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ITER-CERN Workshop CERN approach to the large-scale installation of Fibre Optics & Cabling 17 Jan 2017 Daniel RICCI On behalf of the Electrical Engineering.

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Presentation on theme: "ITER-CERN Workshop CERN approach to the large-scale installation of Fibre Optics & Cabling 17 Jan 2017 Daniel RICCI On behalf of the Electrical Engineering."— Presentation transcript:

1 ITER-CERN Workshop CERN approach to the large-scale installation of Fibre Optics & Cabling 17 Jan 2017 Daniel RICCI On behalf of the Electrical Engineering Group (EN-EL) at CERN

2 CERN-ITER Workshop – Daniel RICCI (CERN)
Introduction Fibre Optics and Cabling is a Section part of Electrical Engineering Group (EN-EL) Engineering Department (EN) EN-EL From 400kV to 400/230V ~ 105 people (75 staff/fell associates) FC: ~ 28 people (18 staff/fell associates) 17 Jan 2017 CERN-ITER Workshop – Daniel RICCI (CERN)

3 Introduction: EN-EL domain of activity
CERN accelerator complex + Experiments + Data centres 17 Jan 2017 CERN-ITER Workshop – Daniel RICCI (CERN)

4 Cabling = Fibre Optics & Copper Cables (Ctrl & DC)
Definitions Cabling = Fibre Optics & Copper Cables (Ctrl & DC) For all CERN accelerators, experiments and general infrastructure User: a CERN person or a group requesting cabling or optical fibre connection Not a client! 17 Jan 2017 CERN-ITER Workshop – Daniel RICCI (CERN)

5 CERN-ITER Workshop – Daniel RICCI (CERN)
Type of activity (1/2) Engineering Support to the CERN users Specification of cable cross-sections, optical fibres and connectors In collaboration with the users Responsible for two large infrastructures Optical Fibres ( km of fibres) Ctrl Cable Trays (350 km) Procurement and standardisation of cables, fibres, connectors and racks For all EN-EL (including power distr.) Average investment: 3.5 MCHF/year Managing cable park: ~4200 drums for LS1 Monitoring aging and steering cable/fibre replacement campaigns ~ km cables in radiation areas ~1MCHF/machine point The picture shows the complexity of the network with thick optical links crossing over the local region (Pays de Gex). The network is multi-users, which is much more complicated to manage than point-to-point. The big circle represent LHC. The nodes represent the main star points (fibre distribution points) on the CERN site. Procurement and installation of standard racks (e.g for LHC) 12000 cables (rounded value) in radiation areas = copper km optical cables 17 Jan 2017 CERN-ITER Workshop – Daniel RICCI (CERN)

6 Type of activity (2/2) Project Management for Cabling Installations
Users’ requests Find solutions with design offices ~200 Management of contracts and contractors Schedule installations with technical coordination Link FC Cabling has an active role as a link among the main actors of a project. Those are: the users (issuing cabling requests). We have about 200 with whom we are in regular contact. the large procurement and installation contracts (for which cabling ensures the thorough follow up: from the specification to the final installation) The integration office and the machine technical coordination (with whom cabling participates in the design and planning of the installation) All what concerns the financial and budgetary aspects CF is part of CERN. We are simply a support group centralising certain aspect of the job, namely the interaction with the contractors. In this respect, CERN users are not clients but colleague with whom we work together. In this dynamics, cabling act literally like a glue. This means however that we are subject to a constant pressure in all the phases. Adapt procedures with safety coord. and RP Users’ budget and financial aspects Very large volumes  strong impact on machines 17 Jan 2017 CERN-ITER Workshop – Daniel RICCI (CERN)

7 CERN-ITER Workshop – Daniel RICCI (CERN)
Outline Compilation and check of needs Definition of cabling campaigns, overall coordination QA of cable pulling and assembly of connectors 17 Jan 2017 CERN-ITER Workshop – Daniel RICCI (CERN)

8 CERN-ITER Workshop – Daniel RICCI (CERN)
Outline Compilation and check of needs Definition of cabling campaigns, overall coordination QA of cable pulling and assembly of connectors 17 Jan 2017 CERN-ITER Workshop – Daniel RICCI (CERN)

9 Collection and treatment of the User requests
Set up of standardised request forms: “Demande d’Installation” of Fibres (DIF), Cables (DIC), Racks (DIR),... Requests have a unique identifier and are traced all along the process Forms are conceived to be easily uploaded in the cabling database In case of modification/update, the forms are exchanged with the users following a “versioning” process Future evolution: web page, ticketing system 17 Jan 2017 CERN-ITER Workshop – Daniel RICCI (CERN)

10 Iterative process with the Users
System specification/design Single user specifies his system/cables EN-EL participates in: The definition of the optical fibre and connector types The correction of the (copper) cable cross-sections according to the installation constraints EN-EL brings overall view of installations with respect to multiple users Definition and deployment of cable ladders and racks Optimisation of the lengths of the cables Overall cable laying/routing Standardisation of components Integration meetings are organised and centrally coordinated at CERN Validations of layouts Engineering Change Requests (ECRs) 17 Jan 2017 CERN-ITER Workshop – Daniel RICCI (CERN)

11 Iterative process with the Users
Planning and machine coordination Coordination meetings centrally managed at CERN OBJECTIVE for FC: anticipate as much as possible the user requests ~1 year before the installation: deadlines for collection are set, monitored, and followed up in coordination meetings Late requests are piled up and treated only if time/resources available Draft of local planning for detailed FC follow up and monitoring 17 Jan 2017 CERN-ITER Workshop – Daniel RICCI (CERN)

12 Procurement of cables/connectors (1/2)
EN-EL set up a specific unit for procurement and logistics of material Standard cables/connectors are centrally bought by CERN store and internally transferred to a cable park Special cables bought directly by EN-EL (~10% of the total) Cable park is a storage area from which cables/connectors are dispatched to the various worksites Logistics managed through “GESMAR” software 17 Jan 2017 CERN-ITER Workshop – Daniel RICCI (CERN)

13 Procurement of cables/connectors (2/2)
Procurement unit works like an internal support for the project managers: DAM 17 Jan 2017 CERN-ITER Workshop – Daniel RICCI (CERN)

14 CERN-ITER Workshop – Daniel RICCI (CERN)
Outline Compilation and check of needs Definition of cabling campaigns, overall coordination QA of cable pulling and assembly of connectors 17 Jan 2017 CERN-ITER Workshop – Daniel RICCI (CERN)

15 Work by geographical campaigns
Optimise work organisation and resource distribution PROJ 1 Various works for TE/ABT PROJ 2 LIU (top priorities) PROJ n Various works for BE/BI We de-compose and re-compose the users’ requests in a way to fit the maximum of works in the same geographical area. 2000 block on the left were compacted to 218 on the right. The campaigns are then planned and scheduled through multiple interactions with the machine technical coordination. This organisation also allows optimizing the cost, when the contracts foreseen advantageous discounts for regrouping the activities (discounts “par lot”). Cost optimisation: profits from contractual discounts for large volumes ~2000 cabling requests for LS1  218 campaigns 17 Jan 2017 CERN-ITER Workshop – Daniel RICCI (CERN)

16 Work preparation Execution LS1 PreparationLS2 Execution LS2 t
Execution LS1 PreparationLS2 Execution LS2 Technical stops t Preparation: a continuous process spanning up to 70% of the total time 17 Jan 2017 CERN-ITER Workshop – Daniel RICCI (CERN)

17 CERN-ITER Workshop – Daniel RICCI (CERN)
Forecasting Estimation of volumes and resources with increasing accuracy Tools developed “PLAN” by Technical Coordination (EN-MEF) Project Database & Resource Estimation Tool by Cabling Used by LS1 management for project arbitration Forecasting was an absolute necessity during this period. In green the workload estimation expressed in number of staff needed. In purple is the staff that was necessary during LS1 to accomplish the job. 2013 2014 Volume/Staff-number law 17 Jan 2017 CERN-ITER Workshop – Daniel RICCI (CERN)

18 Monitoring of the activities
Development of a progress monitoring tool Helps Proj. Managers + Contractors to organize present work and to plan future tasks Warn timely on activity delay or anticipation Inform CERN management on detailed project status 98% completion A similar tool was implemented for dose monitoring 17 Jan 2017 CERN-ITER Workshop – Daniel RICCI (CERN)

19 CERN-ITER Workshop – Daniel RICCI (CERN)
Work Organization (1/3) Principle for requests processing Grouping of cabling activities in the same area during the same period brings advantages to CERN (preparation, planning, supervision, reception and price reduction) REQUEST GROUPING SMALL REQUESTS 1 Job 1 Job 1 Job 1 Job 1 Worksite Cabling Campaign 1 Worksite 17 Jan 2017 CERN-ITER Workshop – Daniel RICCI (CERN)

20 CERN-ITER Workshop – Daniel RICCI (CERN)
Work Organization (2/3) Work Phases QAP (quality assurance plan) USERS EN-EL-FC CONTRACTOR 1. Preparation 2. Execution 3. Reception 4. Completion Requests Studies and administrative documents Job recording Warning Notes and Schedule follow up Worksite supervision and administrative follow up Work Execution Reception Sheets Control and reception of works Re-works (if needed) Acceptance Control and documentation Invoicing 17 Jan 2017 CERN-ITER Workshop – Daniel RICCI (CERN)

21 CERN-ITER Workshop – Daniel RICCI (CERN)
Work Organization (3/3) Cable campaigns generally take place when general services, cable ladders and piping are installed. The user equipment is not yet in place except the racks. Tunnel Linac4 – end of the cable campaigns Pulling of RF cables in the Linac4 Hall The late cable requests will be processed after the installation of the user equipment. 17 Jan 2017 CERN-ITER Workshop – Daniel RICCI (CERN)

22 CERN-ITER Workshop – Daniel RICCI (CERN)
Outline Compilation and check of needs Definition of cabling campaigns, overall coordination QA of cable pulling and assembly of connectors 17 Jan 2017 CERN-ITER Workshop – Daniel RICCI (CERN)

23 Quality Assurance/Control on supplies
Detailed in backup slides 17 Jan 2017 CERN-ITER Workshop – Daniel RICCI (CERN)

24 Training classes and examination
Training classes on connector assembly organized by the contractor Exams for skill certification organized by CERN Because skill is a contract requirement … but quality is a CERN obligation w.r.t. users Practical tests organized at CERN with CERN assessors 1st exam results Exam class Simulation of cable pulling for RP area organized by the contractor In safe area and in similar conditions Optimized procedures (i.e. time) per cable type Simulation Real environment 17 Jan 2017 CERN-ITER Workshop – Daniel RICCI (CERN)

25 CERN-ITER Workshop – Daniel RICCI (CERN)
Pilot projects Two large pilot projects were organized before LS1 to make the new contractors practicing with installations and specific CERN environment PS-PSS (~ 3 MCHF) ̴ 160 km copper cables ( ̴ 600 cables) ̴ 456 km optical fibres ( ̴ 400 connectors) ̴ 2 km new cable trays 2) LINAC4 (~ 1.4 MCHF) ̴ 85 km copper cables ( ̴ 2200 cables) ̴ 80 km optical fibres ( ̴ 1000 connectors) ̴ 1 km new cable trays 17 Jan 2017 CERN-ITER Workshop – Daniel RICCI (CERN)

26 CERN-ITER Workshop – Daniel RICCI (CERN)
Work supervision Project Manager Respect of safety Preparation before the work execution Work Supervisor Work progression of the contractor Work reception Implementation of the modifications Respect of the work proceedures Control of the quantities installed 17 Jan 2017 CERN-ITER Workshop – Daniel RICCI (CERN)

27 Contractor Performance (1/2)
EXAMPLE Reception Sheet Analysis for Copper Cabling Type of non-conformities S1: Minor non-conformities S2: Impact on machine running S3: Impact on running & safety 181 non-conformities in total (3.6% of total installed components) Very acceptable 43% non-conformities S2 and S3 happened during connector fitting and test NOTE: These analysis doesn’t take into consideration the non-conformities addressed by CERN during the work supervision. 17 Jan 2017 CERN-ITER Workshop – Daniel RICCI (CERN)

28 Contractor Performance (2/2)
Non-conformities examples LHC Underground Consolidation in ARC34: Microduct Cable kink CCC Surface links in 874: Microduct wrong colour and size R2E P5: Wrong earth connection R2E P7: Connector not conform, pin position incorrect S3 TYPE S2 TYPE S3 TYPE S2 TYPE 1) 2) 3) 4) 17 Jan 2017 CERN-ITER Workshop – Daniel RICCI (CERN)

29 Safety has absolute priority at CERN reponsible for the safety
Technical activities do not start/continue if safety conditions are not respected Respect of the CERN equipment present in the area. Ensures working in a safe environment The Project Manager is reponsible for the safety of his actitity. Chooses/adapts the technical solutions taking into account the safety constraints Takes all measures to enforce safety rules during construction. The roles are codified by specific safety-instructions (eg.: GSI-WS-1) 17 Jan 2017 CERN-ITER Workshop – Daniel RICCI (CERN)

30 Anticipation is the key
Conclusions Invest massive efforts in the preparation Anticipate qualification and procurement of material Anticipate users’ needs and installations Consolidate the working method Review work procedures Work by geographical campaigns Boost the contracts Increase number of contractors Promote training and organize tests Assure and Control the Quality Development of progress monitoring tools Increase the work supervision on-site Anticipation is the key 17 Jan 2017 CERN-ITER Workshop – Daniel RICCI (CERN)

31 Thank you

32 Standard implementation of a project Principle
Study of the users’ needs, power database and DC layout Estimated quantity of cables per system (DIC provisional) Supply of equipment Layouts Infrastructure Cabling Calculation of quantities Rack list per user Size of the cable ladders Civil Engeneering passages Cable Installation Requests (DIC) Study phase Financial estimation 3D Implantation layout of racks and Functional Positions 3D Integration of cable ladders Definition of the installation sequences X- 9 months Purchase of cable rack, connector Cable organization on cables ladders Sharing the cabling activity in campaign X- 6 months Cables requests treatment Preparation phase Delivary of material Preparation of the technical instructions X Installation Cable ladder installation Rack installation Installation phase t Cabling in cable campaigns 17 Jan 2017 CERN-ITER Workshop – Daniel RICCI (CERN)

33 The preparation: areas of intervention
Workforce Section team Structure, Training Contractors New/additional contracts Technical Project studies & supply of material Work anticipation during technical stops Adaptation of the working method Cable campaigns, shifts Planning Forecasting, Scheduling, Monitoring For both works and resources Working with external subjects Users, Management Machine coordination, Integration Safety and Radio Protection Very broad spectrum The following focuses on: Procurement of material Cabling campaigns Workload & planning Monitoring The preparation is a continuous process which intervened both at the beginning and during the LS1. This talk focuses of the overall preparation. More specific preparations (contract, execution, ALARA, etc.) are included in the next talks. 17 Jan 2017 CERN-ITER Workshop – Daniel RICCI (CERN)

34 Procurement of material
Anticipate qualification and supply Early processing of user needs, deadline: Jun 2012  orders placed All cables and connectors specified: Oct 2012  last orders finalised Certain types of cables/fibres require up to 6 months to be procured 18+ months for water-cooled cables and special fibres Example: qualification of Radiation Resistant Optical Fibres 2 years qualification ( ) Over 20 irradiation tests 1-year production ( ) 65 quality assurance tests 1 MCHF procurement contract 2400 km 900km installed during LS1 in LHC-SPS Concerning the procurement of material we aimed at anticipating the qualification and the supply by early processing the users needs. In June 2012 all orders could be placed and finalised in October 2012. An example of long-term qualification relates to the procurement of special radiation resistant optical fibres. 17 Jan 2017 CERN-ITER Workshop – Daniel RICCI (CERN)

35 Contractors’ load curve
Workload & Planning Anticipate contractor workload and optimize planning time-slots Optimal shaping of workload curves w.r.t. co-activity constraints Negotiation of work time-slots with machine coordinators Contractors’ load curve Planning « agility » Prepare to “jump-in”: increase parallelism when time-slots open in the planning Push back campaigns in radiation areas to benefit of decay (reduce people turnover) Mini-campaigns in LHC to fit short planning time-slots after the passage of other major projects The red curve represent the “resource loaded” planning with respect to the March forecast. Jump-in was prepared by organising “buffer activities” (activitées tampon). Mini-campaigns were prepared by organising “extra activities” with respect to what original approved. This is an example of how the favourable boundary condition helped to do +10% of works (which have of course to be well prepared in advance by CF!). Curves do not include contractors’ supervision and coordination staff 17 Jan 2017 CERN-ITER Workshop – Daniel RICCI (CERN)

36 The organisation: staffing
BE5 TE3 EN1 IT1 Staff IC Staff LD Fellows VIAs COAS PJAS EN-EL21 Industrial support contracts 4 2x Vital requirement: 10 people with sufficient knowledge of the machines ref. EDMS: Thanks! FC section doubled in just 1 year + high turnover (45% departure/arrival rate in ) Challenging technical training and transfer know-how Management/supervision became critical (esp. second level coordination) The block diagram shows how the section staff was composed: EL provided the big chunk with people hired through a full variety of contracts The leftover was complemented with resources provided through the industrial support contracts A special mention is for the other groups in various departments who granted a vital requirement Turnover: we had to replace one person each two during to cover the same function. The worry is that we have a similar turnover also after LS1 (the total people in the section is lower but their contracts are still too unstable)  we are loosing about half the knowledge and experience acquired in LS1 17 Jan 2017 CERN-ITER Workshop – Daniel RICCI (CERN)

37 CERN-ITER Workshop – Daniel RICCI (CERN)
Contractors Technical dossiers PAQ procedures Tests on prototype installations and pilot projects Weekly follow up meetings 17 Jan 2017 CERN-ITER Workshop – Daniel RICCI (CERN)

38 Definition of the training
Simulations in like-real environment Training on CERN specific connectors Test classes Training Addressing for external training Steering training activities and actions from contractors 17 Jan 2017 CERN-ITER Workshop – Daniel RICCI (CERN)

39 CERN-ITER Workshop – Daniel RICCI (CERN)
Quality Assurance Test on procurement (fibre optics) Field tests Follow up of non conformities 17 Jan 2017 CERN-ITER Workshop – Daniel RICCI (CERN)

40 Quality assurance on supplies
Process intended to ensure that supplies are complying with CERN requirements The quality of the products installed decisively influence the cabling installation performance QA developed for CF supplies Enhanced in case of need Based on risk analysis Fully monitored FC suppliers One frame contractor Optical Fibres Copper Cabling CERN store Two radiation resistance fibre suppliers Two Water cooled cables suppliers External suppliers 17 Jan 2017 CERN-ITER Workshop – Daniel RICCI (CERN)

41 QC on optical fibre supplies
Quality control process highly developed for the optical fibre supplies: Big variety of products (~2700 different products in the contract) constantly evolving Complex technology products CF section responsible of the quality of products delivered to CERN 17 Jan 2017 CERN-ITER Workshop – Daniel RICCI (CERN)

42 QA on fibre supplies: working method
“Feedback loop“ to factory. CERN-ITER Workshop – Daniel RICCI (CERN) 17 Jan 2017

43 CERN-ITER Workshop – Daniel RICCI (CERN)
QC activities Tests in the laboratory with special test equipment microscopes, interferometers, insertion loss/return loss meters, OTDR Inspections in the field Inspections at supplier’s premises stock, factory 17 Jan 2017 CERN-ITER Workshop – Daniel RICCI (CERN)

44 QA on copper cabling supplies
90% of the products supplied by the CERN store CERN store acting as interface between CERN and suppliers Definition of new technical specifications for cable procurement (RIACWG) Close collaboration with CERN store to implement them Quality control performed in the field Enhanced with 1 dedicated Support Function + all work supervisors Visual and electrical inspections after connector fitting Product quality and installation quality validated at the same time Monitoring the cable aging Keep checking the product quality over the years Planning in advance replacement campaigns 17 Jan 2017 CERN-ITER Workshop – Daniel RICCI (CERN)

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