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Published byMeredith Berry Modified over 6 years ago
Motivation Experimental setup Di-lepton results Future plans
Studying short lived sources of dileptons in baryonic matter with HADES A. Kugler ÚJF AV ČR Řež for HADES collaboration Motivation Experimental setup Di-lepton results Future plans
Relativistic Heavy ion collisions
Three stages of collisions: first chance collisions ~ elementary collisions of nucleons compression ~ described by transport models Expansion and freeze-out ~ yields given by thermal models Compressed matter Multistep non-equilibrium production of baryon resonances and of mesons → yield~volume x time ~Aαpart, α>1 l+ l- l+ l- l+ l- First chance collisions Bremsstrahlung, hadron resonances …. yield~Apart Freeze –out Decays of long-lived particles (p0, h) produced in thermal chemical equilibrium → yield~volume~Apart 2
Experimental study of compressed matter at SIS
moderate densities: max/r0 2 temperature: T < 80 MeV about 30% of matter in baryonic resonances pion per baryon about 100 times lower in comparison with SPS regime Evolution of average ρB t~10fm/c l+ l- See [R. Rapp and J. Wambach, rXiv:hep-ph/ v1, fig.4.10] and [J. Zhang and C. Gale, Phys. Rev. C50 (1994) 1617] Dileptons are ideal penetrating probe in contrast with hadrons, however there are many sources of dileptons Short lived baryon resonances, ρ meson (t~1.3fm/c) Long lived neutral mesons (p0, h, w) decaying after freeze-out Dileptons are produced in Direct decays -> small branching ratios ~10-5 Dalitz decays-> branching ratios ~10-2 How to reveal contribution from compressed matter? subtract η- Dalitz ~ subtract long lived contribution normalize to π yield ~ normalization to Apart compare resulting experimental data from AA to NN 3
High Acceptance Di-Electron Spectrometer
Charge hadrons identification Momentum measurement by superconducting toroidal magnet &tracking in multi-wire drift chambers ΔM/M in w region ~ 2.5% velocity: tof ≥7ns dt ~ 100ps in TOF charge: dE/dx in TOF and/or in MDC Lepton identification: hadron blind RICH (gthr > 18.3). Pre-Shower GSI Darmstadt SIS accelerator facility. (HI beams 1-2 A GeV) Geometry: full azimuthal angle, polar angle 18 – 85 deg FW polar angle 0,5-7 deg pair acceptance ~ 35% L~7 m FW
Charge Particle Identification (velocity, dE/dx, momentum)
TOF (44° < Q < 88°) MDC 5
Electron/Positron identification
Selection criteria for single electrons/positrons: track is associated with a Cherenkov ring 2) velocity constraints 3) shower condition e+e- pair analysis : close pair cuts (opening angle > 9 deg ) correction on reconstruction efficiencies velocity vs charge times momentum charge times momentum e+ e-
Dilepton spectra normalized to the number of neutral pions
Normalization: Np0 = ½ (Np+ + Np-), ± from the same data sample [HADES:EuroPhys.Journal A40, 45 (2009)] Systematic errors: ~25%, sM(w) = 9% “hadronic cocktail”: thermal source, only long-lived components included, i.e. p0, h: TAPS data, w: m scaling. R. Averbeck et. al. PRC 67 (2003) I. Froehlich et al.,arXiv: Phys. Lett. B 663 (2008) 43 Phys. Lett. B 690 (2010) 118 Excess of pair yield above h-contribution established Excess in CC scales with Ebeam like π production! Excess in First chance collision is very slightly below CC Measured pair excess in C+C scales with beam energy as p0 production at SIS energies effectively all pions come from resonance decay Phys.Rev. Lett 98(2007)
Dilepton spectra normalized to the number of neutral pions
x3 preliminary Phys. Lett. B 690 (2010) 118 Normalization: Np0 = ½ (Np+ + Np-), ± from the same data sample [HADES:EuroPhys.Journal A40, 45 (2009)] Systematic errors: ~25%, sM(w) = 9% “hadronic cocktail”: thermal source, only long-lived components included, i.e. p0, h: TAPS data, w: m scaling. R. Averbeck et. al. PRC 67 (2003) I. Froehlich et al.,arXiv: Excess of pair yield above h-contribution established Excess in CC scales with Ebeam like π production! Excess in First chance collision is very slightly below CC Significant increase of excess in ArKCl Hinting at Δ resonance decays Measured pair excess in C+C scales with beam energy as p0 production at SIS energies effectively all pions come from resonance decay
Excess above eta contribution ~ Ebeam ~Apart
over η π0 and η yields have different scaling with Ebeam excess scales with Ebeam like π production π and η yields scales with Apart ~ linear excess scales with Apart stronger than linear baryon resonances involved ? multistep processes involved ? role of vector mesons ? π0 and η from TAPS (min. bias) We estimate that pair excess ≈ <Apart>1.4 e+e- pair excess: HADES DLS
Transport models and HADES HI data Example: HSD transport model for Ar+KCl
Refinement of HSD model the vector-meson production via the LUND string has been reduced in order to mach pp exp. data better - the isospin dependence for the channels NN-> V+NN and pi+N-> V+N have been improved Prediction of HSD model E.L. Bratkovskaya, W. Cassing, Nucl.Phys.A 807 (2008)
Vector mesons / at SIS
p+(p or 92Nb) at 3.5 GeV 40Ar+ 38KCl AGeV Spectra normalized to π0 yield Preliminary Preliminary First observations of production at SIS energies p+Nb vs. p+p: no change in the ω width, position! no hints for broadening due to medium! momentum distribution of ω ?
Vector mesons / at SIS
p+(p or 92Nb) at 3.5 GeV 40Ar+ 38KCl AGeV preliminary preliminary ~460 counts σ(ω) = 17.6 MeV/c2 Preliminary 40 counts MLVL1(ω) = (6.7±2.7) ·10-3 35% of pairs with p < 800 MeV/c in ρ/ω mass range! First observations of production at SIS energies p+Nb vs. p+p: no change in the ω width, position! no hints for broadening due to medium! momentum distribution of ω ?
Vector mesons / γA → ρ X, CLAS JLab p+(p or 92Nb) at 3.5 GeV
preliminary ~460 counts σ(ω) = 17.6 MeV/c2 Preliminary Fig. from S.Leupold et al., nucl-th 35% of pairs with p < 800 MeV/c in ρ/ω mass range! First observations of production at SIS energies p+Nb vs. p+p: no change in the ω width, position! no hints for broadening due to medium! momentum distribution of ω ?
Tagging quasi-free np reactions with spectator proton with ~pd/2 in FW
FW q < 7o d psp p pr Spectator proton momenta at different FW angles 2 < q 2 < q < 4 4 < q < 6 FW operational since April 2007 288 scint. installed ( ) acceptance 0.50 << 70 velocity: dt : 90 – 140 ps , L~7 m charge ~ dE/dx
First chance collisions in HADES
Efficiency corrected data Quasi-free np in contrast to inclusive dp (DLS) !!! p0 yield in n+p larger by factor ~2 as known from isospin selection rules! Not trivial isospin dependence for Mee>0.14GeV/c2 (goes far beyond factor 2) Very different mass shape above p0 Dalitz decay Large excess in n+p compared to p+p reactions: role of Fermi momentum (off-shell propagation of VM)? NN Bremsstrahlung? ∆ production? Phys. Lett. B 690 (2010) 118
Comparison of pp and np runs with model
Model Calculations: a) NNNNe+e- OBE calculations Kaptari & Kämpfer (K&K) NPA 764 (2006) 338 b) , yield constraint by data. Dalitz decay Krivoruchenko et al. Phys. Rev. D 65 (2001) VMD form- factor (Q. Wan and F. Iachello, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 20 (2005) 1846) pn data are not described by model calculations !
HADES Experiments November 2002:C+C 2 AGeV [1,4]
February 2004: p+p 2.2 GeV August 2004: C+C 1 AGeV [2,4] October 2005: Ar+KCl 1.75 AGeV [3,6,7] May 2006: p+p 1.25 GeV [5] April-May 2007: p+p 3.5 GeV, d+p 1.25 GeV [5] September-October 2008: p+Nb 3.5 GeV [1] Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, (2007) [2] Phys.Lett. B 663, 43 (2008) [3] Filip Krizek, Nuclear Physics, A 830 (2009), pp. 483 [4] Charged pions in C+C paper: EPJ A40 No1, 45 (2009) [5] Phys. Lett. B 690 (2010) 118 [6] in Ar+KCl paper: Phys.Rev. C80 (2009) [7] - in Ar+KCl paper: Phys. Rev. Lett. 103(2009)132301
Future plans HADES upgrade
Resistive Plate Chambers , 120 << channels, t85 ps New DAQ electronics ~20kHz LVL1 Ag+Ag at 1.65 AGeV a Au+Au at 1.25AGeV, move to SIS100 (FAIR), E ~ 8 AGeV experiments at SIS100 (FAIR) cca 2015 CBM 8 – 45 GeV/u HADES 2 – 8 GeV/u
FAIR@Darmstadt Applied- and atomic physics - APPA HADES CBM 2011-2016
SIS 100/300 SIS 18 UNILAC HADES CBM Super FRS HESR CR Module 0:Heavy-Ion Synchrotron SIS100 Module 1:HADES/CBM, APPA, and detector calibration. FLAIR Module 2:Super-FRS →RIB for NUSTAR. Module 3:Antiproton facility for PANDA RESR NESR 100 m
Simulation of Dilepton production at FAIR
CBM: Central HADES: AGeV
Conclusion Excess of dilepton yield over “freeze-out” contribution observed scales with Ebeam like π production scales with size of compressed zone like Apart, ~1.4 Comparison with transport models done dilepton and strangeness HADES HI data can be described by refined transport models model description of HADES p,d-induced data still needs significant effort HADES experimental data indicate that: multi-step non-equilibrium processes play substantial role in production of vector mesons and strangeness particles No medium effects observed in ω production production
The HADES Collaboration
Cyprus: Department of Physics, University of Cyprus Czech Republic: Nuclear Physics Institute, Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic France: IPN (UMR 8608), Université Paris Sud Germany: GSI, Darmstadt FZ Dresden-Rossendorf IKF, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt II.PI, Justus Liebig Universität Giessen PD E12, Technische Universität München Italy: Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Laboratori Nazionali del Sud Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Sezione di Milano Poland: Smoluchowski Institute of Physics, Jagiellonian University of Cracow Portugal: LIP-Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas Russia: INR, Russian Academy of Science Joint Institute of Nuclear Research ITEP Spain: Departamento de Física de Partículas, University of Santiago de Compostela Instituto de Física Corpuscular, Universidad de Valencia-CSIC 17 institutions members
Thank You
Backup Slides
Excess pair yield in C+C: the DLS puzzle
HSD UrQMD Calculation: E.L.Bratkovskaya et al. Phys. Lett. B445 (1999) 265 Calculation: C. Ernst et al. Phys. Rev. C58 (1998) 447 DLS Data: R.J. Porter et al.: Phys.Rev.Lett. 79 (1997) 1229 DLS experiment at the Bevalac 1987 – 1993 strong pair excess observed (excess over cocktail of known sources) challenge for transport models (until recently, no more now?) DLS Puzzle – Validity of … experimental data? theoretical description?
HADES vs. DLS: a direct comparison
Project HADES data into DLS acceptance and compare … J. Carroll at International Workshop on Soft Dilepton Production August 20-22,1997, LBNL DLS Data: R.J. Porter et al.: PRL 79 (1997) 1229 HADES and DLS data agree !
Excess above h Assuming excess sources have
similar geometrical acceptance as h: Multiplicity of h Dalitz decays contributing to GeV/c2 Extrapolation to 4p
Tools for the analysis of pp/pn reactions at E=1.25 GeV
Backbone = PLUTO ROOT-based event generator I.Fröhlich et al, arxiv: ; I. Fröhlich et al,arxiv: Inputs: Full OBE differential cross sections : R. Shyam & U.Mosel, PRC67 (2003) L.P. Kaptari, B. Kämpfer, NPA 764 (2006) 338 Resonance model: NNN d/dt according to Dmitriev et al. (pp→p+) = 6 mb ~ 3/2 (pp→pp° ) , (pn→n+) = 12 mb ~ 3/2 (pn→pn° ) Dalitz decay from QED calculation a) GM=3 b) Iachello GM (q2) D+ GM(q2 ) p e+ e-- * *e+e- d/d~(1+cos2) Béatrice Ramstein, IPN Orsay, France
Tagging quasi-free np reactions in HADES
Spectator proton momenta at different FW angles Spectra measured at very small FW angles shows same pair excess! 2 < q 2 < q < 4 4 < q < 6
Charged hadrons: pion production:
C + C 1AGeV Yields (LVL1) extrapolated to 4: 1 AGeV 2 AGeV HADES N< -+>/Apart = ± 0.009 Apart =8.6 <b>=3.0 fm N< -+>/Apart = ± 0.023 Apart =8.4 <b>=3.2 fm Normalization of dilepton yields Nπo = ½ (N π- + N π+), Syst. error =11% HADES: EuroPhys.Journal A40, 45 (2009)
Model Calculations (long lived sources) compared to data: 1
Model Calculations (long lived sources) compared to data: 1.76 GeV/u Ar+KCl Mean number of participating nucleons in trigger evts: <Apart> 38.5 ± 4 ( x3 compared to C+C) Again, strong overshoot above the h Dalitz decay ! First ω peak seen at SIS energies ! ( 40 pairs) MLVL1(ω) = (6.7±2.7) ·10-3 Preliminary
Comparison of HSD model and HADES data
ok for Mee< 0.6 GeV overshoot ω/ρ peak Are in-medium effects needed? Not clear yet…
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