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Ancient China Mr. Wells - MPHS.

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1 Ancient China Mr. Wells - MPHS

2 The Geography of China China’s first city walls were built 1000 years after the walls of Ur, the great pyramids, and the planned cities on the Indus River. Unlike most cultures on earth, the civilization that began in China 4000 years ago still thrives there today. Natural barriers isolated ancient China Mountain ranges dominate 2/3 of China’s landmass

3 Satellite Image of China

4 The Geography of China East: Yellow Sea, East China Sea, and Pacific Ocean West: Taklimakan Desert, Plateau of Tibet Southwest: Himalayas North: Gobi Desert, Mongolian Plateau

5 The Geography of China Huang He (Yellow River) in the North
Yellow River deposits large amounts of silt called loess… blown by winds from the desert into the river

6 The Geography of China

7 The Geography of China Chang Jiang (Yangtze River) in central China
Flows east from the Yellow Sea At 3,988 miles, it is the longest river in China

8 The Geography of China Environmental Challenges
- disastrous floods from the Huang He River - Trade was difficult… so settlers became self- dependent - Difficult to invade China due to geography Only 10% of China’s land is suitable for farming Most of the land for farming is in the North China Plain

9 Chinese Culture Fossils show that modern humans lived in SW China 1.7 million years ago According to legend, the first Chinese dynasty, Xia (Shyah) began around 2,000 B.C. The Chinese viewed outsiders as barbarians Viewed themselves as the center of the civilized world China means Middle Kingdom

10 Chinese Culture Family is central to Chinese society… respect for one’s parents (known as filial piety) Women were treated as inferiors Girls were arranged to be married between the ages of 13-16 Religious spirits of ancestors had the power to bring good fortune but were not seen as gods

11 Chinese Culture Oracle Bones: Priest would scratch a question, apply a hot poker, the bone would split and he would interpret the cracks Possible to read Chinese without being able to speak Chinese… no link between written and spoken language Need to know 1500 characters to be literate… scholars knew 10,000 characters

12 Chinese Alphabet

13 Mandate of Heaven The idea that gods favored a certain group to rule and that group is only overthrown when they have lost the favor of the gods


15 Chinese Philosophy: Confucianism

16 Confucius (551 B.C. – 449 B.C.) Kung-Fu-tzu “Master Kung”
Born to a noble but poor family. Lived during time of The “Warring States” Period. Teacher and Minister of Justice

17 Goal of Confucianism To develop one’s Jen: Human Heartedness - the inner goodness of humanity Thus becoming a Chun Tzu: the “Great Man” or “Gentle Man” Jen is developed through intentional living by Confucian virtues…

18 Five Basic Relationships
Order and Harmony to be restored if organized around 5 relationships. Human-heartedness is developed only within the context of human relationships Code of proper conduct regulated each relationship: Ruler should practice kindness and virtuous living and in return the subjects should be loyal and law abiding.

19 1. Ruler and Subject

20 2. Father and Son

21 3. Husband and Wife

22 4. Older and Younger Brother

23 5. Friend and Friend

24 Filial Piety Respect for parents and elders
Children must practice this Three of the 5 relationships based upon the family

25 More Confucian Virtues
Rectification of names – a person or thing should be true to its name Recipricity (shu) – the Golden Rule: “Do not do to others what you would not want others to do to you” Li (rites, ritual) – the inherent “pattern” in things propriety or etiquette, the “pattern” of humane behavior

26 Education Can turn the humble into a gentleman
Important for career advancement

27 Texts His students collected his words in the Analects
Leaders should be virtuous

28 I Ching Book of Changes To guide humans in decision making
Readers used the book by throwing a set of coins, interpreting the results, and then reading the appropriate oracle Gave good advice and simple common sense Readers used the book by throwing a set of coins, interpreting the results, and then reading the appropriate oracle Gave good advice and simple common sense

29 Yin and Yang Harmony of opposites Yin: feminine qualities (Black)
Yang: masculine qualities (White) I, Ching and Yin and Yang helped Chinese people understand how they fit into the world Yin and Yang helped Chinese people understand how they fit into the world

30 Yang Creative Masculine Bright Active Yin Receptive Feminine Dark
Passive Yin & Yang

31 Chinese Philosophy: Legalism

32 Legalist Concepts Efficient and powerful government is the key to social order

33 Legalist Concepts Use the law to end disorder and restore harmony

34 Legalist Concepts Reward those who carry out duties
Harshly punish disobedience Stressed punishment over rewards, Anyone caught without a travel permit who left their village would have their ears or nose chopped off stressed punishment over rewards, Anyone caught without a travel permit who left their village would have their ears or nose chopped off

35 Censorship Burn all writings that encourage thinking critically about government

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