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Was the rise of industry good for American workers?

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Presentation on theme: "Was the rise of industry good for American workers?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Was the rise of industry good for American workers?

2 Describe a time when you were unhappy with certain conditions- at home, work, or at school.
How did you try to change these conditions? Were you successful? Why or Why not?

3 Children

4 Triangle Shirt Waist Factory Fire

5 Children As young as six
15 hours a day in coal mines, garment factories Back deformities, asthma, Death from poisons, being mangled by machines

6 Immigrant workers Accepted the lowest pay and toughest schedule (7 days a week) Were hired over native born workers who wanted more pay

7 Women 70% of all Jewish girls worked Paid less then men
146 women killed in the triangle shirt waist factory fire

8 The working class needed help

9 Workers fight back

10 Workers unite to form unions to gain more rights

11 Workers seek better wages, hours and working conditions

12 Unions uses strikes and boycotts to gain more rights


14 The American Federation of Labor or AFL was one of the first organized unions

15 Eugene Debs organized the International Workers of the World Union and ran for President


17 New York Newsies Picture 1

18 Did Unions achieve any success against the owners?

19 Why was it difficult for Unions to make gains?
Workers did not always come together The gov’t and courts sided with owners

20 Worker feared being labeled or attacked for their political beliefs.

21 People who reject all forms of government
Anarchist Socialist People who reject all forms of government Supported the idea that everything in society would be owned by everybody and not just by a wealthy few

22 Owners forced workers to sign yellow dog contracts in which they promised not to join unions or lose their job

23 Owners hired “scabs” and immigrants to replace striking workers and put striking worker’s on blacklists


25 The Government usually sided with the owners leading to violent clashes with the military and police

26 Railroad Strike of 1877 Violent clashes between railroad workers and the Army. 100 people killed

27 Homestead Strike of 1892 Steel workers strike at the Carnegie Steel Plant in Pa. Carnegie security guards shoot nine strikers National Guard called in to end the strike

28 Injunctions or court orders jailed union workers who went on strike

29 Gains Wages improved steadily Hours per week fell slowly
Power to the working class Most gains came during WWI, the Depression and World War II

30 Industry has improved life tremendously
Industry has improved life tremendously. There are plenty of new jobs that pay well and new products for consumers like the light bulb and the sewing machine, not to mention millions for me. But I have donated a lot of it to charity

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