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Serrano Intermediate School

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1 Serrano Intermediate School
“Everything That Has The Potential to Produce Greatness, Takes Great Risk.” Mrs. Bean and Ms. Yaganeh 7th & 8th Grade Counselors

2 Motivational Video: To The Glory!

3 Quotes to Discuss: “The time spent on your cell phone could be used for success.” “We need to heal as a team or we are going to crumble.” “You put on a mask on your face when you come to school, pretending like everything is okay when it’s not.” “You can’t point your fingers at others. You have to be willing to take the hits.” “Do you have hope, faith, and an understanding that our biggest enemy is ourselves?” “Clarity is power. You need to know the specifics to get what you want.”

4 What Is New This Year For You?
6 Different Classes / Teachers Rotating Schedule Keeping H.W. Organized for 6 Classes Using your Agenda Planner PE Locker Rooms No more playgrounds 

5 What Does a School Counselor Do?
Supports your academic success by: Listening confidentially Working with you on a plan Advising on problems or concerns Partnering with parents & teachers Helping however we can!

6 How Do I See My Counselor?
During lunch Before or after school By receiving a “call slip” With your teacher’s permission By leaving a note to set an appointment Sending an at the Serrano web site: Departments-Guidance or

7 Tips for Success at Serrano
Use the Agenda Planner daily, every period Stay organized (how do you stay organized?) Do homework nightly (don’t wait for the night before) Attend school (Be here mentally, not just physically. How do you stay involved?) Make up work if absent Ask for HELP!

8 Required 7th Grade Courses
English: 3 trimesters Math: 3 trimesters Science: 3 trimesters History: 3 trimesters P.E.: 3 trimesters and Health Electives: 3 trimesters or 1 year-long

9 How am I doing at School? Check teachers’ web sites
Check your grades on line Ask your teachers Parent/teacher conferences Share your work with your parents and keep them in the loop

10 (Take out your planners and highlight these days)
Report Card Grades Tri 1 Progress: Oct 26 Tri 1 Final: Dec 3 Tri 2 Progress: Feb 3 Tri 2 Final: Mar 17 Tri 3 Progress: May 17 Tri 3 Final: June 14-16 (Take out your planners and highlight these days)

11 GPA: Grade Point Average
6 permanent grades every Trimester Every GRADE is worth POINTS: A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0 Add the points and divide by 6 (the number of classes) The AVERAGE = G.P.A. Plus (+) and minus (-) do not change a grade’s point value: A- = 4, A+ = 4

12 Sample GPA Calculation
Grades for the trimester are worth points Points are added then Averaged to get your GPA 1st Trimester Class Grade Points English B Math C 2 Science C 2 History B 3 P.E. A Elective B 3 17 = Total Points 6 = Total number of classes 2.833 = 2.83 GPA = C+ 6)17.00 - 12 50 20

13 SVUSD Promotion Requirements
Pass at least 9 of your 12 core classes (English, History, Math, Science) for the year: no more than 3 Trimester F’s Earn at least a 1.50 cumulative GPA in all classes (Tri 1+2+3) for the year Earn at least a 1.00 cumulative Math GPA for the year Earn at least a 1.00 cumulative English GPA for the year

14 CJSF California Junior Scholarship Federation
7th & 8th graders must apply each trimester Membership based on grades in academic (required) classes Community service hours required Field trips! T-shirts! Awards & Recognition! Contact Mrs. Muilenburg for further information

15 Junior Optimist Club Another avenue to get involved
Volunteer and Community Service based Make new friends Weekly meetings after school Pick up a flyer in the front office

16 Eat Dinner Together (and put the phone away)
I challenge you to create a happy environment for yourself this year. Happiness = A Better Mood, Less Stress, Better Attention, and Less Anxiety. Ask your family to all eat together at the table. Divulge in conversation (share about your day) Put the phone away! Laugh together, be grateful, forgive, and be optimistic

17 Learn From Others, Be Inspired

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