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My Creed.

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Presentation on theme: "My Creed."— Presentation transcript:

1 My Creed

2 I believe in a generous and loving God

3 Fully present in our world; in you and in me,

4 Present in all of creation

5 Present in the brokenness and the suffering

6 present in the journey we each walk

7 I believe in Jesus, in whom God was fully present
I believe in Jesus, in whom God was fully present. Jesus, the person who showed us our God and showed us how to live our lives

8 I believe in the Holy Spirit. The Spirit residing within us all.

9 The same Spirit that has worked for generations through people who have inspired us in the way they live their lives. Their quest to make the world a better place

10   I believe that our church is a Community of Christ’s disciples called to be his visible sign in our world today.

11 I believe that I am called to live as God created us to be
I believe that I am called to live as God created us to be. To live my life to the full.

12 I believe I am called to love
I believe I am called to love. Love our God, love my neighbour and love myself.

13 I believe, and in truly believing

14 The evidence will be in how I live my life,

15 In how I participate in the mission to bring the reign of God to our world today.

16 I believe I believe I believe

17 And it is this faith that is God’s greatest gift to me.

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