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1 Communication

2 Module Aim: To provide an overview and practise
the skills of effective communication in the workshop/presentation environment Time allocated: 2 hours General Outline: Workshop style, mostly in small groups, with individual presentations Hand out and/or go over the run sheet.

3 Talking with Body Language
Energy should reflect content and desired mood Use movement to maintain interest Remember you are the focal point, use this to your advantage Use appropriate and diverse eye contact

4 Voice Skills Alter tone to keep interest. Use volume to emphasise mood

5 Congruency (making it all match)
The words you speak tell a story, The tone and timing of your voice tells a story, Your body tells a story….. Are all 3 telling the same story? Slide Aim; To highlight and explain that if voice tone and volume, body language and content are all the same it makes for a very entertaining, genuine presentation Slide Outline; Facilitator to expand on the concept above and give some examples Basic examples; Stand up – voice goes up, arms go up, possibly voice speeds increases to invoke action Slow down – voice speed slows and softens, arms action down

6 Replace Fillers with Pauses
Are you aware of what filler you use to fill in the space when you need to think? Ums and Aahs Face scrunches, finger twitches, tongue licks Repetitions of the same word……. “OK” Slide Aim; To highlight habits in our communication that can effect the attention of a listener Slide Outline; Facilitator to explain the various fillers/mechanisms we use to fill in gaps Ask the group if any of them are aware of any fillers that they currently use. Yellow text with tool outline will come up with a click of the mouse A nice little tool is to replace the ‘filler’ with a pause and take a breath. The pause will work to your advantage

7 Exercise: 1 minute story
In small groups find an semi-private area and take turns telling a story about the most exciting part of your week last week. Limit time to one minute Don’t be shy, stand up and get actively involved. One group member can act as facilitator to help review. Take turns as facilitators for each different speaker. Review each presentation, for example: What things do you think you did well? Any areas you could improve on? Get feedback on key points from the group? (positive and things would enable growth) Slide Aim; To practise communication skills To increase awareness of personal communication style Slide Outline; Pretty self explanatory. Allow minutes. Make sure groups get some space so they are not shouting over one another.

8 Super Challenge: Speak convincingly on something you are not passionate about for 2 minutes. Some topics are listed below; Sport should be for recreational purposes only Team sports inherently revolve around 1 or 2 individuals Playing competitive sport is destructive to personal growth Slide Aim; To re-enforce communication skills Have a bit of fun (can draw out some humour) To outline how hard it is to be convincing if your heart is not in it Slide Outline; Allow 10 minutes approx. Individuals are to volunteer to have a shot at talking convincingly on one of the topics listed (or a less serious topic suggested by the group) for up to 2 minutes. A light hearted bit of fun where individuals can come up the front and try and talk on a given topic whilst exhibiting good communication techniques. The challenge should be aligning body language, voice tone and content.

9 Some other Tips A few areas to be aware of that might create difficulties; Jargon Slang Clarity with language difficulties (different cultures etc) Slide Aim To highlight a few basic areas that can cause difficulty – depending on whether jargon and slang is appropriate to group Slide Outline Facilitator to overview who each topic applies – in most cases it relates to knowing the audience Discuss appropriateness for different audiences, different audience needs etc.

10 Telling Stories The difference between a good story and a great story is how it is delivered; Be authentic – the best stories are genuine Under 2 minutes Practise Make sure it relates to the point Stories about yourself are best received if showing how you learnt from your flaws/errors Slide Aim; Slide Outline;

11 Giving Directions Directions that are easily and well followed have the following in common; Clear and concise Simple Lack room for (mis)interpretation Have time allocated where applicable Slide Aim; Overview of general skills for giving accurate directions etc Slide Outline; Facilitator should expand on all areas; Clear and concise Simple over-complication loses emphasis on the key points Lack room for interpretation example; 1 metre is different for most people, My left or your left, greens and blues (what colour is the slide?) Have time allocated where applicable . Allows for people to know if they should hurry or if they can mooch along or gives an understanding of expected depth required.

12 Exercise; (in small groups)
Each group has a pen and paper/flip chart etc, one person in the group is nominated to receive instructions (scribe). Each group is given a shape that must not be shown to the scribe. The group must instruct the scribe to draw an exact replica of the shape without explaining what it is or what it might look like. Checks clarity of giving directions in a fun way

13 Creating Visual Aids Keep it Simple – simple is effective
Easy to read – visible to whole audience 2 colours – 3 or more colours can be too busy Bullet points only (no more than 4 or 5 /slide) Add pictures where possible Slide Aim; To quickly outline some key points when creating effective visual aids Slide Outline; Group to read over slide. Facilitator to expand on any areas where appropriate

14 Using Visual Aids Talk to your audience not the screen
Explain the aid as soon as you show it When finished with it get rid of it (on Power Point tap key ‘B’ for blank and the screen goes black….tap any other key and it comes back) Be prepared to deliver content without the visual aid Slide Aim; To quickly outline some key points of how to effectively use visual aids Slide Outline; Group to read over slide. Facilitator to expand on any areas where appropriate – Importance of plan B especially when using technology – Need to arrive early to check that everything works

15 Using Handouts Maximise time for active learning - Don’t waste time or belittle your audience by reading through handouts Think of ways that your audience can get key information from the handouts by doing activities Summarise key points if required. Slide Aim; To quickly outline some key points of how to effectively use handouts Slide Outline; Group to read over slide. Facilitator explains that coaches time is valuable. If they do activities that require reference to or using the handouts, it minimises opportunity for potential boredom and repetition of information they potentially know, and encourages active audience participation. Ways to use handouts in activities include: Use them as a resource to answer key questions Getting groups to look at sections and summarise key points for the whole group Having group discussions and the facilitator referring to the handouts in a summary. Setting a problem or challenge and use the resources to getting a solution (You may set an activity that lets the coaches come up with these and other ideas)

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