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The Benefits and Obstacles to Physicians and Patients.

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Presentation on theme: "The Benefits and Obstacles to Physicians and Patients."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Benefits and Obstacles to Physicians and Patients.
Triple Aim: The Benefits and Obstacles to Physicians and Patients.

2 Objectives: Define what Triple Aim is and it’s role in the Affordable Care Act. Discuss how each part is beneficial to patients and doctors. Explore different ways Triple Aim could be effective across the nation Understanding obstacles that could affect the Triple Aim from succeeding nation wide.

3 What is Triple Aim Triple Aim seeks to do the following things
Improve Population Health Improve Individual Patient Care Reduce Costs

4 Five Factors for Triple Aim
The following factors are what will help Triple Aim gain momentum: Focus on individuals and family. Redesign primary care services/structures. Population health management. Cost control platform. System integration and execution.

5 Improving Population Health
Creating partnerships across a community Work with various health providers and organizations to bring health awareness within the community. Looking past Social Determinates Recognizing which each population is experiencing and addressing those specific concerns. Creating a network of Services Ensuring all care received is met from health establishment to the home. That all follow-up care is then being carried out. That there is accountability from health care workers.

6 Improving Patient Experience
Families and Caregiver are part of one's individual care Educating caregivers will help keep individuals accountable to their care Customized Care Care that is individualized to the patient that will help them understand and follow through with their care. Transparency Giving patients the opportunity to understand their care and costs of care.

7 Reducing Healthcare Costs
Strong Physician presents Physicians follow through with care given and held accountable for end result of care Push for Primary Care Educating patients on preventative care Avoiding frequent hospital visits Team Approach Making sure that all specialties work as a team to receive the desired outcome of patient health

8 Benefits of Triple Aim Better health outcomes Care more simplified
Physician accountability Push for preventative care that will reduce cost Community approach to health

9 Obstacles of Triple Aim
Physicians unwillingness to adopt one of the three components Financially unwilling Hands off approach to accountability Financial Aspect Physicians choice continues to be Fee for services Unwilling to push for preventative care Community Aspect Social determinates Financially unable to educate and find resources to reduce cost

10 Steps to Making Triple Aim Successful
Education Incentives for pursuing triple aim Boosting Community involvement Exploring how other health systems succeeded approaching the triple aim.

11 Discussion Questions What in your opinion would make the Triple Aim successful nationwide? Why do you think doctors are hesitant to this approach? How would the Triple Aim approach help with varying social determinates?

12 Work Cited Jonas Steven & Anthony Kovners. Health Care Delivery in the United States. New York: Print>

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