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Azure Everywhere FY18 PIE Program Deck.

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1 Azure Everywhere FY18 PIE Program Deck

2 Additional Requirements
6/3/2018 2:21 AM Azure Everywhere Qualified Partners: All US Managed and Unmanaged Partners License Types Opportunity Sales Stage Workloads Funding Limits Eligible Customers Customer Cap Additional Requirements All Azure Everywhere is a set of workshops designed to get customers up and running with their first workload of Azure, or additional net new workloads. This program is open to all US Customers where the anticipated monthly consumption is at least $1k per month in the workload that the workshop is delivered to. This program can be used for IaaS workloads, advanced Azure workloads, EM+S, or SQL. > 20% Microsoft Azure (all workloads), EM+S SQL $1500 for $1k per month anticipated Azure consumption, -OR- $3,000 for $2k per month anticipated Azure consumption All customer types Limit to 1 Azure workshop/ assessment & 1 SQL on-premise proof of concept per customer This is a good opportunity to build a consumption or deployment plan with your customer, the sample plan can be found here. (Not required for POE) Need help? Contact © 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

3 POE Requirements 1 2 3 4 POE must either:
6/3/2018 2:21 AM POE Requirements 1 POE must either: Include a copy of the POE template with a physical customer signature and meet one of the following conditions: Be printed on customer company letterhead Include an from the customer’s domain with the customer’s full name and address in the footer Include a copy of the POE template that has been signed by the customer using DocuSign along with all DocuSign audit details POE must include the below details: I’m writing to confirm that <INSERT PARTNER NAME> has delivered a 4 day on-site workshop around (provide the specific workload). In addition, <INSERT PARTNER NAME> has delivered the following services (provide one of the below) List out services that the partner has provided to you OR Attach the section of the SOW that details the services (please initial next to the services delivered) Note that the entire SOW does not need to be attached OR Attach a copy of the PO that details the services (please initial next to the services delivered). I confirm that the project started on <DATE> and completed <DATE> 2 3 POE must include the below filled in chart: 4 Subscription ID is required for this program unless target workload is SQL on-premise © 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

4 FY18 POE Submission Reminders
6/3/2018 2:21 AM FY18 POE Submission Reminders Category Reminder Details All POE submitted for this program must either: Include a copy of the POE template with a physical customer signature and meet one of the following conditions: Be printed on customer company letterhead Include an from the customer’s domain with the customer’s full name and address in the footer — OR — Include a copy of the POE template that has been signed by the customer using DocuSign along with all DocuSign audit details All POE submitted for this program must include the following elements: Completed POE template that meets the collection criteria above Description of services provided as part of the engagement Customer subscription ID The subscription ID must be entered in the PIE portal when submitting POE Enter SQL in the subscription ID field if you are working with a SQL on-premise workload All POE for this program must be submitted according to the following timeline: Work must be completed within 60 days of your specified activity start date POE submission and invoicing must be complete within 10 days of when work is finished POE Collection POE Contents POE Timing © 2014 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.


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