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Presentation on theme: "SPACE INTERNETWORKING SERVICES (SIS) AREA"— Presentation transcript:

Bob Durst (AD) Dai Stanton (DAD) 28 April 2009 22 October 2008 1 1

SIS REPORT CURRENT GROUPS WITHIN AREA Space Packet Protocol Working Group Asynchronous Message Service Working Group IP Over CCSDS Working Group Motion Imagery and Applications Working Group Delay Tolerant Networking Working Group Voice Working Group 28 April 2009 22 October 2008 2 2

IPO WG AMS WG Voice WG DTN WG MIA WG Plenary Secretariat 1  1 BNSC 3 CNES 2 CSA DLR ESA 4 FSA JAXA USA 8 7 5 14 18 Total 12 11 22 25 Meeting Duration 1 day 2.5 days Agency Diversity UPDATE *x/y x = registered; y = attended. 22 October 2008 28 April 2009 3 3

SIS REPORT SUMMARY TECHNICAL STATUS Space Packet Protocol WG Goals: Did not meet Working Group Status: Green Book awaiting disposition of NASA comments Pink Sheets past agency review. Resolution to publish from SLS Working Group Summary Situation: Will move to dissolve when when Pink Sheets incorporated and Green Book published. status: OK CAUTION PROBLEM comment: Completion expected this cycle 28 April 2009 22 October 2008 4 4

5 SIS REPORT Asynchronous Message Service WG Goals:
In joint meeting with SOIS, resolve any residual AMS/MTS alignment issues Discuss interoperability testing plan and findings Resolve any residual specification issues Working Group Status: AMS/MTS alignment satisfactory; two additional conformance classes requested (minimal and sub-minimal sets) Interoperability testing completed, judged satisfactory by WG participants; test report to be updated with additional explanatory notes (APL, Goddard, JPL, Marshall) All remaining specification issues (emerged in implementation) resolved by consensus Working Group Summary Situation: status: OK CAUTION PROBLEM comment: On schedule. 28 April 2009 22 October 2008 5 5

6 AMS WG Findings The AMS WG reiterates its recommendation that, funding permitting, ESA/SciSys – JHU/APL interoperability testing over SOIS packet service begin as soon as feasible. Completion of this testing is not a precondition to formal standardization of AMS, as interoperation between independently developed implementations has already been successfully demonstrated, but it is highly desirable. Action on ESA to confirm resources. The WG agrees to divide the Basic Message Exchange capability set into two sets – send/receive, query/reply – and add two bare- minimum conformance classes: send/receive only, with and without MAMS. This will fully align AMS with the current MTS service definition. The WG agrees that development of the AMS specification is complete. Upon completion of some copy editing and the addition of new conformance classes as noted above, the AMS Red Book will be ready for final Agency review and poll. The WG asks the Area Director to issue a resolution to this effect at his convenience. 28 April 2009 6

Develop a CCSDS recommended best practice document for how to transfer IP datagrams over the 4 CCSDS link layer protocols. New – Develop IP in Space Internetworking Magenta and Green books Working Group Status: IP over CCSDS Red-3 completed Agency Review NASA-RID on IP over ENCAP to be resolved in SLS-SLP meeting Fri PM IP over CCSDS on hold until SLS-SLP depreciates IPv4 in link layer documents and interoperability testing between NASA/JPL and GSFC done. Expect this task to be completed by Fall 09 meeting. New task: IP in Space Internetworking Magenta and Green Books (resolution by CESG meeting) Working Group Summary Situation: status: OK CAUTION PROBLEM comment: Good 28 April 2009 22 October 2008 7 7

8 SIS AREA REPORT Goals: Motion Imagery and Applications WG
Review and edit draft Green book text Plan Fall 09 meeting planning for beginning work on Magenta Book WG Status: Active WG Summary Situation: Excellent active participation, consensus on current and future direction WG Summary progress: Successfully testing HDTV MPEG-4 link between HOSC and Col-CC Could be beginning of test bed work for the future Reviewed current draft Green Book content and reviewed new content provided by International partners Agreed on general direction toward development of Magenta Book On schedule for completion of Green Book status: OK CAUTION PROBLEM comment: 03/06/2018

9 SIS AREA REPORT MIA WG (cnt’d) Planning :
Working on merging content from partners into single CCSDS Green Book format Planning on coordinating with selected CCSDS groups to hold joint “education” meetings during Fall CCSDS meetings as a starting point for Magenta Book development Beginning to think about proto-typing in late 2010/2011 time frame 03/06/2018

10 Probable 6 month schedule slip to Blue Books (Fall 2010)
SIS REPORT Delay Tolerant Networking WG Goals: Review and finalize draft Green Book. Start development of DTN protocol specifications Discuss additional WG documents and way forward Working Group Status: Met jointly with representatives from SOIS and identified areas of interface between DTN and SOIS onboard services. Virtual Reviewed draft Green Book, identified some new material on resource management; expect submission to CESG within 2 months Achieved agreement on RFC5050 and RFC5326 as base DTN protocols and goals of maintaining CCSDS interoperability with terrestrial versions Planned next steps for protocol spec development – WG to generate white books by July; modify schedule for Blue Book finalization to Fall of 2010 Note to CESG: WG may submit a charter modification to generate a detailed architecture Green Book (target completion date +1year) Working Group Summary Situation: status: OK CAUTION PROBLEM comment: Probable 6 month schedule slip to Blue Books (Fall 2010) 28 April 2009 10 10

11 SIS REPORT Voice WG Goals:
Out of cycle meeting to accommodate meeting schedules and constraints Develop Green Book second draft Incorporate international contributions Working Group Status: Green Book second draft completed and distributed as scheduled Further actions assigned for additional Green Book content Team is reviewing second draft Working Group Summary Situation: status: OK CAUTION PROBLEM comment: On Schedule. 28 April 2009 22 October 2008 11 11

12 Cross Area Meetings for Spring ‘09
SIS-SOIS: Identified areas of interface between DTN and SOIS onboard services. ‘Soft’ recommendation for SOIS to consider standardized ‘transponder access’ service (device virtualization of communication resources) that could be accessed by DTN. SIS-SOIS: Resolved the only residual AMS/MTS alignment issue, the need to identify an even-more-minimal capability set as the basis for two new minimal conformance classes: send/receive only, with and without MAMS. Recommended that interoperability testing between the ESA/SciSys and JHU/APL implementations of AMS, over SOIS packet service, should begin as soon as feasible. 28 April 2009 22 October 2008 12

13 Forthcoming Resolutions from SIS to CESG
Close moribund working groups. SPP Pink Sheet incorporation and Blue Book upissue. SPP Green Book publication. AMS Red Book to go for final Agency review and poll. Followed, in this cycle for resolution for AMS Blue and Green Book publication and WG shutdown. DTN GB for CESG review followed by agency review. 28 April 2009 22 October 2008 13

SIS REPORT D. SUMMARY: MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS, S’09 MEETING AMS nearing completion DTN now has active multi-agency participation. Rationale Green Book nearing completions and scope of blue books agreed Voice/video? 28 April 2009 22 October 2008 14 14


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