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Indirect Objects & Indirect Object Pronouns; dar and decir

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1 Indirect Objects & Indirect Object Pronouns; dar and decir
Español 2 Sra. Godsey Midfield High School

2 Indirect Objects The indirect object is the person who receives the direct object or the person who benefits from the action of the verb. Use the preposition “a” before an indirect object. Ejemplo: El peluquero le cortó el pelo a la señora. (The hairdresser cut the woman’s hair.)

3 Indirect Object Pronoun
The indirect object pronoun stands for an indirect object noun. It can take the place of the indirect object noun or be used together with it. Ejemplos: Un banquero le prestó dinero a Juan. (A banker lent him money.) 2. Un banquero le prestó dinero.

4 Indirect object pronouns follow the same placement rules as reflexive and direct object pronouns.
Subject Indirect object pronouns Meaning Yo Me Te You Él, ella, usted Le Him, her, you Nosotros(as) Nos us Vosotros(as) Os *used in Spain Ellos, ellas, ustedes Les Them, you (plural)

5 Indirect objects are often used with verb for giving or telling something to someone (such as with verbs “dar” and “decir”

6 Dar and Decir Dar (to give) and decir (to say/tell) are often used for giving or telling something to someone. Subject Dar Decir Yo Doy Digo Das Dices Él, ella, usted Da Dice Nosotros/as Damos Dicimos Vosotros/as Dais Decís Ellos, ellas, ustedes Dan dicen

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