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Knowing & Loving God.

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Presentation on theme: "Knowing & Loving God."— Presentation transcript:

1 Knowing & Loving God

2 Knowing & Loving God Wanting to know and love God
A person who wants to know and love someone automatically wants a relationship Wanting to know and love God causes a strong desire to become at-one with God The result of becoming at-one with God causes us to obey God's Principles and results in our automatically obeying God's Laws even if we are yet to discover them Intro

3 What I Have Learned


5 Knowing & Loving God Foundation Principles Order Principles
Love, Truth, Life, Development Economy, Function, Permanence, Scope Order Principles Compensation, Hierarchy Governance, Responsibility Soul Specific Principles Human Will, Desire, Redemption Transformation Principles Presented

6 Methods For Learning More

7 Knowing & Loving God Discover each of God's Laws through experimentation Have will and desire for self learning Measure the pain resulting from the use of will and desire Realize that a law must have been broken Attempt to find out what the law is through experimentation Discover God's Truth about the Law Obey each discovered law Method 1

8 Knowing & Loving God Problems Slowest method
Often the experimentation causes more pain Process needs to be followed with every individual Law New laws are being created faster than we can learn about them An almost infinite amount of laws already exist Understanding laws at an intellectual level is impossible Method 1

9 Knowing & Loving God Learn God's Laws from someone else Obey each learned law in every facet of one's life Method 2

10 Knowing & Loving God Problems Slow intermediate method
Requires a person who has already discovered each law Process needs to be followed with each law New laws are created faster than we can learn about them An almost infinite amount of laws exist Understanding laws at an intellectual level is impossible Method 2

11 Knowing & Loving God Learn God's Principles from someone else Obey each Principle in every facet of one's life Method 3

12 Knowing & Loving God Problems Faster intermediate method
Requires a person who has already discovered each Principle Process needs to be followed with every individual Principle Understanding Principles at an intellectual level is impossible Understanding Principles requires God's Love to be received Method 3

13 Knowing & Loving God Receive Love from and learn God's Personality, Characteristics, Attributes, Nature and Desires from God Live a life of obedience to Principle and respect of God because you desire to Fastest method Method 4

14 Knowing & Loving God Problems
Understanding God requires God's Love to be received Understanding God at an intellectual level is impossible Requires the development of desire and a growth of will Method 4

15 Understanding Sin

16 Knowing & Loving God God's Principles and laws expose sin
Sin would not exist without the existence of God's Principles and laws I cannot understand sin fully unless I understand God's Principles and laws If I do not understand sin, I cannot be aware of when I sin I sin if I live in disharmony with any single one of God's Principles or laws Sin

17 Summary & Conclusion


19 Knowing & Loving God Knowing & Loving God:
Having a relationship with God and receiving God's Love is the most rapid method of coming to understand, and also to benefit from understanding, God's Loving Principles and laws A person who loves God wants to accept God's Authority, and also will accept God's Principles and Laws Conclusion

20 Knowing & Loving God Knowing & Loving God:
If I do not understand God's Loving Principles and laws then I will not know when I am sinning, and therefore have no awareness of how to stop or remove the sin Conclusion

21 Next Assistance Group

22 Knowing & Loving God Understanding Sin & Its Causes:
As a part of awakening to sin, I must understand sin and its causes To understand sin and its causes, I must have at least a rudimentary understanding of God's Loving Principles and laws Next Assistance Group

23 Knowing & Loving God Understanding Sin & Its Causes:
We recommend to develop a much stronger understanding of the material we have presented in this group, and then to examine your personal life every day to see how you are working in disharmony with God's Loving Principles and laws, so that you can begin your real awakening to sin Next Assistance Group

24 Future Plans

25 Knowing & Loving God Personal progression
Jesus & Mary's progression will assist you to have more faith and desire At the moment we see that there is not a strong desire for God for most people We feel we need to focus on our progression to demonstrate truths to you Personal

26 Knowing & Loving God Ideas for assistance groups
People are still struggling to put the material into action in their day to day life We want to help others to apply the material and come to know and love God Dates of all future groups will be changed depending on readiness of material and on the audience readiness to receive the material

27 Knowing & Loving God Future groups Understanding Sin & Its Causes
Removing Sin & Its Causes Engaging God's Laws Of Love Receiving God's Love Loving God Assistance Groups

28 Knowing & Loving God Other projects we are working on
Seminar presentations God's Way project Volunteer education project Clips project Programming projects Transcription, Transliteration and Translation project Other Projects

29 Special Thanks

30 End of Group & Group Photo

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