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ASAS Thematic Network ASAS Now!.

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Presentation on theme: "ASAS Thematic Network ASAS Now!."— Presentation transcript:

1 ASAS Thematic Network ASAS Now!

2 Thales Air Systems Welcome
Jean-Michel Craste Technical Director Thales ATM Systems

3 ASAS-TN Chairman Phil Hogge 3

4 The ASAS-TN2 Work is sponsored by European Commission (DG:TREN)

5 ASAS-TN2 Objective To accelerate the implementation of ASAS applications in European Airspace, taking into account global applicability, in order to increase airspace capacity and safety.

6 Main Themes of the Seminar
To remind ourselves how far we have progressed in five years. To show that ASAS is in operational use now. To show that maturity is progressing well. To show that roadmaps are being developed which include ASAS applications. To identify opportunities to use ASAS. To keep up the pressure.

7 ASAS in SESAR ATM Service Level 1(Present to 2012)
ATSAW (2010) ATSA-ITP Oceanic (2010) Manual ASAS S&M (2010) ATSA-VSA (2009) ATM Service Levels 2/3 (2013 to 2019) ASPA-S&M (2013) ASEP-ITP En-Route & Oceanic (2018) ATM Service Levels 4/5 (2020 onwards) ASEP C&P (2020) Self-Sep mixed-mode (2025)

8 Keeping up the pressure
Capitalise on succeses CASCADE – ADS-B progress Package 2 definitions – AP23 Standardisation Work – RFG SESAR Validation Activities Pioneer airlines

9 Seminar Timetable Seminar not a Workshop. Two days instead of three. Three Sessions. Social event this evening

10 Progress and status of implementation and standardisation
Review of earlier ASAS TN recommendations (Ken Carpenter, QinetiQ) CASCADE/RFG – progress on ADS-B/ASAS implementation and standards (Jörg Steinleitner, EUROCONTROL) FAA – update on ADS-B/ASAS (Vinny Capezzuto, FAA) NavCanada –ADS-B/ASAS implementation in Canada (Jeff Cochrane) ASAS activities at the ICAO level: step(s) towards global standardisation (Jean-Marc Loscos, DSNA) Legal aspects (Francis Schubert, Skyguide)

11 ASAS Maturity Results of ASAS maturity assessment (Chris Shaw, EUROCONTROL) UPS - use of ASAS Merging and Spacing at Louisville (Bob Hilb, UPS) SAS - ASAS experiments on the airport surface (Peter Larsson, SAS) KLM - Operations at Schiphol: how does ASAS fit? (Edwin Kleiboer, KLM) ASAS self separation and cruise climb for business jets (Serge Lebourg, Dassault Aviation) AP23: long term ASAS beyond Package 1 (Dragos Tonea, EUROCONTROL HQ & Roberta Massiah, FAA)

12 ASAS in European and US ATM plans
ASAS within SESAR master plan (D4, D5, D6) (Andy Barff (EUROCONTROL EEC & Fraser McGibbon, BAE Systems) ASAS within NextGen Integrated Work Plan (Doug Arbuckle, FAA) ASAS SESAR/NextGen relationship (Don Ward, FAA) Boeing ASAS roadmap (John Brown, Boeing) Airbus ASAS roadmap (Stéphane Marché, Airbus)

13 ASAS where it is needed RWY incursion facts and comparison US & Europe (Phil Hogge, ASAS TN2) EMMA2: Airport surface: runway incursion ATSA-SURF (Michael Roeder, DLR & Antonio Nuzzo, ENAV) NUP2+: Safe and efficient airport operations (Lars Lindberg, AVTECH/LFV) CRISTAL ITP Simulations and trials of ATSAW ITP in N. Atlantic (Johan Martensson, EUROCONTROL HQ) Merging & Spacing Roadmap by MITRE (Randy Bone, MITRE) Equipment hosted in Electronic Flight Bags (EFBs) (Cyro Stone, ACSS)

14 Seminar Report First draft available for attendee review 30th April
Comments by 16th May Final Report for wider dissemination 10th June Presentations to be on

15 Housekeeping Facilities In event of emergency Social event
registration at lunchtime Coaches leave at 1815hrs

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