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Chapters 6-10 Whole Class discussion notes

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1 Chapters 6-10 Whole Class discussion notes
Catcher in the Rye Chapters 6-10 Whole Class discussion notes

2 It’s still SATURDAY… Chapter Setting Event 6 Holden’s dorm
Holden is still preoccupied with Stradlater’s date with Jane. His nervousness grows when Stradlater doesn’t even talk about it when he gets home. Stradlater is angry that Holden wrote the essay about Allie’s baseball mitt. Stradlater is ungrateful and doesn’t even thank him for the effort. He calls Holden “backasswards” (Salinger 41) & Holden tears up the essay. Holden starts to ask Stradlater about his date – it gets pretty personal-but Stradlater won’t reveal any details. When Holden thinks about Stradlater taking advantage of Jane, he tries to punch him. Stradlater tries to get Holden to calm down, but Holden keeps on calling him a moron. Stradlater punches Holden in the face. Holden says that his bloody face “partly scared [him] and it partly fascinated [him]” (45). He also reveals to the reader that he’s a pacifist (one who does not believe in violence)

3 Yup, you guessed it, still Saturday…
Chapter Setting Event 7 Ackley’s room After the fight, Holden goes into Ackley’s room to seek refuge. He asks to sleep in Ely’s bed because he doesn’t want to be around Stradlater. When Ackley goes to sleep, Holden continues to obsess over Stradlater’s date. He reveals that Stradlater doesn’t usually take “no” for an answer with his dates. Holden wakes Ackley up and asks him what the criteria is for joining a monastery because he’s considering it. Holden decides to leave Pencey right then because staying there “is making him too sad and lonesome” (Salinger 51). Holden’s dorm He packs up, counts his money, puts on his red hunting hat (peak backwards), and shouts “sleep tight ya morons” (52) *side note: Holden’s “crying a little” (52)

4 And still…Saturday Chapter Setting Event 8 On the train
Holden meets Mrs. Morrow on the train to NYC. He gives her an alias: Rudolf Schmidt. In their conversation, Holden lies about a number of things (big and small). He lies about the personality and popularity of Ernest Morrow (her son), the reason that he’s going home early (surgery), and what he’s doing over the summer vacation(South America with his grandparents) 9 Penn Station Holden gets off the train and goes to the phone booth to call someone. He considers: D.B, Phoebe, Jane Gallagher, Sally Hayes, and Carl Luce. He ends up not calling anyone. NYC cab Holden gets a cab from Penn Station to the Edmont Hotel *by mistake he give that cabbie his home address and then they have to turn around – Holden is from NYC Holden asks that cabbie if he knew about the ducks in Central Park and where they went in the winter. He also asks him if he’d like to stop off and get a drink.

5 Is it Sunday yet? NOPE! Still Saturday
Chapter Setting Event 9 Edmont Hotel Holden arrives at the Edmont and claims it is “full of perverts and morons” (Salinger 61). When he gets to his room, he looks out the window and is fascinated by the perverted couple across the way. Holden tell us that he’s the “biggest sex maniac you ever saw” (Salinger), but then contradicts this when he says that “sex is something [he] really [doesn’t] understand too hot” (Salinger 62). Edmont Hotel He considers calling Jane long-distance at her school, but decides instead to call a girl he’s never met: Faith Cavendish (*she’s a bit of a whore). He gets her on the phone and tries to make a date, but she declines. 10 Lavender Room Holden meets the “three witches” (Salinger 70) and asks them to dance. The girls are concerned with seeing movie stars; Holden thinks they’re phonies. Holden gives them another alias : Jim Steele. Holden gets stuck with the bill.

6 Themes Motifs Symbols Inaction Holden’s inability to call anyone that matters to him. Isolation Holden elects to go to a hotel instead of going home. Innocence/Loss of innocence Holden “fighting for” Jane Holden revealing he doesn’t understand sex because (really) he’s a virgin Childhood/Growing Up Holden’s discussion of his kid sister Phoebe. Phoniness of Society The girls in the Lavender Room Loneliness Red Hunting Hat Unhealthy behavior (drinking, smoking, insomnia) Phoniness The Red Hunting Hat The Central Park Ducks

7 Chapters 6-10 Extra Credit Opportunity
“Lie to a Stranger” activity/worksheet DUE: FRIDAY, April 29 NO LATE ASSIGNMENTS ACCEPTED *See me for a worksheet

8 Get a Head Start… Start working on CH 11-15 reading for next week
WEEKLY SCHEDULE MONDAY -THURSDAY: Independent work days (due to PARCC schedule) FRIDAY: Role Meeting (rough draft of assignment due) MONDAY: Team Meeting TUESDAY: Whole Class Discussion (final of assignment due) **Don’t forget you get a participation grade EACH DAY for your effort and focus in class

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