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Gilded Age Philosopophies

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1 Gilded Age Philosopophies

2 Social Darwinism A powerful idea of the Gilded
Era was Social Darwinism. In 1859, Charles Darwin argued that plant and animal life had evolved over the years by a process he called natural selection. Social Darwinists applied this “survival of the fittest” idea to human behavior. Industrialists like John D. Rockefeller heartily embraced the theory. Rockefeller said the growth of huge businesses like his own Standard Oil was “merely the working out of the law of nature and the law of God.”

3 Gospel of Wealth Andrew Carnegie advocated a gentler version of Social
Darwinism that he called the Gospel of Wealth. This philosophy held that wealthy Americans should engage in philanthropy and use their great fortunes to create the conditions that would help people help themselves. Building schools and hospitals, for example, was better than giving handouts to the poor. Carnegie funded libraries all across the nation.

4 Fond of saying that "the man who dies rich dies disgraced," Carnegie then turned his attention to giving away his fortune. He abhorred charity, and instead put his money to use helping others help themselves. That was the reason he spent much of his collected fortune on establishing over 2,500 public libraries as well as supporting institutions of higher learning. By the time Carnegie's life was over, he gave away 350 million dollars. Andrew Carnegie

5 Robber Barons or Captains of Industry
The Rise of Big Business Robber Barons or Captains of Industry Carnegie once stated, “I entered this life poor and I wish to leave it the same.” Gave away $325 million = 90% of his wealth Carnegie Hall in NY City Carnegie Foundation 3,000 libraries across the US

6 John D. Rockefeller Rockefeller gave away $500 million
The Rise of Big Business John D. Rockefeller Rockefeller gave away $500 million Founded the University of Chicago which found cure for yellow fever Land for United Nations

7 Commodore Cornelius Vanderbilt was in his 79th year when he decided to make the gift that founded Vanderbilt University in the spring of 1873. The $1 million that he gave to endow and build the university was the commodore's only major philanthropy

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