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Internet Safety.

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Presentation on theme: "Internet Safety."— Presentation transcript:

1 Internet Safety

2 A reminder! Respect our school computers and treat them gently
Would you want other people to destroy your favorite things?

3 Websites
Remember - a website is a collection of pages that live on the Internet Websites can be helpful Some websites can be harmful

4 Rules for Using the Internet
If you get into a website that is not appropriate, press the BACK button immediately Inform an adult This is a serious matter - do not share it with your neighbor Remember -- all sites are recorded

5 Never give out personal information to other Internet users
Name Address Phone number address STOP!!! Never give out personal information to other Internet users

6 Never give out personal information to other Internet users
The name of your school Where your parents work Your passwords Photos of you STOP!!! Never give out personal information to other Internet users

7 The Use of Good Manners on the Internet
Netiquette The Use of Good Manners on the Internet

8 While you are on the Internet……
Never do anything harmful to others on the Internet. Never do anything illegal. Never download any information. without adult permission. REMEMBER!!! Follow copyright laws. Always use Netiquette Rules.

9 Help you surf the Internet safely.
Netiquette Rules Help you surf the Internet safely.

10 Use Emoticons and Abbreviations
:-) ;-) 8-) :-( :-o bfn btw cul LOL ty

11 is not private! Look what they said!!! Never say anything you would not want to see on the school bulletin board!

12 Using Capital Letters is Like SHOUTING

13 Keep Passwords Secret! ….

14 Never cut, copy, or plagiarize information from the Internet!
Always name your source! Plagiarism is against the law!

15 Never snoop in other people’s files!
Would you want other people to do that to you?

16 Never use the computer to harm anyone
Would you want them to do that to you?

17 RESIST ADVERTISING!!!! Advertisements
Some ads will lead you to websites that are not appropriate Some ads will ask you to send money Some ads will tempt you to give private information. Never click on advertisements without the permission of an adult RESIST ADVERTISING!!!!

18 Never give out your passwords!
Passwords Protect You! Passwords protect your private information. No one can pretend to be you without your password Never give out your passwords! Never give out your passwords!

19 Unwanted e-mail is called SPAM
Look what I have for you! VIRUS!! NEVER open an OR an attachment unless you know who it is from

20 Viruses Computer viruses are real!
Computer viruses will hurt your computer!! Never open attachments without the help of an adult. Viruses

21 Happy Surfing!

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