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RED: Using Critical think Skills

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1 RED: Using Critical think Skills
Freshman Literature

2 Do Now What do you do when you come across questions you don’t know?

3 Objective Use the acronym RED (Recognize, Evaluate, Draw Conclusions) to help them analyze critical thinking questions

4 HOT Questions How do you use your prior knowledge when you come across a question you don’t know? How can using prior knowledge be helpful? Give an example.

5 Critical Thinking Critical thinking is a mental process that uses elements of reasoning to shape choices and make sound judgements.

6 RED How to think Critically
R= stands for Recognize what you already know E= stands for Evaluate what the question is actually asking you to do D= stands for Draw your Conclusion (answer the question to the best of your ability) Thinking through questions in this way will help you to come to the correct answer.

7 Now Lets Practice Using RED Copy this chart down on your paper
R: Recognize what you already know. Use your prior knowledge, and explain what you already know about the question? E: Evaluate the question. What is this question asking you to do? D: Draw your conclusion. What is the answer to the question? Notes: Is there anything you noticed about the question that is odd, or makes it difficult to answer?

8 Practice Question In power writing, what is the job of the Power 2?
How is the Power 3 used? How does Power Writing connect to the things we do outside of school? How can you use Power Writing in a corporate career? (A career in an office building) How can you use Power Writing in a trade? (A career as a plumber, electrician, mechanic, etc.)

9 “St. Lucy’s Home for Girls Raised by Wolves” by Karen Russel
Making Predictions Worksheet Let’s Practice Re-reading

10 Exit Ticket What does RED stand for? How will you apply RED to a critical thinking question? In other words, tell me what you will think when answering a critical thinking question (list the steps).

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