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What Lawyers Can Learn From Hobbits

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Presentation on theme: "What Lawyers Can Learn From Hobbits"— Presentation transcript:

1 What Lawyers Can Learn From Hobbits
Zeev Fisher, Founder & CEO Pekama

2 What do we know about hobbits?

3 They live in a world driven by profit

4 And they have done quite well

5 They like things as they are
“Sorry! I don't want any adventures, thank you. Not Today. Good morning! But please come to tea -any time you like! Why not tomorrow? Good bye!” Bilbo Baggins, CEO

6 But the world is changing, and risks are knocking on their door…

7 Kind of like lawyers…

8 Some facts about trends

9 (1) 24/7 replaces “please send me..”
Industries disrupted: marketing, insurance, banking, accounting

10 (2) Group Messaging Replaces Email

11 (3) Cloud collaboration replaces servers

12 (4) Talent is everywhere and is replacing office employees

13 (5) Machines replace people

14 Lawyers are not adapting

15 Work is not transparent. Clients need to ask.
Zeev’s Law Firm Xia’s Law Firm Lan Lee Translations Record Task Record Task Record Task Instructions + Documents Instructions Instructions + Documents Documents Documents Instructions + Documents Report + Invoice Invoice Invoice More information More lawyers Clients don’t understand Relevancy expires The information is attached to tasks, deadlines, documents and money. This leads to: Work is not transparent. Clients need to ask. Lawyers spend 50% of their time either in their inbox or jumping between windows. Collaborating and outsourcing is difficult. Automation is minimal.

16 The result – a problem

17 What do hobbits do when there is no other choice?
“Go back?” he thought. “No good at all! Go sideways? Impossible! Go forward? Only thing to do! On we go!”

18 Legal teams should: Embrace the cloud. Think transparency. Collaborate. Support remote work and talent. Look modern. Invest in automation. We help them do that.

19 Let’s lead together Please take your SMART PHONES OUT! 19

20 Shake My Hand! A High Five To: Subject: 1 To: Subject: 1
Subject: 1 A High Five To: Subject: 1

21 ?

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