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(Field Emitters, LEDs and Energy Devices)

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1 (Field Emitters, LEDs and Energy Devices)
Well patterned three-dimensional (3D) nano-structure arrays for device applications. (Field Emitters, LEDs and Energy Devices) Dr. GHULAM NABI Assistant Professor Department of Physics, UoG, Pakistan Institute of Physics, TU-Ilmenau, Germany ISS-2017 (13-17 March) 1

2 Contents * 3D Nanostructures-Aims ** Synthesis Techniques
*** Applications 2

3 3D Nano-structure arrays for devices
Three-dimensional (3D) nano-structure materials are of great interest due to their potential applications in optoelectronic, Field Emitters and energy devices What are 3D nano-structures? 1D nano-structure units combined in a regular pattern on large scale are called 3D nano-structures. Basic Unit for 3D nano-structures are 1D nano-wires, 1D nano-rods, 1D nano-tubes or 1D core shell nanostructures etc. 3D nano-tubes structures 3D nano-rod structures 3

4 Aim- Motivation To develop novel, facile, controlled and reliable routes for different 3D nanostructure arrays for device applications. How we can realize such 3D nano-structures? Template Free Method – Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) With Template- Anodic Aluminum Oxide ( AAO template) 4

5 Template Free- CVD Setup
GaN, ZnO, SnSe, SnTe, Te Precursors Used: Ga2O3 , Ga metal, GaN Powder, NH3 gas and Aqueous NH3, Carbon, graphite powder etc.

6 Template Free- CVD Process

7 Vapor Phase Growth Techniques
1: V-L-S 2: V-S 7

8 Various micro-nano Structures obtained
By CVD Method 8

9 Various micro-nano Structures obtained
By CVD Method 9

10 Various micro-nano Structures obtained
By CVD Method 10

11 Field Emission Smooth Vertical Growth Uniformity Well-patterned arrays
High Density Sharp tips 11

12 Well aligned / Well patterned Conical shaped
GaN nanorods 1mm2 =1.56×108 GaN nano-rods prepared at 1100 oC (a) top view (b) side view (c) tilted view (d) high magnification tilted view

13 Vapor –Solid (V-S) Growth Mechanism
Growth Mechanism for GaN Nanorods Vapor –Solid (V-S) Growth Mechanism

14 FE properties of GaN NanoR0d arrays
FE at 1100 oC Current Stability Turn-on field = 3.35 Vµm−1 (0.01 mAcm−2) Threshold field= Vµm−1 (1 mAcm−2) L0w turn on value is due to aligned orientation of GaN rods, aspect ratio, tip radius, density of emitters, density of surface states, morphology, intrinsic properties (such as electronic affinity), dimension of the emitters etc.

15 Comparison of Turn on values of GaN and other different materials
Needle like Nanowires arrays Conical Shaped nanorods 8.5 V/µm B. HaJ et al. . Phys. Chem. B 2005, 109, Well Aligned nano columns Electric Field (V/µm) Triangular micro Tubes Te Petals -Flowers Thin Nanowires Tri angular Cone nanowires Dandelion Like Nanowires P Nanowires Flower like Cactus Like Nanowires Durian-Like Grass Like Nanowires Needle-like Nanobelts Nanowires

16 Photoluminescence GaN
Near-band-edge Emission = 372 nm *************** Blue Emission= 445 nm (N vacancies) Blue

17 Photoluminescence GaN
Section No GaN Synthesis and Properties Studies Near-band-edge Emission = 367 nm *************** Blue Emission= 553 nm (Ga vacancies)

18 3D Nano-structure arrays for devices
High Turn-on Field A B Low Turn-on Field Same Material Well patterned nanorods are potential candidate for field emitters /LEDs Smooth and High density growth is also crucial for device fabrication. Stable current density also make it important. 18

19 Surface patterning by AAO templates: concept
AAO-Template Method Surface patterning by AAO templates: concept 1. Y. Lei et al. / Progress in Materials Science 52 (2007) 465– Woo Lee et al. Chem. Rev. 2014, 114, 7487−7556 19

20 Surface patterning by AAO templates: concept
AAO-Template Method Surface patterning by AAO templates: concept 20

21 Surface patterning by AAO templates: concept
AAO-Template Method Surface patterning by AAO templates: concept a) Closed tubes b) Open tubes c) Nano-rods d) Wires with tip 1. Y. Lei, F. Grote et al. / Journal of Power Sources 256 (2014) 37e Y. Lei et al. Nanotechnology 25 (2014) 21

22 Surface patterning by AAO templates: concept
AAO-Template Method Surface patterning by AAO templates: concept 1. Y. Lei, F. Grote et al. / Journal of Power Sources 256 (2014) 37e Y. Lei et al. Nanotechnology 25 (2014) 22

23 AAO-Template Method Surface patterning by AAO templates: concept
Dimensions controlling of 3D Nano-structure arrays Anodization etching 20 min etch 40 min etch 60 min etch 1. Y. Lei, F. Grote et al. / Journal of Power Sources 256 (2014) 37e Woo Lee et al. Chem. Rev. 2014, 114, 7487−7556 23

24 AAO-Template Method Surface patterning by AAO templates: concept
Dimensions controlling of 3D Nano-structure arrays Nanowire Nanowire Nanotube Nanotube Nanodot Liaoyong Wen, Rui Xu, YanMi and Yong Lei, Nature Nanotechnology 12, 244–250 (2017) 24

25 AAO-Template Method Surface patterning by AAO templates: concept
Dimensions controlling of 3D Nano-structure arrays Liaoyong Wen, Rui Xu, YanMi and Yong Lei, Nature Nanotechnology 12, 244–250 (2017) 25

26 Surface patterning by AAO templates: concept
AAO-Template Method Surface patterning by AAO templates: concept Advantage of AAO Template It offers a convenient and versatile approach to produce nanostructure arrays of many materials Controllable morphological features in nanoscale dimensions, including shape, size, interspace, etc. Large scale synthesis for practical applications Applications (Energy Devices) Super Capacitors Solar cells Solar Water Splitting Batteries 26

27 Department of Physics University of Gujrat

28 Thanks a lot for your attention
Acknowledgement Director ORIC/HoD Physics University of Gujrat. Dr. Waheed S. Khan (Head NanoBio Technology Group) NIBGE . Prof. Yong Lei Institute of Physics (3D-Nano Group) Technical University Ilmenau, GERMANY. Prof. Chuanbao Cao Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, P.R.China. Special thanks to organizers for organizing a nice event, ISS-2017 Thanks a lot for your attention 28


30 Supplementary Material

31 Supplementary Material

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