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Workshop aims This workshop will provide the opportunity to explore deaf awareness the implications of hearing impairment for the classroom strategies.

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2 Workshop aims This workshop will provide the opportunity to explore deaf awareness the implications of hearing impairment for the classroom strategies to address the educational implications of hearing impairment.

3 The definition of a hearing impairment is “an impairment in hearing, whether permanent or fluctuating, that adversely affects a child’s educational performance but is not included under the definition of deafness.” 

4 Deaf awareness

5 Do not Cover your mouth when talking Move around when you are talking Stand with your back to the windows Stand with your back to the deaf person Talk too fast or too slow Shout

6 Do Make eye contact Talk normally Give deaf person time to respond Get deaf person’s attention before talking Have an expressive face

7 Implications of Hearing Impairment

8 Miss out on incidental learning
Sentence structure Use of joining words Misunderstanding of social cues Miss parts of conversations Need to maintain eye contact

9 Lip reading challenge!

10 Strategies to address educational implications

11 Visual resources (Bitsboard)
Reduce information on page Use short sentences Consider words whose meaning changes depending on context Teach idioms Mind mapping (Simple Mind)

12 Maintenance of hearing aids and implants
Closed gap activities Word wise whizz Dramatic facial expressions

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