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Dilepton production in 1-2 AGeV energy range:

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1 Dilepton production in 1-2 AGeV energy range:
Recent results from the HADES experiment at GSI. Béatrice Ramstein and Thierry Hennino, Tingting Liu, Malgorzata Sudol Institut de Physique Nucléaire d’Orsay, France Picture of Piasky, of HADES

2 Outline Introduction:
motivations of HADES experiments : dilepton production in Heavy_ion and elementary reactions short status on medium effects Inclusive e+e- production in heavy-ion reactions C+C, Ar+KCl pp and dp reactions: inclusive/exclusive dilepton channels, hadronic channels Perspectives: Heavy-ion reactions HADES upgrade  FAIR pion induced reactions Conclusions To be updated

3 Motivations of the HADES experiment
Exploring the phase diagram of hadronic matter….. AGS SPS RHIC QGP hadrons SIS-100 SIS-300 SIS-18 CBM G7 HADES KEK,JLAB,TAPS Na60 E/A=1-2 AGeV /o ~ 1-3, T < 100 MeV N/Apart ≈ 10% ….. using dilepton emission: rare but undistorted probe D’où vient cette figure ?

4 A faithful probe of the hot and dense phase: the dilepton pair decay of vector mesons
R(A=100) 5.5 fm e+ Dilepton spectroscopy gives access to vector meson spectral function e- and are undistorted by strong interactions V e+e- JP=1- Meson Mass (MeV/c2) G ct (fm) Main decay e+e- BR r 768 152 1.3 p+ p- 4.4 x 10-5 w 782 8.43 23.4 p+ p- p0 7.2 x 10-5 f 1019 4.43 44.4 K+ K- 3.1 x 10-4

5 Interest of vector meson study
r, w V l+l- JP=1- direct coupling to * Vector Dominance Model (Sakurai 1969): coupling of a real (or virtual) photon to any electromagnetic hadronic current is mediated by a vector meson Sensitivity of vector meson mass to Chiral Symmetry Restoration g* e+ e- on-shell g* e+ e- N r, w electromagnetic elastic or transition form factor off-shell

6 “melting of quark condensate “
Chiral symmetry restoration in medium In the limit of massless u,d quarks, exact symmetry of the QCD lagrangian, but not of QCD vacuum and excited states (spontaneous breaking of chiral symmetry) ≠ 0 g,p-,p - beams SIS 18 SIS 200 T [MeV] 300 LHC RHIC SPS “melting of quark condensate “ Klimt, Lutz , Weise, Phys.Lett.B249 (1990) 386 SIS100 ,-,p beams - Verfier autre ref chez Djalali But the quark condensate is not an observable ! models are needed to relate <qq> to hadron masses -

7 Medium modifications (I):
1st scenario: « dropping mass » Scaling inspired by chiral effective models: Brown-Rho PRL66(1991) 2720 QCD sum rules : Hatsuda and Lee PRC46 (1992) 34 , Kwon et al. PRC78 (2008) Quark meson coupling (QMC): Saito et al. PRC55 (1997) 2637 15% K. Saito Phys.Rev.C55(1997)2637

8 Medium modifications (II):
schematic summary ! see e.g. Rapp and Wambach for a recent review I 2nd scenario: « in-medium broadening » Spectral functions of the mesons in the medium: coupling to resonances + r N-1 N(1520) + ... D(1232) Memes types d’effet sont attendus en fonction de la tp Hadronic many-body approach Rapp and Wambach EPJA 6 (1999) 415 Rapp, Chanfray and Wambach NPA 617, (1997) 472

9 Results from ultra-relativistic heavy-ion reactions
CERES / CERN Pb (158 AGeV) +Au Na60 / CERN In (158 AGeV) + In AGS SPS RHIC QGP hadrons SIS-100 SIS-18 Na60 CBM CBM HADES KEK,JLAB,TAPS G7 Adamova et al. PLB 666 (2008) 425 Rapp and Wambach calc. with modified  spectral function Mettre les references, same calculation in both cases Arnaldi et al., PRL 100, (2008) Broadening of  spectral function is favoured, no mass shift + Helios/CERN+Na50/CERN Phenix/RHIC (on-going analysis),

10 Results at =0, small T G7/CLAS/Jlab + A p+Cu E=12 GeV QGP hadrons
AGS SPS RHIC QGP hadrons SIS-100 SIS-300 SIS-18 CBM G7 HADES KEK,JLAB,TAPS Na60 Re-analysis of CBELSA/TAPS results: ° in A reactions at E= GeV Kotulla et al. PRL 100, (2008) No effect on  meson  + A E = GeV CB normalization essential !

11 From C. Djalali, Hadron2009

12 DLS Results for /o ~ 1-3, T < 100 MeV (Heavy-ion collisions E/A=1-2 AGeV)
pp/pd, Ca+Ca, C+C 1.04 AGeV mass resolution : 10-20% 30-40% systematical error Data: R.J. Porter et al.: PRL 79(97)1229 Model: E.L. Bratkovskaya et al.: NP A634(98)168, BUU, vacuum spectral function DLS puzzle Strong dilepton enhancement over hadronic cocktails not explained even by in-medium mass shifts and  broadening Bevalac ( ) Na60 QGP SPS SIS-100 SIS-300 CBM RHIC AGS SIS-18 Bevalac HADES DLS hadrons KEK,JLAB,TAPS G7

13 Specificity of 1-2 A GeV energy range
N/Apart ≈ 10% long life time of the dense system (up to 15 fm/c)  ~ 1.3 fm/c,  ω~ 23 fm/c dominance of  resonance resonance matter (33) 15 fm/c UrQMD calculations Au+Au 1 AGeV r/r0 n,p r/r0 r/r0 1-2 GeV Very imp. Rle for HI dynamics and pion production but it has also a very direct role on dilepton production due to the delta Dalitz decay. Mettre figure plus recente de resonance change to more recent transport model tot N-1

14 Role of resonances in dilepton production at 1-2 AGeV
° Dalitz decay: °  e+e- (BR ~ 1.2 %) R  N° ,  (1232) , N (1440)…  Dalitz decay:   e+e- (BR ~ 0.6 %) N(1535)  p /ω vector meson production N(1520)  /ω N , ….. /ω  e+e- Dalitz decay of baryonic resonances: Both are linked through electromagnetic form factors (1232)  Ne+e- (BR ~ ) not measured ! Faessler et al. RQMD + NN Bremsstrahlung NN  NN*  e+e-

15 The Collaboration Catania (INFN - LNS), Italy Cracow (Univ.), Poland
Darmstadt (GSI), Germany Dresden (FZD), Germany Dubna (JINR), Russia Frankfurt (Univ.), Germany Giessen (Univ.), Germany Milano (INFN, Univ.), Italy München (TUM), Germany Moscow (ITEP,MEPhI,RAS), Russia Nicosia (Univ.), Cyprus Orsay (IPN), France Rez (CAS, NPI), Czech Rep. Sant. de Compostela (Univ.), Spain Valencia (Univ.), Spain Coimbra (Univ.), LIP, Portugal The HADES detector is installed on the GSI facility, but HADES is a european collaboration. Actually 150 persons working in about 156institutions all over Europe. 15” tot 45” GSI SIS

16 HADES 2nd generation dilepton spectrometer Side View FW  < 7°
START Acceptance: Full azimuth, polar angles 18o - 85o Pair acceptance  0.35 Particle identification: RICH, Time Of Flight, Pre-Shower (pad chambers & lead converter) ( also MDC (K)) Trigger: 1st Level: charged particle multiplicity (~10 kHz) 2nd Level: single electron trigger (~2.5 kHz) Momentum measurement Magnet: ∫Bdl = Tm MDC: 24 Mini Drift Chambers Leptons: x~ 140  per cell, p/p ~ 1-2 % M/M ~ 2% at  peak FW  < 7° Consists of 6 sectors, Regarder slide de Gosia. Pair acceptance de DLS? 1’10 tot 8’10

17 IPN team IPN contribution 4th plane of drift chambers
Jean-Louis Boyard (retired 2008) Jean-Claude Jourdain (retired 2001) Thierry Hennino Tingting Liu (PhD) Emilie Morinière (PhD 2008) Béatrice Ramstein Michèle Roy-Stephan (retired 2006) Malgorzata Sudol (part-time post-doc) …+Jacques Van de Wiele (phenomenology) 4th plane of drift chambers drift cell (14x10 mm2) active area 3.5 m2 R&D détecteurs, J. Pouthas, P. Rosier 6 drift chambers constructed at IPN

18 HADES subdetectors Magnet Coils PreShower TOF MDC I RICH LH2 target

19 Lepton Identification with HADES
Drift Chamber: Track reconstruction RICH pattern Pre-Shower condition e- + + + momentum % velocity momentum ∙ charge C+C 2 AGeV

20 HADES experimental program
2001/2 C + C 2 AGeV understand dilepton spectrum/test transport models in simple case: low to very low medium effects + check of DLS 2004 C + C 1 AGeV 2004 p + p 2.2 GeV exclusive ppe+e- (°,) Validation of detector performance (pp elastic) ° and  Dalitz decays (helicity distribution), “free” cocktail ω line shape and cocktail (,,,,, strangeness p + p 3.5 GeV 2007 pion production  Dalitz decay first measurement p + p 1.25 GeV exclusive ppe+e- (°,) 2006 medium effects on dielectron spectra, Ar + KCl 1.75 AGeV 2005 d + p 1.25 AGeV Reference for medium effects, strangeness p+Nb 3.5 GeV 2008 pn Bremsstrahlung /  Dalitz decay Add animations HADES upgrade

21 results from Heavy Ion reactions ….

22 Dielectron DATA analysis:
normalization to 0 (Nπo = ½ (Nπ- + Nπ+)) Comb. Background (CB) subtraction Mee < 150 MeV/c2 Like-sign pairs Mee > 150 MeV/c2 event mixing Signal: ~ counts Me+e- ≥ 150 MeV/c2: ~ 646 counts Efficiency correction 45’’ Same method apllied for each system. Now we are ready for the comparison to DLS data tot 8’55 Measured rates span over 5 orders of magnitude Systematic errors: 20% efficiency correction 10% combinatorial background 15% 0 normalization 22% - 27% Total

23 NN Bremsstrahlung and the DLS puzzle
1997: transport models failed to explain DiLeptonSpectrometer (Berkeley) data 2007: DLS and HADES agree and are compatible with new transport model calculations G.Agakichiev et al. Phys. Lett. B 663,43 (2008) Calculation: E.L.Bratkovskaya et al. Nucl. Phys. A634 (1998) 168 DLS HADES M [GeV/c²] Hadron String Dynamics E. Bratkovskaya and W.Cassing, nucl-th/ DLS M [GeV/c²] Revenir sur le Bremsstrahlung au niveau de pp/pn new (contradictory) treatments of Bremsstrahlung: R. Shyam & U.Mosel, PRC67 (2003) L.P. Kaptari, B. Kämpfer, NPA 764 (2006) 338

24 NN Bremsstrahlung and  Dalitz decay
NN  NN* NNe+e-   Ne+e- (BR from QED = not measured ) nucleon graphs  graphs Mee(GeV/c2) q2 = M*2 > 0 N N,  Quantum interference Time-Like electromagnetic form factors two recent full quantum mechanical One Boson Exchange calculations: 1) R. Shyam & U. Mosel, PRC 79 (2009) 03520 2) L.P. Kaptari, B. Kämpfer, NPA 764 (2006) 338 1’30  pp dominated by  graphs  nucleon graphs (Bremsstrahlung) larger in pn than in pp collisions  Yields differ in the two models by factors 3-4 HSD model uses enhanced yield for NN bremsstrahlung, according to K&K OBE model

25 DLS puzzle solved by new calculation of NN Bremsstrahlung ?
Maybe, but a lot of contradictory calculations are pretty good too …. RQMD: E.Santini et al BUU Barz et al. C+C 2 AGeV UrQMD Bleicher et al. IQMD Thomere et al.  Dalitz pn HADES data: Phys Rev. Lett 98 , (2007) pn Bremsstrahlung and Delta Dalitz decay are important issues for understanding intermediate mass dilepton yield

26 HSD transport code prediction
E.L. Bratkovskaya, W. Cassing, Nucl.Phys.A 807 (2008) pp -> ppω HSD OBE Inclusive /ω cross-sections not known  important ingredient of transport model calculations  can be measured in pp reactions Quel type d’effet de milieu?

27 First results from HI reactions ….
… for study of elementary processes  Dalitz decay : pp E=1.25 GeV NN Bremsstrahlung: dp (pn) E=1.25 AGeV °,  production pp E= 2.2 GeV /ω production: pp E=3.5 GeV E<  production threshold ( 0.5–7) 2 m 7 m Forward Wall HADES spectator proton deuteron beam Specific instrumental tools: LH2 target, proton/deuteron beams, Forward Wall

28 pp elastic scattering  tracking, efficiencies, resolutions
hadronic channels pp elastic scattering  tracking, efficiencies, resolutions pppp°, pppp  consistency of hadronic and leptonic reconstructions pppn+, pppp°, pppp  pp+-0 check of resonance model ( dilepton cocktail) pp pppp+-0 (on-going analysis)

29 exclusive pion production channels measured by HADES
absolute normalisation from elastic scattering Very good agreement with resonance model Teis et al. ZPA 356(1997) refinements in both isospin channels Consistent picture at E=1.25 GeV and 2.2 GeV important check for dilepton analysis (° and resonances are dilepton sources !) T. Liu PhD Orsay arXiv: [nucl-ex]

30  and  production : acceptance corrected results
 production: 1 exchange  decay: cos2 Neutron angular distribution in CM + angular dist. in (+ ,p) ref. frame p n D++ qn preliminary p+ D++ preliminary qp+ p Total cross sections compared to systematics pppp preliminary Erreur sur sec. Eff eta preliminary preliminary T. Liu PhD Orsay arXiv: [nucl-ex]

31 inclusive e+e- analysis at E=1.25 GeV/ nucleon

32 Results for pp reaction at 1.25 GeV
PLUTO ROOT-based event generator I. Fröhlich et al, arxiv: [nucl-ex] I. Fröhlich et al,arxiv: [nucl-ex] resonance model: Teis et al. Zeit. Phys.A356(1997) refinements ° Dalitz decay  ° = 4.5 mb branching ratio ° → e+e- 1.2 %  Dalitz decay : =3/2  ° = 6.75 mb branching ratio  → Ne+e- (QED : ) Time-like N-  transition electromagnetic form factors subm. to PRL [nucl-ex] Iachello and Wan 0.6m2 GM(q2) D+ p e+ e-- * q2 = M2inv(e+e-) = M*2 > 0 GM(0)~3 Faire une animation, enelver OBE Resonance model results: ° Dalitz Dalitz)+ effect of Iachello FF

33 Quasi-free « pn » dilepton spectra
Comparison to resonance model ° Dalitz decay  ° = 8.6 mb branching ratio ° →e+e- 1.2 %  Dalitz decay : =3/2  ° = 12.9 mb New features with respect to pp reactions: participant neutron Fermi momentum ( Paris potential)  contribution (due to Fermi motion) subm. to PRL [nucl-ex]  Dalitz ° Dalitz  Dalitz (BR ~ ) + + effect of Iachello FF Ne mettre queresonance model Additionnal sources with respect to pp? NN Bremsstrahlung is absent !!  Check with full One Boson Exchange calculations

34 pp/pn reactions at 1.25 GeV:
Comparison to simulations with OBE differential cross sections : R. Shyam & U.Mosel, PRC67 (2003) L.P. Kaptari, B. Kämpfer, NPA 764 (2006) 338 Kaptari & Kämpfer Shyam & Mosel Faire une animation, mettre seulement OBE pp OK with Shyam & Mosel overestimated by K&K  critical test for models HADES np data: a new puzzle ??

35 pp allows to dicriminate
pp/pn reactions at 1.25 GeV: transport model calculations pp allows to dicriminate among models HADES np data: a new puzzle ?? Faire une animation, mettre seulement OBE HSD: E.Bratkovskaya et al.NPA 807(2008)214 IQMD: J. Aichelin et al.

36 Towards a consistent description of dilepton spectra from different systems
C+C 2 A GeV p+p 1.25 GeV Refinement of HSD model the vector-meson production via the LUND string has been reduced in order to mach pp exp. data better - the isospin dependence for the channels NN-> V+NN and pi+N-> V+N have been improved Ar+KCl 1.75 A GeV C+C 1 A GeV quasi-free n+p 1.25 GeV preliminary need for description of both HI and elementary collisions with same set of parameters Not yet fully achieved ! 36

37 N+N dilepton spectra as a reference for A+A
η contributions subtracted ! yield normalized to M(π0) preliminary preliminary x3 Beam energy does not matter for masses below 480 MeV/c2 N-1 « experimental » indication for emission from the dense phase resonance propagation 37

38 exclusive ppppe+e- analysis E=1.25 GeV

39 exclusive analysis : ppppe+e- at 1.25 GeV using pe+e- events (i)
pppe+e-X missing mass MX Selection of ppppe+e- channel is efficient mp simulation HADES data MX(GeV/c2) Mee>140 MeV/c2 preliminary W. Przygoda’s analysis B.Ramstein Hadron 2009 proceedings Dilepton mass distribution in very good agreement with ° and  Dalitz decay consistent with inclusive dilepton analysis pp p+ppe+e- ppp+pp°ppe+e- 200 events for Me+e- > 140 MeV/c2 preliminary 0.2

40 exclusive analysis (ii) ppppe+e- at 1.25 GeV
reconstructed by (p,e+,e-) Mee>140 MeV/c2 No acceptance corrections ! preliminary (p,e+,e-) invariant mass (GeV/c2) 2 indistinguishible protons (p1,e+,e-) p p2 e+ D+ q2=M2inv(e+e-)=M2* 1 e- (p2,e+,e-) acceptance corrected simulation of  production + Dalitz decay (cf hadronic channels) cos(CMpe+e-) preliminary dominance of ppp + p pe+e- room for pp Bremsstrahlung contribution?

41 exclusive analysis ppppe+e- at 1.25 GeV: helicities
 Dalitz decay: +  p g* pe+e-: only transverse g* (if Coulomb interaction is neglected) helicity angle  * N e+ e- Helicity distributions *  e+e- d/dΩe~ 1+cos2 True helicity from pe+e- events: * in  ref. frame acceptance corrected fit 1+B cos2 B=1.110.32 cos preliminary First measurement of  Dalitz decay! Dalitz decay branching ratio in agreement with QED value ( ) within ~20% Helicity consistent with 1+cos2

42 Inclusive e+e- in pp reaction at 3.5 GeV
/ meson production Inclusive cross sections measurements Meson production mechanisms Reference to the pA and AA reactions

43 Vector mesons / at SIS
p+p at 3.5 GeV p+ 92Nb 3.5 GeV Ar+ 38KCl AGeV preliminary 2008 “on-line spectrum!” w preliminary h D Very preliminary r sM(w)  15 MeV/c2 Inclusive pp X cross-section Input for transport models First observations of  production at SIS energies possibility of check of p+A results from KEK & CBTAPS/CLAS 43

44 Cocktail simulation for pp E=3.5 GeV
 production through  resonance =3/2 °  production from one pion exchange model , ,  phase space production particle decays relativistic BW with mass dependent width cross sections πo : 15  4 mb η :  0.03 mb ω :  0.07 mb ρ :  0.08 mb preliminary A. Rustamov et al. Hadron 2009 Distr. Ang. De prod. du omega ? Eta cross-section reasonable? Regarder les ref de l’expose d’Anar

45 On-shell/off-shell  production: cocktail subtracted data :
p+p E=3.5 GeV After subtraction of °,  and  remaining contributions: and baryonic resonance PLUTO: phase space HSD: LUND string Model UrQMD: production through resonance preliminary Off-shell  production through resonances Mettre schéma de R-> VDM. UrQMD quelle equipe ?  meson production needs improvement in transport models Analysis: A. Rustamov (GSI)

46 Future plans HADES upgrade CBM HADES
Resistive Plate Chambers , 120 << channels, t85 ps New DAQ electronics ~20kHz LVL1 New MDCI Ag+Ag at 1.65 AGeV and Au+Au at 1.25AGeV, Pion beams 2012 move to SIS100 (FAIR), E ~ 8 AGeV experiments at SIS100 (FAIR) cca CBM 8 – 45 GeV/u Regarder CBM HADES 2 – 8 GeV/u

47 Perspectives of pion beam experiments

48 Motivations of N experiments with HADES
Well-known interactions Exclusive channels - p   n Special interest of / subthreshold production (sqrt(s)=1.72 GeV) Strangeness production  (1405), and K M. Lutz , B. Friman, M. Soyeur Nuclear Physics A 713 (2003) 97–118 p- p → e+e-n sqrt(s)=1.65 GeV Pluto r w E =0.66 GeV p=0.80 GeV/c total spectacular destructive interference of /ω production linked to coupling to baryon resonances (S11, S31, D13, D33) electromagnetic structure of resonances importance for A, AA dilepton spectra See also predictions by Titov & Kämpfer EPJA12 (2001) 217

49 Motivations of dilepton spectroscopy in A experiments
New HSD calculations HSD: preliminary strong medium effects are predicted HSD’09 => similar to W. Cassing, Y.S. Golubeva, A.S. Iljinov, L.A. Kondratyuk, Phys. Lett. B 396 (1997) 26

50 Conclusions: HADES experiments
Inclusive spectra in pp/pn and heavy-ion reactions: critical tests for transport models a consistent description of dilepton production in all systems is needed !! Prerequisite to medium effect investigations Ar+KCl future Ag+Ag and Au+Au reactions Not mentionned: very fruitful strangeness production program: « Deep sub-threshold - production in Ar+KCl reactions at 1.76 AGeV » PRL 103 (2009) «  decay: a relevant source for K- production at SIS energies » Specificity of elementary reactions: Sensitivity to time-like electromagnetic form factors of nucleon and resonances Selectivity on dilepton sources (  Dalitz decay,  Dalitz decay,  production,…) Very new ppppe+e- exclusive analysis ! First measurement of  Dalitz decay helicity distributions to be investigated in dp and heavy-ion reactions perspectives of pion beam experiments ( 2011)


52 Pion beam experiments with HADES
Dilepton spectroscopy in A AND N induced experiments GSI pion beams p~ GeV/c second resonance region expected intensities 106/s acceptance p/p =8% 1.21 1.52 1.68 s Technical problems: Beam intensity / profile Beam detectors (momentum reconstruction and anti-halo)

53 Future HI experiments in HADES
- statistics corresponding to 4 week of the experiment - 30% most central events - multiplicities taken from HSD, for omega and phi adjusted by ArKCl experiment expected rates: GeV/c omega: /day /day rho: /day /day phi: /day /day

54 Experimental tests of Quasi-Free (p,n):
Spectator tagging is under control p momentum in d reference frame - QF simulation Note: absolute normalization! M < 140 MeV/c2 M > 140 MeV/c2 Scaling factor for massive pairs d/dp - QF simulation

55 pp  pp e+ e-  at 2.2 GeV: an “easier case” exclusive reconstruction p°,h  ge+e-
ppe+e- detected + miss.mass cut Comparison with resonance model Teis et al, ZPA356 (97) 421 D1232 N1440 N1535 D1600 acceptance corrections p/h  g g*  ge+e- Helicity distributions g*  e+e- d/dΩe~ 1+cos2 nice check of QED predictions 55

56 Analysis steps : one example
Forward Wall (np selection): 1. Mult > 0 2. search for particle with 1.6 GeV < p < 2.6 GeV (e+,e-) pair cuts: 1. track and ring quality 2. identification 3. background rejection cuts 4. openangle > 9°. Combinatorial background: like sign pairs efficiency corrections: preliminary Note: ~1500 pairs above ° Nice S/B ratio normalisation by elastic scattering measurement (syst.error ~ 30 %)

57 Forward Wall Scintillator hodoscope located 7 meters downstream the target 7.1 deg Information from the Wall: Time of flight Coordinate of the fired cell TAT ~ dE/dx FW acceptance to spectator protons 92% 89%

58 Strangeness production with HADES the  (1405) case
4 particles detected pp 3.5 GeV p,K+ missing mass missing °   (1405) mass

59 DiLepton Spectrometer data (Berkeley
Shekter et al. RQMD E. Bratkovskaya and W. Cassing nucl-th:

60 p+A @ 12 GeV KEK-PS E325 2/dof =1.8 2/dof =2.3 CB subtracted
M. Naruki Phys.Rev.Lett 96 (2006) CB subtracted Data described (both nuclei) assumming / mass modification m*=m0( /0) fit supports  * consistent with the vacuum for / 46 / 61%  decays inside nucleus and 5/9 %  only: (for C/Cu respectively)! /=0.7±0.2 /=0.9±0.2 CB shape from mixed event but w.o absolute normalization (fit parameter)! Fit, excluding excess region, gives / <0.15 (Cu) and <0.32(C) with CL of 95% ! In contrast to other pp data /~1 2/dof =2.3 2/dof =1.8

61 HADES and DLS Phase Space Coverage
mid-rapidity HADES DLS Method for HADES/DLS comparison: HADES yield extrapolated to full phase space. DLS acceptance filter applied 50’’ However, a direct comparison is not possible, since the acceptance are different. 9’45 61

62 Dalitz decay : sensitivity to Iachello’s N- transition form factors
p e- q2 = M2inv(e+e-) = M*2 > 0 * Dalitz decay + → pe+e- Dalitz decay branching ratio BR ~ M=1232 MeV/c2 M=1480 MeV/c2 (Eth=1.25 GeV) M=1830 MeV/c2 GM=3.0 GM(q2) Iachello (Eth=2.2 GeV) d/dM Mee(GeV/c2) two component Iachello model = « VDM like » Wan & Iachello, int. J. Mod. Phys. A 20(2005) 1846 0.6m2 GM(q2) 45’ 6’30

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