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Welcome Parents of Rising 9th Graders

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1 Welcome Parents of Rising 9th Graders
Tuscarora High School Welcome Parents of Rising 9th Graders

2 Counseling Team Jennifer L. Reed Director of School Counseling
Tracy Mandina A-COF & AVID 3 &4 Keegan Barr COG-HAC & AVID 1 & 2 John Han HAD-McA Kara Kotarsky McB-SCHE Samantha Bissell SCHI-Z Michael Newkirk Career Center Assistant Michelle Vocke Administrative Secretary Maral Amado School Counseling Secretary Tami Koerner School Counseling Secretary

3 RISE Respect Integrity Service Excellence

4 Typical 9th Grade Schedule
A Day 1st Block- Earth Science 2nd Block- World History 1 3rd Block- HPE 9 4th Block- Algebra I B Day 5th Block- Spanish 2 6th Block- FLEX (Mandatory) 7th Block- English 9 8th Block- Intro to Business

5 What Classes should I take? Academic Versus Honors?

6 Academic versus Pre-AP World History
Academic College Prep- Learn to think critically about world events and societies around the globe before the year Express your understanding in all forms of writing, both formal and informal ` No Summer Assignment 1 hour of homework per week Pre-AP World Academic + writing/reading interpreting historical documents; learn to understand and & use primary sources as historical evidence to conduct research & produce essays. Summer Assignment Due 1st week of school!! 5 hours of homework per week

7 English 9 Academic versus Honors
Academic College preparatory curriculum Composition skills and grammar through writing Oral presentations Research projects Analysis of literary works Application of literary terms Study of seven major works 1 hour per week of homework Honors All of the academic curriculum, plus More extensive and independent reading More frequent and varied writing assignments Study of eight or more major works County-wide Big Question assessment for the .5 GPA boost This is a year-round exploration of a theme found in literature studied inside and outside of class 5 hours per week of homework

8 Academic vs Research Earth Science & Biology
Academic Earth Science 0-2 hours of homework per week Research Earth Science 2-4 hours of homework per week Uses Algebra 1 and Geometry skills Required research project- 1st semester 2 research assignments focused on developing research skills Research assignments focused on developing research skills 2nd semester, science symposium project 75% of all research projects are done outside of school. Required to participate in a school-wide Science Symposium Research Biology Required Summer Assignment 2-4 hours of homework per week Uses Algebra 1 and Geometry Required research project 75% to be done outside of school Required to participate in a school-wide Science Symposium Independent Science Research project Quarterly Scientific Investigations Science Department Chair does not recommend skipping Earth Science to take Biology your Freshman year

9 Mathematics Geometry Algebra I
Geometry (recommended) Functions, Algebra, and Data Analysis (FADA) Functions, Algebra, and Data Analysis (FADA) Algebra II Algebra II/Trigonometry (SUMMER ASSIGNMENT REQUIRED)

10 Mathematics Algebra II/Trig Algebra II
Advanced Functions & Modeling Advanced Algebra/ Precalculus (SUMMER ASSIGNMENT REQUIRED) Advanced Functions & Modeling Advanced Algebra/Precalculus (SUMMER ASSIGNMENT REQUIRED) Math Analysis (SUMMER ASSIGNMENT REQUIRED)

11 Health & PE 9 Summer School Option via Virtual Loudoun- See Mrs. Kolcum Registration opens April 17, 2017 and closes May 19, 2017 10 week term- classes being on June 5, 2017 and end August 13th See the Virtual Loudoun page for details, cost and registration Cannot take Health and PE 10 in 9th grade

12 World Language Options
ASL 1 French 1,2 or 3 German 1,2,or 3 Latin 1,2 or 3 Spanish for Fluent Speakers 1,2 or 3 Spanish 1,2 or 3

13 Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID)
Take more challenging classes to be more competitive for college admissions Learn how to manage time, organize your school materials, and study effectively Be involved in a family of students and teachers who are passionate about learning and leading Applications will be available 3rd quarter online

14 CTE/FACS Elective Choices
Half Credit- Select 2 Gourmet Foods Human Development Independent Living Intro to Housing & Interior Design Fashion Design & Merchandising Full Year Credit- Select 1 Computer Information Systems Intro to Business & Marketing Leadership Development Materials and Processing Technical Drawing & Design Technology Foundations Productions Systems

15 Fine Arts/English Elective Choices
Instrumental Methods/Percussion Ensemble 1 (Woodwinds) Ensemble 1 (Brass) Beginning/Intermediate and Advanced Orchestra Jazz Ensemble Beginning Concert Choir Select Women’s Choir (Audition) Mixed Chorus Small Vocal Ensemble (Audition) Advanced Concert Choir Music Theatre Ensemble (Audition) Beginning/Intermediate and Advanced Guitar Art/Architecture 1 (.5) Art/Architecture 2 (.5) Art 1 Theater Arts 1 Technical Theater English Journalism Creative Writing (.5)

16 Graduation Requirements
Standard 4- English (2-SOL) 3- Math (1-SOL) 3-Science (1-SOL) 3- History (1-SOL) 2- HPE (Certification in CPR-9th Grade) 1-Econ/PF 2- World Lang/Fine Arts or Career Tech 4- Electives (2 Sequential) (+1-SOL) 22=TOTAL =TOTAL (SOL) CTE Certification is REQUIRED Advanced 4- English (2-SOL) 4-Math (2-SOL) 4-Science (2-SOL) 4- History (2-SOL) 2-HPE (Certification in CPR-9th Grade) 1- Econ/ PF 3- World Lang 1- Fine Art/CTE 3- Electives (+1-SOL) 26=TOTAL = TOTAL (SOL)

17 Grading Scale Grade Numerical Equivalent Points Awarded A+ 98-100 4.3
93-97 4.0 A- 90-92 3.7 B+ 87-89 3.3 B 83-86 3.0 B- 80-82 2.7 C+ 77-79 2.3 C 73-76 2.0 C- 70-72 1.7 D+ 67-69 1.3 D 63-66 1.0 D- 60-62 0.7 F 59 and below 0.0

18 Follow us on Twitter: @husky_counselor

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