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Risk Identification HL-LHC Detector Upgrades Project

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1 Risk Identification HL-LHC Detector Upgrades Project
Planning Workshop, 26th – 30th Sept 2016, Fermilab Lucas Taylor

2 Risk Management in a nutshell
Goal is to manage uncertainty, external events, and options (e.g. vendor/design choices) Negative risks  threats Positive risks  opportunities Process: we follow the Fermilab standardized Risk Management Procedure ( link) Analysis: characterize risks by probability and impact (technical, cost and schedule) Control risks with mitigation and response plans Contingency allocations to manage risk Cost contingency for risk is ~10% project cost Schedule contingency (float) is ~25% project duration Plan Risk Management Iterate / Communicate / Review / Improve Identify risks Analyze risks Develop risk responses Monitor and Control risks Lucas Taylor | Risk Management

3 Goal today: Perform initial risk identification
Show you how to use the web risk register Tools/Pages/Risk-Register.aspx Brainstorm main risks – what keeps you awake at night? Identify risks for each L3 area Review Risk Breakdown Structure to ensure a broad range of risk areas has been considered Tools/Lists/RBS/Risk Breakdown Structure.aspx Plan Risk Management Iterate / Communicate / Review / Improve Identify risks Analyze risks Develop risk responses Monitor and Control risks Lucas Taylor | Risk Management

4 SPARE Fermilab risk procedure applied to LBNF/DUNE for CD-1
Lucas Taylor Lucas Taylor -- Work Breakdown Structure 26-30 September 2016

5 Risk Management Process
Plan Risk Management Iterate / Communicate / Review / Improve Identify risks Analyze risks ISO ANSI DOE Fermilab Develop risk responses Fermilab has standardized Risk Management Procedure for Projects – this will constitutes the basis for the HL-LHC “Risk Management Plan” Monitor and Control risks Lucas Taylor | Risk Management

6 Iterate / Communicate / Review / Improve Develop risk responses
Risk Register Fermilab-standard tool – risk DB with web interface Multi-user, various views of data, filters, data export Manages data, risk status, approvals, risk ownership Plan Risk Management Iterate / Communicate / Review / Improve Identify risks Analyze risks Develop risk responses Monitor and Control risks Lucas Taylor | Risk Management

7 Analyze risks – Impacts and Probability
26 Risks that can impact FS-CF Plan Risk Management Iterate / Communicate / Review / Improve 1-, 2-, or 3-point estimates Identify risks Analyze risks Develop risk responses Monitor and Control risks Lucas Taylor | Risk Management

8 Rank risks by probability and impacts
Plan Risk Management Iterate / Communicate / Review / Improve Identify risks Analyze risks Develop risk responses Monitor and Control risks Lucas Taylor | Risk Management

9 FS-CF risks — Probability vs. Cost Impact
(high rank schedule risk with large burn rate cost impact) Lucas Taylor | Risk Management

10 Risk mitigations and response plans
Risk mitigations – pre-emptive actions to reduce risk probability and/or impact Mitigation activities are incorporated in the project plan along with associated costs and durations Risk response plans – actions taken only if a risk occurs, to reduce the impacts Not part of the baseline plan Costs and delays covered by risk contingency Plans are developed by SMEs and management and are summarized in the risk register Plan Risk Management Iterate / Communicate / Review / Improve Identify risks Analyze risks Develop risk responses Monitor and Control risks Lucas Taylor | Risk Management

11 Risk Monitoring and Control
Risk owners monitor their risks and bring issues to the Project Management Board (PMB) PMB serves as Risk Management Board PMB and risk owners coordinate risk responses In consultation with the PMG, IPT, FPD Follow standard Project change control process Plan Risk Management Iterate / Communicate / Review / Improve Identify risks Analyze risks Develop risk responses Monitor and Control risks Lucas Taylor | Risk Management

12 Risk Monitoring and Control
Risk owners monitor their risks and bring issues to the Project Management Board (PMB) PMB serves as Risk Management Board PMB and risk owners coordinate risk responses In consultation with the PMG, IPT, FPD Follow standard Project change control process Risk is a continual, iterative process; recently Retired two risks (NEPA approval, US-CERN neutrino protocol) Added one new risk (rock falls on cryostat) Revised cost impact analysis for escalation risks Plan Risk Management Iterate / Communicate / Review / Improve Identify risks Analyze risks Develop risk responses Monitor and Control risks Lucas Taylor | Risk Management

13 Risk Monte Carlo Modeling – Contingency Analysis
More Details (documents) Risk Register (Web tool) Full Schedule Summary Schedule DocDB Risk DB P6 DB Risk Model (Primavera Risk Analysis - PRA) Cost and schedule drivers Costs of risks and contingency Completion dates and float Lucas Taylor | Risk Management

14 Risk Monte Carlo Modeling – Contingency Analysis
Placeholder risk events are inserted into schedule with zero cost and zero duration (1) Throw dice – if risk happens, risk activity is assigned risk impacts (cost and duration) Primavera Risk Analysis (PRA) framework (2) Choose cost and schedule impacts from distributions (3) Update entire schedule to generate one complete project outcome (scenario) Repeat steps (1) – (3) 100,000 times and study the statistical behavior of many scenarios Lucas Taylor | Risk Management

15 Total cost of 26 risks that affect FS-CF
FS-CF risk cost contingency = 26.6 M$ (at 90% C.L.) (not including burn rate) 26.6 M$ Lucas Taylor | Risk Management

16 Total cost of 26 risks that affect FS-CF
High probability, low impact Broad plateau from one dominant risk CFFS-4850L-018 “CF-FS escalation rate greater than predicted” (P=50%, Impact = 0 – 25.5 M$) Low probability, high impact – “black swan” risks CFFS-4850L-001 Adverse conditions in FS underground excavations CFFS-4840L-202 Oro Hondo shaft ventilation path is blocked Lucas Taylor | Risk Management

17 FS-CF cost risk drivers
Lucas Taylor | Risk Management

18 FS-CF schedule risk – aggregation of 26 FS-CF risks
14.4 months Milestone: FS-CF – Complete the excavation of four caverns Baseline: 5 March 2021 – and before 18 May 2022, at 90% C.L Lucas Taylor | Risk Management

19 FS-CF schedule risk drivers
Remove each risk in turn, then run full MC with all other (N-1) risks to see how much FS-CF completion date is advanced Lucas Taylor | Risk Management

20 FS-CF burn rate Burn rate is the fixed cost per unit time incurred due to delays Standing army costs for Project Offices and management of: subproject, control accounts, CF design, CF construction (50%) Escalation costs of delayed expenditures – 3% on remaining work: blend of labor (2.7%/yr), M&S (1.9%/yr), and CF (3.4%/yr) FS-CF average burn rate = 6.5 M$ / year  document Delay of FS-CF due to risk < 14.4 months (at 90% C.L.)  Risk contingency due to burn rate = 7.8 M$ (at 90% C.L.) (i.e months * 6.5 M$ / year) Lucas Taylor | Risk Management

21 Summary – the numbers Risk contingency (at 90 % C.L.) FS-CF only
CHARGE QUESTION 3 Summary – the numbers Risk contingency (at 90 % C.L.) FS-CF only Entire LBNF / DUNE No. risks (High / Medium / Low) 26 127 Cost contingency from risks 26.6 M$ 61.3 M$ Cost contingency from burn rate 7.8 M$ 29.3 M$ Total risk cost contingency 34.4 M$ 90.6 M$ Risk schedule contingency 14.4 months 17.6 months Lucas Taylor | Risk Management

22 Risk mitigation and response plans with clear ownership
CHARGE QUESTION 3 Summary Project has established an effective risk management process following Fermilab, DOE and industry best practices Robust identification and analysis of risks by internal and external experts, and covering a wide range of risk areas Risk mitigation and response plans with clear ownership Risk data managed in Fermilab-standard web Risk Register MC used to model effects of risks on overall project (schedule) and determine cost and schedule contingency at 90% C.L. Risks are being effectively managed to help ensure successful, timely delivery of FS-CF CD-3a scope Lucas Taylor | Risk Management

23 Breakout talk: B01-01 “Risk Register and Management”
Thank you ! More information Breakout talk: B01-01 “Risk Register and Management” Risk Documents – from review website Lucas Taylor | Risk Management

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