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Essay Topics Argue for Hamlet’s insanity or sanity, supporting with key pieces of evidence and interpreting them in order to prove your case. You must.

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Presentation on theme: "Essay Topics Argue for Hamlet’s insanity or sanity, supporting with key pieces of evidence and interpreting them in order to prove your case. You must."— Presentation transcript:

1 Essay Topics Argue for Hamlet’s insanity or sanity, supporting with key pieces of evidence and interpreting them in order to prove your case. You must also acknowledge how the opposing view would interpret that piece of evidence, and then explain why your interpretation is superior. You must use quotes from the play as pieces of evidence, and cite them properly in your essay. Does Hamlet “delay” his revenge? If so, why? If not, why? Support with quotes from the text, interpret them in support of your argument, and cite them properly. How does Hamlet change over the course of the play? Support your assertion with quotes from the text, interpret them in support of your argument, and cite them properly. Is Hamlet an admirable hero? Why or why not? Compare and contrast two characters in the play. For example: Laertes and Hamlet, Ophelia and Gertrude, Polonius and “Rosencrantz and Guildenstern,” or any two main characters you wish. Tell how they are similar, how they are different, and how these similarities and differences are important to the play. Support with quotes from the text, interpret them in support of your argument, and cite them properly. Any other topic that a) Has verifiable textual evidence b) Prior approval by me

2 Review Give your thesis some nuance and depth. For example:
“In this passage, Shakespeare subtly conveys the underlying corrosive nature of Hamlet’s vengeance through the use of celestial imagery and Hamlet’s repudiation of intellectual pursuits.”

3 Structure 2) Make sure that your topic sentences build on previous ideas by referencing either a) the thesis statement or b) the previous paragraph’s main idea. For example: Avoid using statements such as “Hamlet then goes on to question the legitimacy of the ghost” as topic sentences. Preface them with some transition: “Hamlet’s inaction stems not only from fear of divine reprisal, but also from concerns about the supernatural. Hamlet questions the legitimacy of the ghost when he says...

4 Concluding Remember that your essay should build on each idea. By the time you have reached your conclusion, you should be able to augment your thesis it in a way that incorporates new information from your body paragraphs. Do not simply repeat your thesis with only one or two different words.

5 Quoting Make sure that you reference the act, scene, and line number(s) in question. Omit Shakespeare’s name, and omit Hamlet unless you are discussing multiple Shakespearean plays in the same paper. For Example: Hamlet describes Yorick as a man of “infinite jest” with frequent “flashes of merriment” ( , 146). Such descriptions contrast Yorick’s buffoonish personality with his grim remains.

6 Common Errors Parallelism:
Shakespeare uses imagery, hyperbole, and develops an attitude towards his protagonist. Shakespeare uses imagery of decay, hyperbole, and a solemn tone through Hamlet’s opening soliloquy.

7 Pronoun Ambiguity Shakespeare’s attitude is reflected in Hamlet when he says, “tis an unweeded garden” ( ). Hamlet betrays his inner disgust for the political situation when he says, “tis an unweeded garden” ( ).

8 Spot The Error(s) There are several times when Hamlet overexaggerates things, calling man a quintessence of dust. Hamlet often exaggerates the human condition, referring to a man as a “quintessence of dust” ( ).

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