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SDCG-11: Ho Chi Minh, 9-10 April, 2017

Stephen Ward, SDCG EXEC for CSIRO/NASA SDCG-11: Ho Chi Minh, 9-10 April, 2017

3 Coordination and management
Leads: USA: Doug (USGS, Chair) Evan & Sylvia (USAid, USGS) Norway: Henrik on leave, Maarten (NICFI) Australia: Anthony (DOTE, Chair) [Australian funding ends 2016] CEOS: Masanobu with Stephen alternate (JAXA, CSIRO/NASA) FAO: Anssi Phase 2 allows for new Leads Office: Staffed since Feb 16 (Aus and Norway $$) Tom Harvey now based in Melbourne, new staff and geography TBD Funding outlook TBC but likely extended to the end of 2017 whilst Phase 2 is being finalized, when a longer term arrangement can be negotiated No significant GEO interaction Phase 2 definition close to conclusion – strong country emphasis

4 Space Data – where are we up to?
Sentinel-2B seals the global coverage … multiple core data streams in operation and ensuring the necessary EO data supply for the next decades Emphasis turns to data uptake and application – consistent with Phase 2 Global Data Flows to be addressed – volume, velocity and variety of data a major challenge. CEOS FDA developing coordinated strategy Pilot activities continuing – Data Cube for Colombia and now Vietnam SDCG SEC support from Australia ended Nov 2016 – 2017 fill-in cover provided by CSIRO and NASA SDCG EXEC pursuing inclusion of Early Warning as GFOI activity – possible basis for the long-promised cooperation with WRI/GFW Considerable effort in ensuring Phase 2 design consistent with CEOS goals and role in GFOI – and exploring practical activities All Element-3 agencies actively contributing Rationalisation of GFOI in CEOS structure: upcoming LSI-VC, GEOGLAM, SDCG trial meeting

5 MGD REDDcompass launched in April 2016 and has established a strong user base MGD Edition 2.0 released October 2016 French and Spanish versions near completion CB component has MGD-dedicated person for workshops – improved promulgation through SC Collaboration with CB in delivering University Masters level subject on REDD+ MRV based on MGD and REDDcompass MGD Advisory Group being revitalised under new Chair Maria Sanz Sanchez Communications and Assessment Readiness Level (CARL) framework for progressive development of new technologies towards operational levels and hence applicability for capacity building activities framework for how the GFOI components can interact for consultation at Plenary

6 Capacity Building UN-REDD now the REDD+ team within FAO (diversified funding). Now focusing on 14 priority countries of Norway and less so the 64 UN-REDD countries, also more and more involved in FCPF implementation SilvaCarbon is supporting the MRV Gap Analysis study with the WB, FAO and others based on the REDDcompass thematic areas SilvaCarbon continuing to implement full work plan until September Significant USAid funding uncertainty (broadly) Proposing a GFOI CB Summit (donors, CB partners, and selected countries) ICIMOD – Kathmandu, Nepal - Sep 2017 SilvaCarbon partnering with other USG capacity building programs to leverage capacity and funds. For example SERVIR

7 R&D Successful R&D summit Nov in De Hague (see report: Recent expert meeting on Accuracy Assessment at FAO 3/4 April 2017 Planned R&D expert meeting on accuracy assessment of spatially-explicit approaches (as follow up of De Hague meeting, mid 2017) Leadership for training the trainer workshops, training materials and e-learning (co-operation with CB component and GFOI partners, see more: ESA’s current contract to support R&D coordination ended 31 March Brice moved on – Sarah Carter will take up his role New R&D Coordination work plan for prepared, but funding unsecure, discussion at ESA ongoing for funding of R&D Coordination Discussion with EC ongoing to address GFOI R&D (coordination and specific actions) in a future call of the Horizon 2020 Initiative Discussed representation on Leads

8 In conclusion Funding pressures will impact component capacity across the board Strong central support for Office, coordination Phase 2 has opportunities and challenges – in particular CEOS needs to be part of effective partnerships for country engagement, with capacity building GFOI Plenary is a new model and hopefully successful


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