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Veterinary Science Tools 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Six Weeks Cum

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Presentation on theme: "Veterinary Science Tools 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Six Weeks Cum"— Presentation transcript:

1 Veterinary Science Tools 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Six Weeks Cum

2 Equipment and Materials Identification List
100. Ambubag 101. Anesthetic machines 102. Animal clippers 103. Autoclave 104. Autoclave tape indicator 105. Backhaus towel clamps 106. Balling gun 107. Bands (castration or docking) 108. Bandaging material- Elasticon 109. Bandaging material– roll gauze 110. Bandaging material– vet wrap 111. Basket muzzle 112. Betadine 113. Brush - Body (soft bristle) 114. Brush - Dandy (stiff bristle) 115. Brush - Slicker 116. Brush - Pin 117. Bulb syringe 118. Cat bag 119. Carmalt 120. Catch pole (dog snare) 121. Catheter - IV 122. Catheter - butterfly 123. Catheter - urine 124. Centrifuge

3 Equipment and Materials Identification List
125. Chain twitch 126. Chemical indicator strips 127. Clipper blades 128. Clipper comb 129. Surgical drapes 130. Cold sterile tray 131. Comb - Curry 132. Comb - Flea 133. Comb - Scotch 134. Cover slips 135. Dehorner - Barnes 136. Dehorner - electric 137. Dehorner - scoop or tube 138. Dental floats 139. Dental retractor 140. Dental scaler 141. Disposable hypodermic needles 142. Drench gun 143. Ear notcher 144. Ear tags 145. Ear tag (metal) pliers 146. Elastrator 147. Elizabethian collar 148. Emasculators 149. Endotracheal tubes

4 Equipment and Materials Identification List
176. Humane twitch 178. Identification tag applicator 179. IV fluids 180. IV administration 181. Laryngoscopes 182. Lead rope 183. Lead shank 184. Needle holder - Mayo-Hegar 185. Needle holder - Olsen-Hegar 186. Microscope slides 187. Muzzle- commercial 188. Nail clippers - guillotine 189. Nail clippers - plier 190. Obstetrical chain and handle 191. Ophthalmoscope 192. Otoscope 193. Paste gun 194. Pig tooth nippers 195. Pill counting tray 196. Radiology personal protective equipment 197. Rumen magnet 198. Scalpel blade 199. Scalpel handle 200. Scissors– Bandage 201. Scissors- Lister bandage 202. Scissors- Littauer suture removal

5 Equipment and Materials Identification List
176. Humane twitch 178. Identification tag applicator 179. IV fluids 180. IV administration 181. Laryngoscopes 182. Lead rope 183. Lead shank 184. Needle holder - Mayo-Hegar 185. Needle holder - Olsen-Hegar 186. Microscope slides 187. Muzzle- commercial 188. Nail clippers - guillotine 189. Nail clippers - plier 190. Obstetrical chain and handle 191. Ophthalmoscope 192. Otoscope 193. Paste gun 194. Pig tooth nippers 195. Pill counting tray 196. Radiology personal protective equipment 197. Rumen magnet 198. Scalpel blade 199. Scalpel handle 200. Scissors– Bandage 201. Scissors- Lister bandage 202. Scissors- Littauer suture removal

6 Equipment and Materials Identification List
204. Scissors- Metzenbaum dissecting 205. Shedding blade 206. Silver nitrate sticks 207. Small animal oxygen cage 208. Snook ovariohysterectomy hook 209. Squeeze chute 210. Staple remover 211. Steel lift table 212. Stethoscope 213. Surgical cap 214. Surgical gloves 215. Surgical gown 216. Surgical masks 217. Surgical tray 218. Suture materials 219. Suture needle 220. Suture wire cutting scissors 221. Syringe - leur lock 222. Syringe - slip tip 223. Syringe - automatic, multi-dose 224. Tattooing instruments - small & large 225. Tourniquet 226. Trocar & cann 227. Weight tape

7 Humane twitch

8 Identification tag applicator

9 IV fluids

10 IV administration

11 Larynogoscopes

12 Lead rope

13 Lead Shank

14 Needle Holder- Mayo-Hegar

15 Needle Holder – Olsen-Hegar

16 Microscope Slides

17 Muzzle -commercial

18 Nail clippers - guillotine

19 Nail Clippers - plier

20 Obstetrical chain and handle

21 Ophthalmoscope

22 Otoscope

23 Paste gun

24 Pig tooth nippers

25 Pill counting tray

26 Radiology personal protective equipment

27 Rumen magnet

28 Scalpel blade

29 Scalpel handle

30 Scissors Bandage

31 Scissors – Lister bandage

32 Scissors- Littauer suture removal

33 Ambubag

34 Anesthetic Machines

35 Animal Clippers

36 Autoclave

37 Autoclave Tape Indicator

38 Backhaus towel clamps

39 Balling gun

40 Bands (castration or docking)

41 Bandage material- Elasticon

42 Bandage Material – Roll Gauze

43 Bandage Material- Vet Wrap

44 Basket muzzle

45 Betadine

46 Brush –Body (soft bristle)

47 Brush – Dandy (stiff bristle)

48 Brush - Slicker

49 Brush - Pin

50 Bulb syringe

51 Cat Bag

52 Carmalt

53 Catch pole (dog snare)

54 Catheter -IV

55 Catheter - butterfly

56 Catheter - urine

57 Centrifuge

58 Chain twitch

59 Chemical indicator strips

60 Clipper blades

61 Clipper comb

62 Surgical drapes

63 Cold sterile tray

64 Comb - Curry

65 Comb - Flea

66 Comb - Scotch

67 Cover Slips

68 Dehorner - Barnes

69 Dehorner - Electric

70 Dehorner – Scoop or Tube

71 Dental Floats

72 Dental Retractor

73 Dental Scaler

74 Disposable hypodermic needles

75 Drench gun

76 Ear Notcher

77 Ear tags

78 Ear tag (metal) pliers

79 Elastrator

80 Elizabethian collar

81 Emasculators

82 Endotracheal tubes

83 Humane twitch

84 Identification tag applicator

85 IV fluids

86 IV administration

87 Larynogoscopes

88 Lead rope

89 Lead Shank

90 Needle Holder- Mayo-Hegar

91 Needle Holder – Olsen-Hegar

92 Microscope Slides

93 Muzzle -commercial

94 Nail clippers - guillotine

95 Nail Clippers - plier

96 Obstetrical chain and handle

97 Ophthalmoscope

98 Otoscope

99 Paste gun

100 Pig tooth nippers

101 Pill counting tray

102 Radiology personal protective equipment

103 Rumen magnet

104 Scalpel blade

105 Scalpel handle

106 Scissors Bandage

107 Scissors – Lister bandage

108 Scissors- Littauer suture removal

109 Scissors – Mayo dissecting

110 Scissors- Metzenbaum dissecting

111 Shedding Blades

112 Silver nitrate sticks

113 Small animal oxygen cage

114 Snook ovariohysterectomy hook

115 Squeeze chute

116 Staple remover

117 Steel lift table

118 Stethoscope

119 Surgical cap

120 Surgical gloves

121 Surgical gown

122 Surgical masks

123 Surgical tray

124 Suture materials

125 Suture needle

126 Suture wire cutting scissors

127 Syringe – leur lock

128 Syringe – slip tip

129 Syringe- automatic, multi dose

130 Tattooing instruments – small & large

131 Tourniquet

132 Trocar & cann

133 Weight tape

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