: Check Existing
PFOs (New Only) Name Address Contact Info NI Number Payroll No. Employer Agency Pledge Amounts Mail and Com. Prefs Charity Own Data Name Address Contact Info NI Number Payroll No. Employer Agency Pledge Amounts Mail and Com. Prefs Monthly Donation Amounts Matching Unique PGA Donor Ref. No. Unique Charity Ref. No.

9 Processing: Thank You Letter
New Donor Information Name Address Contact Info Mail and Com. Prefs NI Number Payroll No. Employer Agency Pledge Amounts Dear Mr Smith, We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for………… …………………………. Yours Sincerely, A Charity

10 Processing: Reconciliation
Charity Data Name Address Employer Agency Donation Amounts Contact Info NI Number Payroll No. Mail and Com. Prefs Unique Charity Ref. No. PGAs (Monthly) Name Address Employer Donation Amount post Admin Fee Matching Unique PGA Ref. No. Unique PGA Ref. No. Unique Charity Ref. No.

11 Processing: PFO Credits
Check Data Request Credit PFO Investigates PFO Issues Credit

12 Management Reporting What's the purpose? Forecasting Budgets
Attrition Previous Year Comparisons Budgets Income / Cost Estimates Marketing Opportunities Newsletters Statistical Analysis Sector / Region Comparisons Strategic Development ROI Marketing Growth

13 Attrition What's the purpose? Forecasting Budgets How we calculate:
Group donors together by the month they are recruited Calculate what % of the donors then stop each subsequent month with 6 month grace period Average attrition values for each month after signup

14 Attrition Attrition Rate Months after signup

15 Attrition Simplified Method:
Calculate total number of donors giving one month As a % how many of those donors how many fail to make a payment after e.g. 100 Donors giving in January, only 99 giving in February (and never do again) so attrition is 1%

16 Marketing Opportunities
Newsletters -> National Change of Address Database (NCOA) Newsletters / Reactivations -> Deceased / Gone away listings Finding Opportunities in Sectors -> SIC Codes

17 ROI Income: Direct PG Costs Per Donor Employer Matching
Recruitment (PFO) Figures Thank You Letters / Newsletters Generic Costs Materials Donor Management Agency Statements

18 Summaries Can you create 1 page summary reports? Recruitment
Previous Year Comparisons YTD vs. Targets ROI

19 With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility
Data Protection Act -

20 Why Should You Care? Bank of Scotland £75,000 fax error
NHS Surrey £200,000 destruction of old computers Call centre £225,000 nuisance calls B&SUH NHS Foundation Trust fined £325,000 Norwood Ravenswood Ltd: £70,000 British Pregnancy and Abortion Service: £200,000

21 What is the Data Protection Act (DPA)?
8 Principles of good information handling Personal Data Rights to individuals Data Controllers or Data Processors

22 Personal Data Personal data means data which relate to a living individual who can be identified – from those data, or from those data and other information which is in the possession of, or is likely to come into the possession of, the data controller, and includes any expression of opinion about the individual and any indication of the intentions of the data controller or any other person in respect of the individual.

23 Terms Data subject means an individual who is the subject of personal data. Data controller means … a person who (either alone or jointly or in common with other persons) determines the purposes for which and the manner in which any personal data are, or are to be, processed. Data processor, in relation to personal data, means any person (other than an employee of the data controller) who processes the data on behalf of the data controller.

24 8 Principles used fairly and lawfully
used for limited, specifically stated purposes used in a way that is adequate, relevant and not excessive accurate kept for no longer than is absolutely necessary handled according to people’s data protection rights kept safe and secure not transferred outside the EU without adequate protection

25 What Next… Review the Data Protection Act (
Seek Professional Advice Produce a Data Protection Policy Enforce the Policy

26 Key decisions we have made
Who has access to what information How do we store online / offline records How long is the data retained When is personal information removed How do we share data

27 Questions

28 Thank You John Speed |

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