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Growth in Virtues.

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1 Growth in Virtues

2 Virtue Virtue is a good habit that helps us to act according to God’s love for us. It is a habitual disposition to do good. Types of Virtue: Theological and Cardinal Theological Virtues have God as their source, while the cardinal virtues are habits that come about by our efforts, prompted by God’s grace. Theological Virtues: Faith, hope and Charity (love)

3 Theological Virtues Faith is the theological virtue by which we believe in God and believe all that God has revealed to us, and all that the Church teaches for our belief. Hope is the theological virtue by which we place our trust in Cod’s promises because they are true, and rely not on our strength but on the help of the grace of the Holy Spirit. Charity is the theological virtue by which we love God above all things and our neighbor as ourselves.

4 Cardinal Virtues: Prudence, Justice, Fortitude, and Temperance
Prudence helps us to make sound judgment, and direct our actions toward what is good. Prudence helps guide all of the other virtues because it helps us to discern the true good in every circumstance. Prudence helps us to make the right decision at the right time. Justice is giving each person what is his or her due. Justice is not an exact synonym of “fairness” (some people might consider vengeance “fair”). As a virtue, justice means treating others with dignity. Fortitude enables us to act bravely in the face of troubles and fears. Fortitude is the courage to do a morally good action. Temperance helps us to keep our desires under control and to balance our use of material goods. The virtue of temperance helps us to find a balance between too much and too little of the good things in life.

5 The Call to Discipleship
Jesus gives us an example in leading a life of faith, hope and love. We answer His call to discipleship by living a life of faith (believing in God), hope (trusting in God) and love (loving God with our whole strength, heart, mind and soul). As members of the Church, we come together in faith, hope, and love. The church is a visible sign and an instrument of God’s salvation. It is a union of God and His people, hence it is called the Body of Christ.

6 Marks of the Church In the Nicene creed, we profess that the church is one, holy, catholic, and apostolic. These are the marks or characteristics of the church. A creed is a statement of belief. One- because all its members believe in the one Lord, Jesus Christ, sharing the same baptism. Holy- because we share in the holiness of God who has called us to be holy. Our holiness grows as we respond to God’s love in pour lives. Catholic- universal. This is because the church is open to people everywhere. It is worldwide. All-embracing. Apostolic – because it is built on the faith of the apostles, i.e. what we believe and do comes down to us from the apostles. The church is apostolic today because the life and leadership of the church is based on that of the apostles. The pope and the bishops continue the ministry of the apostles.

7 Types of Prayer Prayer of Adoration: a form of prayer in which we worship God and express our love for Him Prayer of Thanksgiving: a form of prayer that shows gratitude to God for every gift. Prayer of Contrition: a form of prayer in which we have true sorrow for sin and ask for God’s mercy Prayer of Intercession: a form of prayer in which we ask for God’s help for others.

8 Types of Prayer Meditative Prayer:
In meditative prayer, we engage our minds and hearts with a specific spiritual reading, usually from the Bible. Meditating on stories from the Bible helps to “deepen our conviction of faith, prompt the conversion of our heart, and strengthen our will to follow Christ” (CCC 2708).

9 Gifts of the Holy Spirit: Graces given to us by God
Wisdom, understanding, counsel, strength, knowledge, and fear of the Lord. Wisdom: Wisdom perfects our faith, because it helps us to see God for who He is. The beginning of true wisdom is a respect and love for God. Fear of God: The gift of fear of the Lord does not mean being terrified by something scary. Another word for fear is “awe” or “wonder.” This gift inspires us to see God as He is, not who we think He might be, and to be in awe of His glory and might.

10 Piety: Piety is to have reverence for holy things and for God
Piety: Piety is to have reverence for holy things and for God. This gift helps us to have the right attitude toward God and to worship Him because we love Him. Understanding: The gift of understanding helps us know and understand the truths of our Faith that are beyond our ability to know by ourselves. Knowledge: The gift of knowledge helps us to know God’s plan for our live and to act upon it. It makes it easier to distinguish between truth and temptation.

11 Strength or Courage: With this gift, we’re able to overcome the difficulties, pain, and suffering in our lives with energy and resolve. We are strengthened to stand up for and defend our Faith even to the point of physical harm or death. Counsel: The gift of counsel or right judgment helps us to be more open to what our conscience is saying. The Holy Spirit gives gifts to each of us. We received the Holy Spirit at our Baptism, and we receive a special outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of Confirmation, but we can also pray for an increase of these gifts of the Spirit in our lives.

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