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Daily Writing List as many technological, scientific, and medical advances we have made over the last 30 years as you can. With a partner, compare your.

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Presentation on theme: "Daily Writing List as many technological, scientific, and medical advances we have made over the last 30 years as you can. With a partner, compare your."— Presentation transcript:

1 Daily Writing List as many technological, scientific, and medical advances we have made over the last 30 years as you can. With a partner, compare your lists of technological, scientific, and medical advances we have made over the last 30 years. After you have finished, create a T- Chart listing the Pros and Cons of such advances. Try to list at least 5 things in favor and 5 thing against.

2 Brave New World

3 HUXLEY, ALDOUS ( ) Aldous Huxley was born on July 26, 1894 in Godalming, England to a well-educated, prominent family. He went to a preparatory school for his basic education, and then later earned his degree from Balliol College in Oxford. At a young age he contracted an eye disease which left his vision severely impaired. This, according to Huxley himself, was the single most important event in his life. It intensified his appreciation of knowledge and gave him the desire to "see" the world by acquiring as much information about it as possible. In 1921 Mr. Huxley's first novel, Chrome Yellow, was published, and his literary career was launched. Known equally as well for his essays as for his novels, Mr. Huxley was a prolific writer. He was published in a wide variety of publications, and wrote on a wide variety of topics. Four of Mr. Huxley's most well-known novels are Point Counter Point (1928), Brave New World (1932), Eyeless in Gaza (1936), and After Many a Summer Dies the Swan (1939).


5 Daily Writing – One Paragraph
Rate the following 1-7….#1 being the most important to possess. Happiness Wealth Material possessions Beauty Truth Pleasure Knowledge ***Given what is listed, which of the above items would alienate you from society the most if you did NOT possess it? Explain your answer.


7 Daily Writing – One Paragraph: AT LEAST 3-5 sentences
Are there any real benefits from using so-called “recreational” drugs? What are the benefits/drawbacks?




11 Daily Writing – One Paragraph: AT LEAST 3-5 sentences
As a culture-how do we view drug use? What do you think the future holds for our society and drug use?


13 Daily Writing – One Paragraph: AT LEAST 3-5 sentences
How does our culture/society view sexuality? Are we too open about sex? Why or why not? What support do you have for your beliefs?


15 Daily Writing – One Paragraph: AT LEAST 3-5 sentences
What role does religion play in our modern society? Is it beneficial or does it hinder people in fulfilling their full potential? Explain.


17 Daily Writing – One Paragraph: AT LEAST 3-5 sentences
What are your thoughts of the notion of “eco-tourism” (i.e., people from affluent societies visiting remote or third-world countries in order to experience something “authentic” or “exotic”)? How do you think it affects the tourists and/or the indigenous inhabitants of these places? Explain.

18 A community center in Papua New Guinea


1. Who is the D.H.C.? 2. What is Bokanovsky's Process? 3. Explain why Bokanovsky's Process is one of the major instruments of social stability. 4. What is the point of conditioning? 5. Why are the babies being conditioned to hate books and flowers? 6. How is the conditioning reinforced? 7. What is the name of the deity in this world? 8. Why is "mother" such an obscene word? 9. How is Bernard Marx different from his associates? 10. Why does Lenina want to go out with Bernard? 11. What is soma?

21 How is life different on the Reservation compared to the “civilized” world Bernard and Lenina come from? Describe Linda’s culture shock while learning to live with the “savages.”


1. How are Bernard and Helmholtz alike? 2. What is a Solidarity Service? 3. Why is Bernard unable to feel the oneness with his group? 4. How does Bernard want to spend his dates with Lenina? 5. Why does the Director threaten to send Bernard to Iceland?

24 Complete this characterization sheet for both Bernard and Lenina:

25 Bernard

26 Lenina

27 Daily Writing – One Paragraph: AT LEAST 3-5 sentences
How does our society’s view of marriage and family influence our concept of “the individual”? Is there pressure to conform? What about people who do not fit in?


29 Please take out a sheet of paper and do the following:
Discuss the following themes thus far in Brave New World: alienation vs. acceptance, knowledge vs. ignorance, freedom vs. control. Write a minimum of one paragraph for each theme (8-10 sentences). Each paragraph must contain quoted textual evidence to support your ideas, along with 3-5 sentences explaining the relevance of that evidence.


31 Daily Writing Which do you prefer: to stand out from the crowd or to be a part of the crowd? Does it depend on the situation? If so, what are the stipulations?



1. How are Linda and John different from the other savages? 2. Why is Lenina disgusted by Linda? 3. Why do the women whip Linda? 4. What things does Mitsima teach John? 5. What book does Pope bring for John? 6. Why do Bernard and John both feel alone? 7. To whom does John liken Lenina?


36 Daily Writing What defines culture? Country? Ethnicity? Social Group?
Family? Something else?



39 Daily Writing What experiences have you had with other cultures? A different country? A different social group? A different ethnic group? Write about an experience you have had with a different cultural group.


41 Daily Writing Consider inter-racial relationships. What are your viewpoints? What viewpoints do you think that society should have? What viewpoints do you think society actually has?

42 Daily Writing – One Paragraph: AT LEAST 3-5 sentences
If you could determine the intelligence of your child…would you? Would you trade the intellect of your child for beauty? Why or why not? If everyone could decide on their children’s future, how would that shape our world? What potential problems can you foresee with this type of “power”?



45 Daily Writing Consider the topic of popularity. Have you ever experienced being popular? Have you ever experienced being unpopular? Have you ever experienced the shift between being popular and unpopular? Write about the experience of popularity.

46 STUDY GUIDE QUESTIONS - Chapters 10-13
1. How does Bernard humiliate the Director? 2. Why is everyone interested in John but not Linda? 3. How does Linda spend her time? 4. Why does John throw up? 5. What other "civilized" customs disgust John? 6. Why does John refuse to come to the party? 7. How does John's refusal affect Bernard? 8. How does Bernard react to his downfall?

47 Daily Writing Have you ever stood up to peer pressure? Have you ever given in to peer pressure? Did you regret it? Do you feel that doing what the rest of the group is doing is always right? Write about your experiences.

48 STUDY GUIDE QUESTIONS - Chapters 14-15
1. Why are children given treats when they visit the Hospital for the Dying? 2. Why is John's reaction to his mother's death inappropriate? 3. Why does John attempt to stop the soma distribution?

49 STUDY GUIDE QUESTIONS - Chapters 16-18
1. What happens to Bernard and Helmholtz? 2. Why does the Controller say they should be happy to be banished? 3. Why are Shakespeare and scientific research banned? 4. What does John mean when he says, "I claim them all"? 5. Why does John drink mustard water? 6. Why does John torture himself? 7. To what end does John come?

50 Daily Writing Consider different religions and belief systems. Do you believe that people from two different belief systems can have a successful relationship? What are your viewpoints?

51 Daily Writing – One Paragraph: AT LEAST 3-5 sentences
What warnings does Brave New World give for the future? Have any of these warnings come true in our current world?


53 Brave New World – Society Analysis Utopia vs Dystopia
List the technological advances found in BNW. How many of them have come true? How many could come true in the near future? List any negative aspects of the civilized world in Brave New World. Have any of these warnings come true in our current world? How many could come true in the near future? Create a T- Chart listing the Pros and Cons of the future presented in Brave New World. (List at least 5 things in favor and 5 thing against.)

54 Group Activity Divide class into 10 groups -- one group for each of the following topics: Science Religion Government Conditioning Soma Genetic Engineering Pain/emotion vs. Happiness/escape Social Stability Poetry (Shakespearean drama) Irony and satire Find specific references to these topics in the text. Strategy: split up the work by assigning X number of chapters to each group member. Formulate a group statement that summarizes with how this topic is handled in Brave New World. Use specific references. Appoint one spokesperson to report the group's findings.

55 Group Activity Divide into pairs.
Make up a unit test for Brave New World. The test should have 5 sections: Matching: 5 questions Multiple choice: 5 questions True/false: 5 questions Short answer: 5 questions Essay: one question Include the answers to your questions. For short answer and essay questions, write down what points of information that acceptable answers would include. Hand in at the end of the period.

56 Pictures of the future u·to·pi·a n.
1. a. often Utopia An ideally perfect place, especially in its social, political, and moral aspects. b. A work of fiction describing a utopia. 2. An impractical, idealistic scheme for social and political reform. dys·to·pi·a  (ds-tp-) n. 1. An imaginary place or state in which the condition of life is extremely bad, as from deprivation, oppression, or terror. 2. A work describing such a place or state: "dystopias such as Brave New World" (Times Literary Supplement).

57 Daily Work So-what did you decide? Is BNW a portrait of a utopian or dystopian society? State your answer and make your case.

58 Today Take Unit Test Make-up Ch.14-15 quiz if you need to.
Work on your essay. What warnings does BNW give for the future? Have any of these warnings come true in our current world? State your case and then defend it. Argue and persuade that you are right. What part of the book supports your idea? Where do you think you might find data to support your claim? Post to by 11:59pm Monday, April 23rd .

59 Daily Writing What is the working thesis of your essay? What argument are you trying to make?

60 BNW-Persuasive Essay What warnings does BNW give for the future? Have any of these warnings come true in our current world? State your case and then defend it. Argue and persuade that you are right. Use and cite 3 different sources (not including the book). Typed, MLA format (internal citation). 750-1,000 words (avg. per page is normally words) Include at least one visual aid to organize and record information, such as charts, data tables, maps, and graphs, as appropriate Post to by 11:59pm Wednesday, February 27.

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