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Environmental Issues in Europe

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1 Environmental Issues in Europe
Sahara Wren

2 SS6G9: The student will discuss environmental issues in Europe. a
SS6G9: The student will discuss environmental issues in Europe.     a. Explain the major concerns of Europeans regarding the issues such as acid rain in Germany, the air pollution in the United Kingdom, and the nuclear disaster in Chernobyl, Ukraine.      







9 What is Air Pollution? The air is polluted when there are many harmful particles in the air. Some of the most industrialized cities are London, Paris, and Amsterdam. These places have a lot of factories and heavy traffic that makes a lot of air pollution. The UK is one of the most effected. 1

10 UK Air Pollution 2 London is most famous for air pollution.
Because of the air pollution in London the term Smog was created in 1905. Thick fog + smoke=smog Smog is created when water from the air mixes with the smoke particles from a coal fire. 2

11 Examples of Air Pollution in the U.K.

12 London Smog Picture from:

13 What Causes Pollution? At that time the UK had coal burning factories and heavy traffic that put these chemicals in the air. Smoke from factories that burn coal Exhaust fumes from vehicles 3

14 Pollutants These chemicals are very bad for our environment and our health. Example: Natural gas, coal, and oil. Most common chemicals are Sulpher dioxide (SO2) , Nitrogen Oxides (NOx), Carbon Monoxides (CO), and Particle Matter. 3

15 Effects? 4 Asthma and pneumonia complications.
Makes it difficult for breathing. Lungs, nose, and eyes are affected. Turn buildings black. 4

16 Great Smog of 1952 Very cold so people were burning more coal to stay warm. Particles form the smoke mixed with water in the air. Particle/ water mix was trapped by the cold A very thick smog was created. Thick smog was trapped in windows and screens. It entered homes. People began getting sick. About 12, 000 people died. 5

17 Great Smog of 1952

18 What Goes Up, Must Come Down
These pollutants go up in the air into the clouds, mixes with rain, and comes down. This is called Acid rain.

19 Acid Rain Causes Effects Solution
Smoke from factories, vehicle emissions Effects Ruins buildings and statues, destroys trees and plants Solution Hydroelectricity-using water to make electricity Laws to regulate vehicle emissions

20 Acid Rain Paragraph In a paragraph explain Acid Rain
What is Acid Rain? What causes Acid Rain? What are some of the effects? What are the solutions?

21 NO CO SO2

22 Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down Air pollution is a result of not having heavy traffic. The Great Smog of London covered everything with particles and killed many people. Plants are like filters that help keep our air clean. London and Amsterdam are not among the list of the most industrialized places in the world. Air pollution causes a problem with breathing.

23 Chernobyl, Ukraine Causes Effects Solution
A nuclear reactor exploded at the power plant. This caused a lot of radioactive material to be released. Effects Harmed plants and animals, caused birth defects/cancer/other sicknesses. Solution Bury the reactor in cement. Chernobyl today is deserted.

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