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Bellringer 03/20/17-New.GOFORMATIVE

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Presentation on theme: "Bellringer 03/20/17-New.GOFORMATIVE"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellringer 03/20/17-New.GOFORMATIVE
Graph this 𝒚=−𝟒 New graph sheets in back!

2 Bellringer 03/20/17-New.GOFORMATIVE
Graph this 𝒚=−𝟒

3 Estimating trend lines Test Analysis-excel sheet
Agenda Estimating trend lines Judo Math into Test Analysis-excel sheet I can estimate the line of best fit for a given scatter plot and write an equation to represent it.

4 Is there a relationship? (trend, correlation, association)

5 Can we estimate a line that would be close to most points?

6 Write the equation of the trend line

7 Write an equation for the line of best fit
Ex 2 Write an equation for the line of best fit

8 Would all of our lines be exactly the same?
NO-trend lines are estimates-we may draw lines that look similar. Therefore there are a range of acceptable values for y-int and slopes

9 Practice Drawing trend lines & writing equations In




13 Judo Math Intro

14 Tuesday!

15 Tables are rearranged, but Sit as close to your seat as can
3/21 NEW.GOFORMATIVE & Graph the system of equations. 𝑦=2𝑥 𝑦=3 Tables are rearranged, but Sit as close to your seat as can Bring Earbuds!!

16 Agenda *Analyze Scatter Plot Practice from yesterday
*Desmos Alligator Scatterplot *Judo Math *Line of Fit Exit Ticket I can estimate the line of best fit for a given scatter plot and write an equation

17 ? ?

18 ? ?

19 How did this slope happen?

20 Is this answer Reasonable?






26 y-scale by fives y-scale by twenties




30 Priode 2

31 Priode 3

32 Priode 4

33 JUDO Math

34 Exit Ticket-in New.GoFormative
After you finish, work on homework in ALEKS


36 Do you need a lunch for the UT Field Trip
3/22 NEW.GOFORMATIVE & Graph the system of equations. 2𝑦=2𝑥 𝑥=2 Bring Earbuds!! Homeroom! Do you need a lunch for the UT Field Trip

37 Graph the system of equations.
2𝑦=2𝑥 𝑥=2


39 Agenda *Interpolate/ Extrapolate notes + examples *New GF Practice
*Judo Math *Exit Ticket I can use the line of best fit to make predictions (interpolate/extrapolate).

40 Interpolation vs. Extrapolation
Interpolation is a prediction within our range of data. Ex. We have average temperature values for Lenoir City from , what was the temperature in 1999. Extrapolation is prediction outside the range of our data. Ex. We have average temperature values for Lenoir City from , what was the temperature in 1990.



43 This was outside of our range of data
You extrapolated yesterday and didn’t even know it! This was outside of our range of data

44 New Go Formative Practice
Scatter Plot (Interpolate/Extrapolate) If you finish before timer, make sure you can locate your belt topic excel spreadsheet on your computer. You WILL need to know which questions you missed today.

45 JUDO Math

46 JUDO Math How to take the Textbooks Self Checking Quizzes
Go to Connect.Ed and choose a topic from the White Belt Rational Numbers Powers and Exponents Negative Exponents Scientific Notation Roots Estimate Roots Scroll over till you see the check mark

47 JUDO Math Coop Time Solo Time (front tables) ~shhh-whisper
~test questions on my website Under JUDO page *you know which ones you missed by your excel sheet. Everyone needs to try #19! ~ Do corrections on Accountability Sheet Solo Time (back tables) ~Dividers up ~Earbuds *Do Deltamath or Textbook Assignments *Document your work!

48 3.22 Exit Ticket: New Go Formative
If you finish, work on HW in ALEKS. It is set so you can try multiple times. Get a 100%

49 Bring earbuds, paper, and Judo Sheet!!
New. Go Formative Bring earbuds, paper, and Judo Sheet!! Graph the system of equations. 5𝑦=15𝑥 𝑦=8

50 Graph the system of equations.
5𝑦=15𝑥 𝑦=8

51 Agenda ~Scatter Plot Scoot (40 mins) ~JUDO MATH (rest of time)
~ALEKS homework and QUIZZES tomorrow Scatter Plot Test (50 points) Belt Test (50 points)

52 Scatter Plot/Lines of Best Fit Scoot
Make an observation about each scatter plot. Highlight the line of best fit. Decide what the y-intercept is. Analyze the correlation. We will move table to answer specific questions about each scatter plot.

53 *Study Island Rational Numbers
2nd blk JUDO Math *Study Island Rational Numbers Assignment *Document your work!

54 JUDO Math Co-op Time Solo Time (front tables) (back tables)
~Finish Test corrections (skip the long exponents problems #6, #2) ~Check corrections with Sensei ~Concentrate on Exponents Peer tutor over exponents ~Tarsia for practice Solo Time (back tables) ~Dividers up/Earbuds *Study Island Concentrate on Rational Numbers Do Study Island Assignment on Rational Numbers *Document your work!

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