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Types of Energy Notes.

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Presentation on theme: "Types of Energy Notes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Types of Energy Notes

2 Energy is the ability to do work or cause change

3 There are different kinds of energy…..

4 1. Mechanical Energy – the energy of moving things

5 2. Thermal Energy – heat energy

6 3. Chemical Energy – energy formed from chemical reactions

7 4. Electrical energy – energy made from moving electrons is electricity

8 5. Electromagnetic energy – energy from waves
5. Electromagnetic energy – energy from waves. There are many forms including x rays, visible light, and microwaves

9 6. Nuclear energy – energy formed from the fusion of atoms

10 You can change energy from one type to another…

11 Lamp

12 Changes electrical energy to electromagnetic energy
Lamp Changes electrical energy to electromagnetic energy

13 Motor

14 Changes electrical energy to mechanical energy
Motor Changes electrical energy to mechanical energy

15 Generator

16 Changes mechanical energy to electrical energy
Generator Changes mechanical energy to electrical energy

17 Power plant

18 Changes thermal energy to mechanical energy to electrical energy
Power plant Changes thermal energy to mechanical energy to electrical energy

19 Eating Lunch

20 Eating Lunch Changes mechanical energy to chemical energy to electrical energy to mechanical energy

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