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Limited psychosocial stimulation and nutritional problems as associates of developmental performances of children in extreme poverty in Jimma, Ethiopia.

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Presentation on theme: "Limited psychosocial stimulation and nutritional problems as associates of developmental performances of children in extreme poverty in Jimma, Ethiopia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Limited psychosocial stimulation and nutritional problems as associates of developmental performances of children in extreme poverty in Jimma, Ethiopia Berhanu N. Worku Co-authors:Teklu G. Abessa, Marleen Vanvuchelen, Liesbeth Bruckers, Patrick Kolsteren & Marita Granitzer

2 OVERVIEW BACKGROUND 385 mln chil. in extreme poverty
About 50 % in Sub-Saharan Africa Lack adequate care Face developmental & health risks

3 OVERVIEW BACKGROUND… Extreme poverty is associated with:
→ malnutrition, → poor sanitation and hygiene, → inadequate stimulation at home → poor maternal education, → increased maternal stress & depression, → restricted learning opportunities, …

4 OVERVIEW OBJECTIVES To compare the developmental outcomes of extremely poor children & age-matched reference children To examine whether undernutrition & limited psychosocial stimulation, independently, were related to developmental outcomes

5 OVERVIEW DESIGN A cross-sectional study design was used

6 OVERVIEW METHODOLOGY Sample size: 1,638 (n1= 819 & n2 = 819)
Denver II-Jimma: PS, FM, LA & GM ASQ:SE: Social-emotional Anthropometric method: HAZ, WHZ & WAZ A questionnaire: Psychosocial stimulation Data analysis: t-test & Multiple regression

7 OVERVIEW TIMELINE Protocol ethically approved: 13 Feb., 2013
Start of data collection: 1 March, 2013 End of data collection: 2 Oct., 2013 Completed in 6 months

8 FINDINGS CURRENT STATUS Data collection & analysis completed
Manuscript submitted to BMC pediatrics Under review since 13th Feb., 2017

9 KEY FINDINGS Children in extreme poverty performed less well in all the five dev’tal outcomes Stunting was negatively associated with all the dev’tal outcomes Limited play activities, child-to-child & mother- child interactions were negatively related mainly to: gross motor & language performances

10 FINDINGS Main challenges Finding mothers at their homes
The living conditions of the families

11 RECOMMENDATION Early home-based developmental stimulation & nutritional rehabilitation are needed

12 CONCLUSIONS Children in extreme poverty are at risk of dev’tal & nutritional problems They are also exposed to less favorable psychosocial conditions Stunting & limited psychosocial factors negatively affected their dev’tal outcomes independently


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