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Steve Crossman, MD and Allison Behrle, M2

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1 Core Educational Experiences for First-year Medical Students Traveling to Honduras
Steve Crossman, MD and Allison Behrle, M2 Virginia Commonwealth University Richmond, VA 34th Annual STFM Predoctoral Education Conference January 24-27, 2008 Portland, Oregon

2 Objectives We hope that by participating in this lecture-discussion session, you will: -understand the importance of appropriate preparation of students for travel abroad, -be able to describe key lecture topics that our students found helpful, -possess a framework for developing your own lecture series, and -be motivated to develop or enhance international service-learning experiences for your students.

3 Introduction and Opening Discussion

4 About Our Group Honduras Outreach Medical Brigada Relief Effort (HOMBRE)

5 History Initiated 8 years ago at VCU School of Medicine by first-year students Now independent 501©3 non-profit organization with 12-member Board of Directors Student trip to two sites every June

6 Mission To improve the health of underserved communities in Honduras and other developing countries To enhance the education of health professions students

7 Core Values collaboration in sustainable partnerships
service to others humility and respect students take on key leadership roles fiscal responsibility

8 Sites Two sites Los Pinares, a community in the rural region of Intibuca (in affiliation with Shoulder to Shoulder, Inc and Thundermist Health Center) NPH, an orphanage in the center of the country where there are over 600 children

9 Faculty Experiences students were dedicated, passionate, and compassionate - students at times though seemed overwhelmed - first year students are focused on complete, normal H & P - many had never traveled to Honduras or Central America - some without any exposure to poverty

10 Literature Review: Why student experience in Global Health is important?
-GH experiences encourage students to: *enter primary care specialties *practice medicine serving minorities and the poor *maintain idealism -GH experiences can also: *help recruitment *improve student clinical skills -Students desire quality GH experiences as part of their medical education -57.4% of VCU graduating med students in 2007 felt GH teaching was inadequate, which is comparable to other studies

11 Core Lecture Series Goal 1: improve knowledge and understanding of cultural competency Basics How to use an interpreter Honduran history and culture

12 Core Lecture Series Goal 2: gain knowledge of the broader determinants of health Poverty and determinants of health Site specifics

13 Core Lecture Series Goal 3: improve basic clinical skills
Intro to history taking and differential diagnoses Specific common chief complaints of children and adults Tropical medicine

14 Core Lecture Series Adult: Peds: Headache (hypertension)
Increased thirst (diabetes) Missed period (pregnancy) Vaginal discharge (STD’s) Peds: Rash (infectious dermatoses) Fever (acute infections) Stomachache (parasites, malnutrition) Breathing trouble (asthma, bronchitis)

15 Student Evaluation Data: Goal 1: Cultural Competency

16 Student Evaluation Data: Goal 2: Determinants of Health

17 Student Evaluation Data: Goal 3: Clinical Skills

18 Student Evaluation Data: Additional Data

19 Wrap-up and Brainstorming






25 Thank you! Allison Behrle Steve Crossman 804-828-9779

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