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Rapid Fire Team Presentation Template

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1 Rapid Fire Team Presentation Template
Name of Presenter: Aimée Bourgoin

2 Who We Are Name of Organization: Covenant Health– EGCCC
Location of Facility: Edmonton, AB Number of Patients/Residents/Clients: 460

3 AIM ▪Develop a plan for falls prevention and injury reduction for sustaining practice change. ▪Demonstrate a 15% improvement in baseline measures and sustain them for 3 consecutive months.

4 Team Members ▪Averil Suriyakumaran (Executive Director), Dorothy Cochrane, Carolyn Bougher (Directors of Care), Executive Sponsors ▪Aimée Bourgoin (Clinical Nurse Specialist), Team Leader ▪Melissa Crozier (Resident Care Manager), Elaine Ferguson (Physiotherapist), Ophelia Leung (Occupational Therapist), Cathy Wunderlich (Practice Development Manager), Team Members

5 Review Falls Change Ideas tested to date in your organization
Changes Implemented within Organization Working/Not Working Facilitators/Barriers identified 1) An existing “Green Leaf” strategy is in place but needed to be re-visited Green Leaf highlighted our frequent fallers initially Staff became desensitized to the Green Leaf as there were so many Re-visited who is the most at risk—the riskiest & that decreased the number of Green Leafs Staff began to keep closer tabs on the riskiest fallers once again—concentrating on the newly admitted residents & those who have had a change in health status

6 Review Falls Change Ideas tested to date in your organization (cont.)
Changes Implemented within Organization Working/Not Working Facilitators/Barriers identified 2) An LPN has been hired part time to assist with the re-energizing of the fall prevention program throughout the building. The plan is to have this person speak to peers with some re-education & review of the Green Leaf initiative. Everyone was too busy to take it on unit by unit, this will be a consistent person with a consistent message.

7 Measures The riskiest fallers review for the Green Leaf
Program has taken place on one unit and there we had pre-review data on the number of falls for the Non-Green Leaf Fallers as well as for the Green Leaf Fallers The review happened in November 2011, so you will see fewer Green Leaf falls after the review, but now are we missing some other risky fallers? Any measurement you have related to your AIM Could be baseline plus any data up to last submission May include comments from staff/patients


9 Lessons Learned on Sustaining Falls Improvement Work during Action Period
We must continue to review and revisit our falls initiative or it will not be a living and important program for prevention for our residents. We have a large building and when we try to work on an initiative throughout that building we sometimes falter, taking on too much and not recognizing individual differences for units. It is ok to work with a unit or group of units to phase things in. We need to take full advantage of opportunities to promote the program as they come along, in our case, the ability to add some education time with an LPN doing some peer teaching cannot be missed! What advice would you give to other teams? What are your key insights?

10 Challenges to Sustaining Falls Improvement
Barriers—are time, & the belief that we cannot make a difference without more resources. Facilitators—are that we can show staff that simple changes, such as the Green Leaf program re-visited, do make a difference to the care we provide to our residents. Moving forward—we must count on needing to go backwards first, i.e. take the time to re-visit the plan & make it work for the new circumstances.

11 6 Month Post FFLS Sustainability Plans for Falls Improvement Work
Goal Description (What is AIM) Action (What STEPS are to be taken to achieve) Timeframe (When to be done by) Person Responsible Metrics: What is to be monitored to identify achievement On a different group of units, develop a plan for falls prevention and injury reduction tailored to their issues. Involve the LPN to do some peer review about what education is necessary & what staff see as the opportunities for improvement. Mid March to June 2012 Clinical Nurse Specialist/ Director of Best Practice/Practice Development Manager/Unit Manager Once again we will look at the numbers of Non- Green Leaf Fallers versus Green Leaf Fallers pre-the review. Highlight the riskiest of the risky fallers and take down some Green Leafs. Continue to count the number of falls on the units based on the Non- Green Leaf & Green Leaf Fallers.

12 Contact Information Name: Aimee Bourgoin, Clinical Nurse Specialist Phone Number:

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