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Current Events Presentation Quarter 2

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1 Current Events Presentation Quarter 2
Orlando Gallegos P. 10 Ms. Bakas

2 The Jefferson Memorial
The Jefferson memorial is a specific structure, dedicated to the Third President of the United States Of America, Thomas Jefferson. This structure took approximately four years to build, construction began in 1939, and the structure was later complete in Although the building was dedicated to Thomas Jefferson, the actual statue resembling Jefferson was not attached to the structure until 1947.

3 Purpose of The Jefferson Memorial
President Franklin Roosevelt felt that Jefferson should have his own structure. Roosevelt felt this way, because he was an admirer of Jefferson. Franklin consulted the “Fine Commission of Arts” about the whole idea of constructing a memorial for president Jefferson. John J. Boylan, a congressman, later that year urged for congress to make this memorial. It was a success, John Russel Pope was selected as the architect for this project.

4 Architects, and Architecture
The Jefferson Memorial's Main architect was John Russel Pope, but since he died in 1939, Daniel P. Higgins, and Otto R. Eggers took over this whole project, and continued the process. Most of the math used in the process of making this structure was basic math, for example, the dome in the main part of the building, they made the building strong enough to support that dome, they did this by calculating about how much the dome would weigh, and then making the building strong enough to support it.

5 More Info. To this day, this piece of architecture is still in existence. The structure was not really ahead of its time, I say this because in medieval times, there was structures similar to this, which had a dome as well, they were not exactly the same, but they were indeed very similar, in a sense, what the structure had to support the dome. As for contributions, I feel that there was contributions that helped build up to this, the contribution that I feel did this, is the whole concept of putting a dome over a structure, this idea originated in Europe, and was used later on. For this reason I feel that it was a great contribution.

6 My Opinion >:) In my opinion, I feel that the structure is a great structure, not only because of the math applied in order to build this structure, but because the structure is amazing in appearance as well. It is definitely a location I would love to see in person, and a location I am planning on going to, as well. It is located in Washington D.C., and I recommend that you all go see it :) .

7 Sources :D

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