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Or: how to break things down even more!

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1 Or: how to break things down even more!
Scaffolding redux Or: how to break things down even more!

2 Yesterday’s major paper 1 prompt: pop culture universe
Demands writing within the specific context of Pop Culture Universe with a specific audience and set of conventions. Must demonstrate a clear understanding of an existing multi-text conversation. Expects writers to clearly situate themselves within that conversation using a clearly delineated complex claim (while fully integrating the “Big 5”). Revision-based sequence.

3 *Drumroll, please* group work!
Get into groups of 4. Step 1: Break down your assigned sequence more fully. List THREE concrete, Outcome-based skills needed to complete ONE of the Short Assignments. Step 2: Now, come up with as many activities to target those skills as possible (in-class activities, homework, group work, etc). In thinking about these skills, also think about in what order those skills might need to be worked with. In other words: create a micro-sequence! Step 3: After having done the micro-sequence, would you consider re-organizing the larger sequence?

4 Proposalannotated bibreading response
Understanding Genre -in class advert study (genre study) looking at audience, tone, etc. -HW: choose one of examples and do short informal genre analyses Sources/Summarizing/Intertextuality -library field trip! CITATIONS! -revise incorrect bibliography -maybe sources before proposal

5 Personal topic responseannotated biboutline/graphic organizer

6 Annotated bibprospectusmini MP
ProspectusBibmini MP Inquiry - group work: generating good questions to motivated research. “I’m interested in drugs…” -HW apply those skills to YOUR project Knowledge of convo/summarizing -groups break down essays and turn into a proposal -synthesizing practice with finished project -HW: find article related to YOUR topic and play the same game Genre and audience -take song or something and translate into new genre and share out in groups -HW stab at drafting prospectus -workshop prospectus (Oh, hey, revision)

7 Mini annotated bibreader responsepersuasive letter
Reader Response Focus QUOTING/PARA/SUMMARIZING -look at passage in class -do each for same passage ANALYZING RHETORICAL SITUATION -pg Contexts -Four groups with essay in front. Each group looks at different rhetorical appeal/feature -questions EFFECTIVE ORGANIZATION -pg 422 (organization model and summary) -outline their response first and then take positive examples -HW or in-class: make roadmap of piece you’ve read. Show strong sample

8 Mystery articlecontrast 2 articlescorrected bib (reflection)
CONTRAST ARTICLES: look at how they’re operating rhetorically in response to each other Identify and describe claims -in groups rhetorically analyze pieces (will have to scaffold this, too). -what is a “valid argument”? Texts in convo -begin formulating own opinions in response to mapped pieces -focus on rhetorical analysis through group work. -write text conversation between authors; on Canvas Incorporating evidence -map onto a geography; position and intended audience; tone/extremity -continue to build this throughout quarter (Creationist Hill)

9 Multiple summariescompare and contrastmini claim paper
MULTIPLE SUMMARIES Identifying claims -games! Looking at claims in book. Identify kinds of claims, who gets it first -numbering sentences, identify claim # Summarizing and paraphrasing - translation of a text to each awesome Rhetorical analysis -reverse outline Ethos, pathos, logos -identify in sentences

10 Sample micro-scaffold for sa 1
Day 1: Go over syllabus. -Define course keyterms -What is popular culture?

11 Sample micro-scaffold for Sa 1
Day 2 Homework due: Contexts ; 37-50 -Take notes on 3 Tannen pieces. Choose which piece is most convincing to YOU and why. Intro to rhetorical analysis [using Tannen]

12 Sample Micro-scaffold for day 1
Homework due: Durand “Pop Culture Meets the Academy” -Frederick “Sex and the Slayer” More rhetorical analysis of Durand [mini claim] Use Frederick as review model -reverse outline [organization, genre, mini claim]

13 Sample micro-scaffold sa 1
Day 4 Homework due: Contexts ; - Durand summary (5-7 sentences) - Sample book reviews on DB with mini-responses Group workshops: peer review summaries; group writing with reflection [summary, reading and understanding complex texts, rhetorical awareness, revision, metacognition]

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