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Concluding WWI.

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1 Concluding WWI

2 Reviewing the Timeline
1914 – WWI begins June 28, 1914 – Franz Ferdinand shot 1915 Stalemate on the Western front Gallipoli Campaign 1916 Feb – Dec – Battle of Verdun July – Battle of the Somme Russia struggles 1917 U.S. enters WWI Russia withdraws from the war 1918 – WWI ends 1919 – Treaty of Versailles signed

3 The Influenza Last months of the war
Killed more people worldwide than all battles of the war

4 Progression of the Great Influenza
First detected in Kansas American troops arriving in France in the spring of 1918 carried the strain Swept the Western front, disabling 500,000 German troops Then vanished Second and third waves deadlier The influenza killed within a few days 30 million people died

5 Total War War had been on for 3 years, killed millions
What does the term “total war” suggest? Answer on your paper Countries began engaging in total war – devoting all their resources to the war effort Governments told factories what to produce Rationing went into effect (people could only buy small amounts of things needed for the war) Propaganda was used to persuade people to join the war effort

6 Russia Withdraws By 1917, 5.5 million soldiers had been wounded, killed or taken prisoner Russian army refused to fight anymore Bolshevik Revolution Russia withdrew from the war

7 Germany Rushes West Now that they didn’t have to fight Russia, they moved all their troops towards France But their troops were not as strong anymore Allies (with 140,000 American troops) counterattacked Second Battle of the Marne Allies began to advance towards Germany

8 Central Powers Collapse
Bulgarians surrender Ottoman Turks surrender Austria-Hungary’s troops mutinied

9 Armistice In Germany, troops also mutinied
People went against the Kaiser Nov. 9, 1918 – Kaiser Wilhelm II stepped down Germany declared itself a Republic A representative from Germany met with a French commander in a railway car They signed an armistice – an agreement to stop fighting What do you think the peace agreement might involve? Answer on your paper

10 WWI Statistics: Death Tolls
Whose were highest? Whose were lowest? Why?


12 The Peace Representatives from the U.S., France, Britain and Italy met to determine the terms of the peace (Left to right) The “Big Four”: David Lloyd George of Britain, Vittorio Orlando of Italy, Georges Clemenceau of France, and Woodrow Wilson of the United States, the principal architects of the Treaty of Versailles.

13 Treaty of Versailles Signed exactly 5 years after Franz Ferdinand’s murder Adopted the League of Nations, which would try to keep peace among the nations Punished Germany Lost territory Restrictions on its military operations “War Guilt” cause blamed Germany for the war and forced it to pay reparations to the Allies What did this lead to? Germany lost all its imperial territories

14 Carving up Europe The Allies also signed treaties with the other Central Powers – they lost land as well Austria-Hungary carved into other countries: Austria Hungary Czechoslovakia Yugoslavia Ottoman Turks only got to keep Turkey Other areas made into nations


16 Problems of the Peace Many countries disagreed with the terms of the Treaty America ultimately rejected the Treaty, wanting to stay out of European affairs Germany was very bitter about the “war guilt clause” Most countries felt the Treaty wasn’t fair to them Why might so many countries have been unhappy? Answer on your paper

17 The Impact of WWI Mass deaths – 14 million (soldiers and civilians)
$338 billion spent Warfare forever altered – modern weapons and tactics Restructured Europe Bitter Germany Modernity – Disillusionment and despair

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