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Waverley Local Plan - Elstead & Weyburn Neighbourhood Plan

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Presentation on theme: "Waverley Local Plan - Elstead & Weyburn Neighbourhood Plan"— Presentation transcript:

1 Waverley Local Plan - Elstead & Weyburn Neighbourhood Plan
This presentation gives basic information about the Waverley Local Plan and the Public Consultation. It takes around five minutes and is followed by a presentation about the proposed Neighbourhood Plan for Elstead and Weyburn. Waverley leaflets and consultation forms are available in the Hall

2 WAVERLEY LOCAL PLAN Waverley Borough Council is developing a new Local Plan for the period up to 2031 The Government Inspector rejected their previous plans because they did not include enough housing Waverley's new target is a total of 8,500 new homes across the Borough An Availability Assessment estimated that 3,400 could be built within existing towns and villages as a result of normal development

3 Where will the rest be built?
Landowners in the Borough were asked to offer land for development Waverley has identified some Brownfield sites and some Greenfield sites. The biggest Brownfield site is at Dunsfold Aerodrome. The rest of the sites are around the boundaries of existing settlements

4 Which settlements? The settlements include four Towns, five Large Villages and seven Small Villages There is also the large rural brownfield site at Dunsfold Aerodrome Dunsfold could take up to 3,400 new houses complete with shops, schools and other facilities The main problem is the road access to the area.

5 Waverley Towns & Villages

6 Depending on the numbers built at Dunsfold the numbers to be built elsewhere could be:
Farnham to 2,700 Godalming Cranleigh to 1,450 Haslemere to 200 Large Villages to 450 Smaller Villages 150 All of these would need to be outside the present settlement boundaries

7 Within the Towns and Villages the numbers would be:
Farnham 1,100 Godalming Cranleigh Haslemere All Villages Elstead's share of new homes based on one fifth of the Large Village quota could be: Within the present boundary up to 80 Outside the boundary to 90 These figures could change

8 Where would they go in Elstead?
Within the village they would be built in the normal way on sites that become available Waverley has been offered land on seven sites outside the village boundary This includes the industrial site at Weyburn and the fields around it. The other sites are scattered round the edge of the village Only Weyburn and the field at The Croft are currently considered suitable for development

9 LAND AVAILABLE IN ELSTEAD Only Weyburn (16) and The Croft (308) are considered suitable for development



12 When might this happen? The timescale that Waverley is planning for (a bit late!) is between 2013 and 2031 Building within the village would be spread over the period Building at Weyburn and the Croft could be single large developments or smaller ones Smaller developments would put less strain on village facilities Large ones would release more money immediately for improvements

13 The Consultation Waverley is asking for your views on this, especially regarding the number of houses that should be built at Dunsfold All the options have consequences for the infrastrucure of the area. Some leaflets and forms have been distributed in parts of Elstead The form can also be filled in online on the Waverley website There is a supply of forms in the Hall

14 Elstead Neighbourhood Plan
The Parish Council is starting the process of developing a Neighbourhood Plan to help define the future of Elstead.

15 Why? We can leave it to Waverley Borough Council and developers to make all the decisions on Elstead's future, Or we can decide to have some say in what happens to us and our village. The Waverley Local Plan will define a framework within which the Elstead Neighbourhood Plan will operate. Elstead Parish Council will have more influence on planning and more money for the benefit of everybody in Elstead.

16 We currently have problems
Local people are being priced out of the housing market, Retail outlets are being lost and replaced by private housing, Current housing stock is being moved up- market by extensions and conversions, Employment opportunities in the village are being lost. There is pressure from developers for excessive and inappropriate development.

17 What else is wrong? When it's too wet we get flooded
Too dry and the Commons catch fire Not enough buses Not enough parking spaces People drive too fast The Broadband doesn't work We get power cuts Patchy mobile reception ANY COMPLAINTS?

18 What is Neighbourhood Planning?
The Localism Bill was enacted in April 2012 It enables communities to draw up a Neighbourhood Plan for their area It is intended to give communities more of a say in the development of their local area Limits are set by the Waverley Local Plan and other legislation. It could influence much that is currently managed by Waverley Planning Department. That might be more than we can manage!

19 What might we want to include?
The power to choose where new homes, shops and other development should be built Control over the design of new buildings Development of new community facilities Influence over transport and access issues Protection of village assets and environment The power to initiate housing development to meet local needs This all has to be done within the Waverley Local Plan and other legal constraints.

20 Who are we? Actually YOU! A Neighbourhood Plan does not just happen
YOU decide what goes into it YOU have to work to make it happen Some of us have started already The Parish Council has begun the process A small team is working to start it going YOU will need to get involved That means Elstead residents, landowners and local businesses

21 Who will be involved? Parish Councillor Jane Jacobs is leading a small set up group to start it going There will be a public meeting in November to explain the process and launch the project Anybody who wants to contribute can do so Working groups will be organised to do the work on particular parts of the Plan There will be a Steering Group to co-ordinate the Plan development project Residents, landowners and local businesses will be consulted throughout.

22 What are we trying to achieve?
Make sure that Elstead is still a good place to live and work 20 years ahead and beyond Maintain a healthy, vigorous and balanced community Play our part in the larger communities around us Meet any reasonable targets set for us in the Waverley Local Plan Do our best to see that any changes that happen are what we want

23 What happens next? We tell Waverley what area we want to cover
That is the Parish of Elstead + the Weyburn site which we share with Peper Harow. Waverley starts a six week consultation and meetings to make sure we have got it right. While they are doing that we hold a public meeting, get organised and start work. Once we have Waverley approval we continue with our work and prepare the detailed Plan Then there is another consultation, a formal examination and a referendum

24 Bit of a rigmarole isn't it?
The Neighbourhood Plan is a legal document with teeth. Instead of just grumbling we will be able to take action on a number of Planning matters. It has to be got right and it has to be what YOU want – within reason! No it won't be 2030 before it is finished! Some people take 2 years but we think we can do it in less. It has been done. We have a lot of local talent and some outside help

25 Come & join us! YOU can help with the development of the Elstead & Weyburn Neighbourhood Plan Your opinions, knowledge, skills and experience will be needed. There will be a public meeting in early November Working groups will be set up, with a Steering Group to co-ordinate the work We will have some expert help. You can contact us here today or at:

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