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Melissa A. Holmberg, PhD University of Hawai'i Maui College 2016

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1 Melissa A. Holmberg, PhD University of Hawai'i Maui College 2016
The Use of Differentiation to Enhance Learning Outcomes for Traditional and ELL Students   Melissa A. Holmberg, PhD University of Hawai'i Maui College 2016 ©2016 Melissa Holmberg All Rights Reserved

2 Community College Students
Community college students have various learning levels, styles, and needs. What needs are unique to your community college students? English Language Learner (ELL) Adult Basic Education (ABE) Re-entry Dual-enrollment with high school Disabilities (ADA) ©2016 Melissa Holmberg All Rights Reserved

3 Differentiation Differentiation occurs when instruction is modified to support student learning needs. Ideal for supporting English Language Learners. Examples: Presentation Create a poster/brochure Make a video Write a transcript for a play Diorama ©2016 Melissa Holmberg All Rights Reserved

4 Workshop Objective Demonstrate methods to differentiate learning styles per Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence theory to modify content beyond writing an essay. The learning objectives of this workshop are to understand the importance of differentiation and how to provide options for student assessments beyond a basic essay. ©2016 Melissa Holmberg All Rights Reserved

5 Multiple Intelligences
Howard Gardner (2006) stated that individuals possess eight or more intelligences. Individuals use these intelligences to critically think, create products, and solve problems. The eight multiple intelligences are: Linguistic Logical-mathematical Spatial Musical Bodily-kinesthetic Interpersonal Intrapersonal Naturalistic ©2016 Melissa Holmberg All Rights Reserved

6 Differentiation and Multiple Intelligences
Align assignments with student learning styles. Doesn’t mean every assignment must have differentiation. Start with one assignment and create options. The developed list of options can be duplicated or even offered in a list for the student to choose. ©2016 Melissa Holmberg All Rights Reserved

7 Connection to ELL? English Language Learners (ELL) learn best with multi-sensory activities and assignments. This helps connect and highlight the concepts. College/university level instructors cannot adjust the course objective or academic level as a teacher would in K-12 but the method of assessment on an informal level (project, observation, or presentation) authentically assesses rather on a formal level (chapter test, unit exam, or pop quiz). Examples of the Multiple Intelligences support best practices in teaching. ©2016 Melissa Holmberg All Rights Reserved

8 Connection to Online and In-Person Modalities?
You can use any of the activities in an online or in-person modality. How you use some activities will depend on your Learning Management System (LMS). For example, a live presentation would require a microphone and camera (ex- WebEx). A presentation would still work but a recording of it and ability to upload the recording would need to align with the school’s LMS. Technology and method of meeting online (asynchronous- not the same time or synchronous- same time ) would be variables to determine which activities are appropriate or require modification. ©2016 Melissa Holmberg All Rights Reserved

9 Adapting Assignments Assignment: Write a 500 word essay to describe the types and functions of nonverbal communication cues. How can you differentiate this assignment to align with multiple intelligences and work well for online and in-person learning platforms? ©2016 Melissa Holmberg All Rights Reserved

10 Linguistic Assignment: Write a 500 word essay to describe the types and functions of nonverbal communication cues. Linguistic- Students learn best through reading, writing, and listening/speaking. Linguistic differentiation: Magazine advertisement Board game Friendly letter Poster ©2016 Melissa Holmberg All Rights Reserved

11 Logical-Mathematical
Assignment: Write a 500 word essay to describe the types and functions of nonverbal communication cues. Logical-mathematical- Students learn best with numbers and problem solving. Logical-mathematical differentiation: Diorama Cause and Effect poster/presentation Persuasive letter or speech Cartoon ©2016 Melissa Holmberg All Rights Reserved

12 Spatial Assignment: Write a 500 word essay to describe the types and functions of nonverbal communication cues. Spatial- Students learn best by using visual aids by drawing, illustration, photographs, etc. Spatial differentiation: Comic strip Board game Wanted poster Clay (anything with art supplies) ©2016 Melissa Holmberg All Rights Reserved

13 Musical Assignment: Write a 500 word essay to describe the types and functions of nonverbal communication cues. Musical- Students learn through songs, instruments, or any form of musical expression. Musical differentiation: Song Rap Cheer Use karaoke song and make new lyrics ©2016 Melissa Holmberg All Rights Reserved

14 Bodily-Kinesthetic Assignment: Write a 500 word essay to describe the types and functions of nonverbal communication cues. Bodily-kinesthetic- Students learn best through hands-on activities and are generally coordinated with good motor skills. Bodily-kinesthetic differentiation: Skit (sing, horror, comedy, etc.) Monologue Puppet show Talk show ©2016 Melissa Holmberg All Rights Reserved

15 Interpersonal Assignment: Write a 500 word essay to describe the types and functions of nonverbal communication cues. Interpersonal- Students learn best working in groups and interacting with others. Interpersonal differentiation: Magazine advertisement Diary entry Children’s storybook Talk show ©2016 Melissa Holmberg All Rights Reserved

16 Intrapersonal Assignment: Write a 500 word essay to describe the types and functions of nonverbal communication cues. Intrapersonal- Students learn through reflection with their values, beliefs, and feelings. Intrapersonal differentiation: Diary (personal or character) Persuasive letter Wanted poster Video ©2016 Melissa Holmberg All Rights Reserved

17 Naturalistic Assignment: Write a 500 word essay to describe the types and functions of nonverbal communication cues. Naturalistic- Students learn through patterns, field trips, and classification. Naturalistic differentiation: Create a field trip (real or make believe) Diorama Charts/tables Graphic organizers ©2016 Melissa Holmberg All Rights Reserved

18 Reference Gardner, H. (2006). Multiple intelligences, new horizons. Basic Books. ©2016 Melissa Holmberg All Rights Reserved

19 Questions? ©2013 Melissa Holmberg All Rights Reserved

20 Activity Think of assignment you use in a class.
Complete chart individually or in small groups. I am available to help and look forward to your ideas! ©2013 Melissa Holmberg All Rights Reserved

21 Thank you! ©2013 Melissa Holmberg All Rights Reserved

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