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LHC Hardware Commissioning Training

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Presentation on theme: "LHC Hardware Commissioning Training"— Presentation transcript:

1 LHC Hardware Commissioning Training
Technical Infrastructure T.Pettersson TS/CSE

2 Contents Introduction – TI@CCC Piquet support -(Power, CV & Access)
Electrical Power Distribution Cooling and Ventilation Access systems Conclusions Introduction – Piquet support -(Power, CV & Access) Electrical Power Distribution Cooling and Ventilation Access systems Conclusions More powering slides – for information

3 Introduction – TI@CCC TI Mandate
The desk monitors and operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year via a fully computerized remote control system the entire technical infrastructure of CERN comprising: the electrical and fluid distribution networks heating, cooling, ventilation and air-conditioning equipment safety and communication installations high vacuum and cryogenic systems for SPS, LHC test facilities control and monitoring infrastructure  Calls the respective piquet services on your behalf!

4 Piquet service from TS/EL
Introduction Piquet support Electrical Power Distribution Cooling and Ventilation Access systems Conclusions Guaranteed 365/365 days and 24/24/ hours Team of two CERN staff from TS/EL Contact ONLY through the desk Phone or 72231 Intervention delay 60 minutes outside working hours and on holidays 30 minutes inside working hours (8h-12h and 13h-17h) Intervention follows a defined procedure: consignes piquet TS/EL révision n°7 EDMS n° Electrical Network information – Safety/Assured/Normal/UPS/48Vdc: =2&resId=0&materialId=slides&confId=7306

5 Piquet service from TS/CV
Introduction Piquet support Electrical Power Distribution Cooling and Ventilation Access systems Conclusions Guaranteed 365/365 days and 24/24 hours Subcontractor and TS-CV staff Contact ONLY through the desk Phone or 72231 Intervention delay 60 minutes outside working hours and on holidays 30 minutes inside working hours (8h-12h and 13h-17h) Intervention follows procedure: Consignes piquet TS/CV EDMS n° Note: special handling for LHC HwC– see section 5 in EDMS document Note : There is only one team available – if it is busy you will have to wait.

6 Piquet service from TS/CV- flow chart
Introduction Piquet support Electrical Power Distribution Cooling and Ventilation Access systems Conclusions

7 LHC Access problem procedure - Valid before operation with beam
Introduction Piquet support Electrical Power Distribution Cooling and Ventilation Access systems Conclusions LHC Calls TI (technical alarm) User calls CSA CSA 78877 72201 Piquet Cegelec Technical problem ODM + Call Close ODM Valide ODM Traffic management, Rearm Emergency Passage Guard Piquet TS/CSE/AAS AdministrativeProblems Control HRT or ADS

8 Context- the LHC powering Circuit
Context – LHC Powering Circuit

9 Powering - DC and control cables and their handover status
Introduction Piquet support Electrical Power Distribution Cooling and Ventilation Access systems Conclusions Air cooled power cable cross sections: Warm magnets: 500mm2 ALU, 240 mm2 CU. Cold magnets: 400, 240, 120, 95, 35 and 25mm2 CU Tests: - All cables have been tested (section, temperature, layout, disposition, connections etc…) during the short circuit tests. The same applies to warm magnet circuits and connections to power converters. - The polarity of the cables and the identification (special lables) has been verified during the polarity tests. Water cooled powering cables Cable cross sections: 800, 1000, 1300 and 2000 mm2. Presence of Elettas (flowmeters) interlocked with the converters in the return path of the water circuit. No specific synoptic available from EL. - Idem warm cables. Individual test and setting of each flowmeter. Control cables Tests of all cables at the end of each cabling compaign. All cables have been given to the users for individual verification during the system tests.

10 Levels of availability of the electrical supply
Introduction Piquet support Electrical Power Distribution Cooling and Ventilation Access systems Conclusions No but depends on battery autonomy : 2h to 3h Yes 48 Vdc ECD but depends on battery autonomy : 10min to 2h Yes or No UPS EOD 30s to 90s Safety ESD Assured EAD Downtime = Mains downtime Normal EBD Downtime ? Backed up by Diesel set ? Switched off by AUG ? Mains perturbations visible ? Types of supply

11 Powering - Circuits for water cooled cables (Principles)
Introduction Piquet support Electrical Power Distribution Cooling and Ventilation Access systems Conclusions How water is used in the Circuits 13kA RB, RQD, RQF H1-H4: Water circuits E: Elettas UA RA Copper tubes C1-C6: WCC T1-T3: WCT E E Water cooled cable! H 1 H 2 C4 T2 C3 C2 T1 C1 - Flexible hoses Water in Energy extraction system DFB E + T3 H 1 RR C5 C6 H 3 H 4 E In the same circuit, Elettas (flowmeters) are connected in series. In case of water flow below threshold in any water circuit, the converter receives an interlock signal. All four water circuits are supplied from the same source! Energy extraction system DFB E Water out

12 Powering - Circuits for water cooled cables - reality

13 Powering - Circuits for water cooled cables - reality

14 Powering - Circuits for water cooled cables - reality

15 Water circuits for cooled cables (Principles)
Introduction Piquet support Electrical Power Distribution Cooling and Ventilation Access systems Conclusions Water cooling for 4, 6, 8 kA electrical circuits Flexible hoses Water tube Water tube E E + + DFB - - DFB + E E - + DFB - Demineralized water characteristics for each building: - Conductivity: bet 0.1 and 1 Micro Siemens/cm Max. input temperature : 28 deg C Pressure in operation : 16 bars Max. delta T : 15 K Water speed : less than 2 m/s Total water pressure drop : less than 2 bar Pt1 special: Power switch- beam optics reasons

16 General Emergency Stop – AUG (in French) LHC arc 7-8
Introduction Piquet support Electrical Power Distribution Cooling and Ventilation Access systems Conclusions AUG – Emergency stops - objective Cut all power sources that potentially represent a danger. Requirement specifications for the AUG as per IS 5 (EDMS: ) An AUG does not cut power to the safety systems (lifts, emergency lights and markings, smoke extraction, pumps, UPS for communications, fire detection). All equipment powered shall be designed to ensure that no extra risks are created when the Fire Brigade intervenes ( mechanical protection, orange fluorescent markings etc..) All AUGs in a given zone give the same result. ALL AUGs are designed to fail safely. ALL AUGs will generate a Level 3 alarm which alerts the Fire Brigade immediately. Infrastructure arc 7-8 4 racks in US85 – SE8 – UJ76 – SE7 Underground AUG safety chain LHC8 in UA83, RA83, tunnel R81 et R82, RE82, US85, UW85, UX85 LHC7 in UJ76, RR77, tunnel R77 et R79, RE78, TZ76 Surface AUG safety chain which may influence the underground! LHC8 in SE8, SD8, SU8, SH8, SR8 LHC7 in SE7, SD7, SU7, SR7

17 Cooling - Underground pumping stations UW85 (primary water from SF8)
Introduction Piquet support Electrical Power Distribution Cooling and Ventilation Access systems Conclusions Primary water circuit synoptic

18 Cooling - Primary water circuit from SF8 and underground pipe feeds
Introduction Piquet support Electrical Power Distribution Cooling and Ventilation Access systems Conclusions PLC problem Alarme

19 Underground water piping network (Demineralised water)
Introduction Piquet support Electrical Power Distribution Cooling and Ventilation Access systems Conclusions Alarm

20 Ventilation Surface Building
Introduction Piquet support Electrical Power Distribution Cooling and Ventilation Access systems Conclusions

21 Tunnel ventilation for accessible zones (HwC data)
Introduction Piquet support Electrical Power Distribution Cooling and Ventilation Access systems Conclusions

22 LHC Access system architecture
Introduction Piquet support Electrical Power Distribution Cooling and Ventilation Access systems Conclusions

23 Access to LHC Introduction Piquet support Electrical Power Distribution Cooling and Ventilation Access systems Conclusions For sector 7-8 little impact of new access system- only access control imposed. The access safety system aspects will enter into play during the summer with ever increasing impact on those machine elements that are part of a safety chain. At closure of machine 31/08/07 the LHC access system will be ready for production. This includes that dosimeters are required and a biometric verification of your identity will be done before you can enter…. Control of the LHC access system will be managed from the desk. Access to experimental caverns can be delegated to the experimental control rooms under certain conditions.

24 Conclusions For issues with Power, Cooling and Ventilation:
Introduction Piquet support Electrical Power Distribution Cooling and Ventilation Access systems Conclusions For issues with Power, Cooling and Ventilation: For issues with the access system: CSA (guards) 78877 Bat 55 for cards, dosimeters and biometric data acquisition. for technical problems LHC Access system LHC desk (later) Extra slides on powering schemes

25 Acknowledgements TS/EL: Felix M.R.; J-C Guillaume, A. Funken, S. Brown, G. Cumer TS/CV: JIG, S. Deleval TS/CSE: P. Ninin, L. Scibile

26 CCC LSS8L POINT 7 Point 8 Surface RE82 US85
Normal tunnel powering from Point 8 400kV Transformer Prevessin Point 8 Surface EMD3/8E EMD1/8E surveillance EMD2/8E CCC EBD1/8E LSS8L RE82 US85 F2 F2 F2 EBD1/82 EAD1/82 EBD1/85 POINT 7 F2 Alim Vide, RYLA

27 CCC LSS8L Point 8 Surface RE82 US85 Powering Tunnel UPS from Pt 8
400kV transformer EDF- CERN Prevessin Point 8 Surface G CCC EMD3/8E EMD1/8E EMD2/8E ESD1/8E EBD1/8E LSS8L RE82 US85 F3 F3 F3 EBD1/82 EAD1/82 EBD1/85 UPS EOD1/82 ESD1/85 UPS EOD1/85 To POINT 7

28 UA83 LSS8L Point 8 Surface US85 Powering UA83
400kV transformer EDF- CERN Prevessin Point 8 Surface CCC G EMD3/8E EMD1/8E EMD2/8E ESD1/8E EMD6/8E EBD1/8E UA83 EMT601/83 RBA.78 EBD1/85 ERD1/83 EBD1/83 ESD1/85 UPS US85 EOD1/83 LSS8L

29 LSS7R Point 7 Surface RE78 Powering tunnel UPS from UJ76 CCC G F3 F3

30 Powering RR77 & UJ76 UJ76 Point 7 Surface RR77 LSS7R To POINT8 CCC G
EMD1/7E EMD3/7E RR77 ESD1/8E EBD1/7E EBD1/77 LSS7R EOD1/77 ERD1/77 EBD1/76 UPS F3 EOD1/76 ESD1/85 ERD1/76 To POINT8 UJ76

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