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SADC 5th WRC-15 Preparatory Meeting, Gabarone, Botswana September 2015

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Presentation on theme: "SADC 5th WRC-15 Preparatory Meeting, Gabarone, Botswana September 2015"— Presentation transcript:

1 SADC 5th WRC-15 Preparatory Meeting, Gabarone, Botswana 14-18 September 2015
STATUS OF REGIONAL PREPARATIONS FOR WRC-15 Mobile, PPDR and amateur issues South Africa

2 Agenda item 1.1 to consider additional spectrum allocations to the mobile service on a primary basis and identification of additional frequency bands for International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT) and related regulatory provisions, to facilitate the development of terrestrial mobile broadband applications, in accordance with Resolution 233 (WRC-12)

3 Agenda item Methods The following methods may be applied to potential candidate frequency bands Method A – No change, which may be accompanied by reasons. Method B – Make an allocation to the MS on a primary basis (either by a new allocation or the upgrade of an existing secondary allocation) with a view to facilitate the development of terrestrial mobile broadband applications. Method B-Table of Allocations (ToA) - Make an allocation to the MS on a primary basis in the Table of Frequency Allocations. Method B-Footnote (FN) - Make an allocation to the MS on a primary basis in a footnote Method C - To identify the frequency band for IMT either in a new or existing footnote. This Method can be applied individually if there is already a primary mobile allocation or in conjunction with Method B.

4 Agenda item 1.1 – Methods cont’d
Methods – continued In addition, any condition of use specific to a frequency band by the MS or IMT systems will be described under the specific frequency band under Methods B and/or C. Other considerations - Current status of the frequency band: There is an allocation on a primary basis for the MS for a frequency band in a Region and it is identified for IMT in certain countries in that Region. Those countries which may wish to add their names to that footnote can submit proposals to WRC-15 taking into account Resolution 26 (Rev.WRC-07) in accordance with Resolution 233 (WRC-12). If agreed within a Region, countries or the regional group could submit a proposal to WRC-15 to modify an existing footnote reflecting the identified frequency bands for IMT in that region.

5 Agenda item 1.1 – Regional Positions

6 Agenda item 1.1 – Regional Positions

7 Agenda item 1.1 – Regional Positions

8 Agenda item 1.1 – Regional Positions

9 Agenda item 1.1 – Regional Positions

10 Agenda item 1.1 – Regional Positions

11 Agenda item 1.2 to examine the results of ITU-R studies, in accordance with Resolution 232 (WRC-12), on the use of the frequency band MHz by the mobile, except aeronautical mobile, service in Region 1 and take appropriate measures

12 Agenda item 1.2 Methods Issue A: Refinement of the lower band edge
Method A: Set lower band edge at 694 MHz – modify RR Article 5 to add primary mobile allocation and identification to IMT for the band MHz – for modification of RR Nos A and 5.312A, two options are available: Option 1: Modification of Resolution 232 (WRC-12) by WRC-15 Option 2: Addition of a new Resolution XXX (WRC-15) Issue B: Technical and regulatory conditions applicable to MS concerning the compatibility btwn the MS and the BS. Method B1: No change Method B2: GE06 applies. Reference in RR footnote to Recommendations ITU-R M.1036[-5] and ITU-R M.[BSMS700] for technical conditions Method B3: GE06 applies together with additional technical conditions and regulatory mechanisms in a new or revised WRC-15 Resolution Method B4: GE06 applies and RR No applies for the operation of MS in relation to the protection of the BS

13 Agenda item 1.2 Methods cont’d
Issue C: Technical and regulatory conditions applicable to MS concerning the compatibility between the MS and the ARNS for the countries listed in RR No Six methods are given – all specify that RR No still applies in to the MS in relation to the ARNS. With he determination of affected administrations based on: The issue does NOT apply to SADC, therefore not reflected further in presentation. This is an issue between CEPT and RCC.

14 Agenda item 1.2 Methods cont’d
Issue D: Solutions for accommodating the requirements for applications ancillary to broadcasting. Three methods are given – all include, “modification of the existing upper limit of frequency bands mentioned in RR No for the secondary allocation to 694 MHz and extension of that use to applications ancillary to programme-making”. Method D1: includes identification of MHz via a new footnote for applications ancillary to broadcasting and programme-making Method D2: includes a new WRC Resolution to accommodate the operability of the frequency band MHz for applications ancillary to broadcasting and programme-making, taking into account the process described in Resolution ITU-R 59 Method D3: no additional provisions

15 Agenda item 1.2 – Regional Positions

16 Agenda item 1.2 – Regional Positions

17 Agenda item 1.3 To review and revise Resolution 646 (WRC-12) for broadband public protection and disaster relief (PPDR), in accordance with Resolution 648 (WRC-12)

18 Agenda item 1.3 Methods Method A: Editorial updating to Res. 646 (Rev.WRC-12) Under this method, no change will be made to Res. 646 (Rev.WRC-12), other than editorial amendments to Footnote 1 of Res. 646 (Rev.WRC-12) and the text surrounding it, and updated references to ITU-R Reports. The broadband PPDR requirements will be addressed through ITU-R studies appropriately Method B: Modify Res. 646 (Rev.WRC-12) to include spectrum for broadband PPDR and frequency bands/ranges to facilitate harmonization Under this method, requirements of broadband PPDR would be addressed in the revision of Res. 646 (Rev.WRC-12)

19 Agenda item 1.3 Methods cont’d
Method C: Modify Res. 646 (Rev.WRC-12), excluding PPDR frequencies through non-mandatory reference to Recommendation ITU-R M.2015 Under this method, requirements of broadband PPDR would be addressed in the revision of Res. 646 (Rev.WRC-12) Method D: Modify Res. 646 (Rev.WRC-12), to include suitable global and regional tuning ranges for PPDR operations with their specific frequency arrangements and any national use covered through non-mandatory reference to Recommendation ITU-R M.2015 Under this method the proposed revision of Res. 646 (Rev.WRC-12) would address requirements of PPDR operations, as invited by Res. 648 (WRC-12)

20 Agenda item 1.3 – Regional Positions
* ASMG - Res 646 – Option B to recognizing g) and Option 1 to resolves 2

21 Agenda item 1.4 To consider possible new allocation to the amateur service on a secondary basis within the band 5 250-5 450 kHz in accordance with Resolution 649 (WRC‑12); Resolution 649 (WRC‑12): Possible allocation to the amateur service on a secondary basis at around 5 300 kHz

22 Agenda item 1.4 Methods Method A: An allocation to the ARS, on a secondary basis, for one or more blocks of spectrum (not necessarily contiguous) in the range kHz to kHz. Method A1: allocation to the ARS, on a secondary basis in the frequency band, kHz. Method A2: allocation to the ARS, on a secondary basis in the range to kHz. Method A3: allocation to the ARS up to 15 kHz or [xx] kHz, on a secondary basis, in the range kHz to kHz. Method A4: allocation to the ARS at several specific channels, on a secondary basis, in the range kHz to kHz. Method B: No changes to Frequency Allocation Table of Radio Regulations in the frequency band kHz.

23 Agenda item 1.4 – Regional Positions

Agenda 1.11, 1.12,1.13, 1.14

25 Agenda item 1.11 to consider a primary allocation for the Earth exploration-satellite service (Earth-to-space) in the 7-8 GHz range, in accordance with Resolution 650 (WRC‑12) Resolution 650 (WRC‑12) calls for study of the spectrum requirements and compatibility studies in the 7-8 GHz range for EESS (Earth-to-space) telecommand operations in order to complement telemetry operations of EESS (space-to-Earth) in the 8   MHz band. Resolution 650 indicates that priority is given to the band 7 145-7 235 MHz. Also it is to be noted that under agenda item 1.9.1, possible new allocations to the FSS in the frequency band 7 150-7 250 MHz (space-to-Earth) are also being considered.

26 WRC-15 agenda item 1.11 Method A - This method proposes to add a global primary allocation to the EESS (Earth-to-space) in the frequency band MHz with different conditions establishing protection of currently allocated services. Method B – This method is similar to Method A, except operation of EESS systems in the frequency band MHz is subject to obtaining agreement under RR No with regard to the SOS. Method C – No change

27 AI 1.11 Regional Positons Method APT ASMG ATU CEPT CITEL RCC
A – Allocation with no RR 9.21 requirement Supports (Modified) B – Allocation with RR 9.21 requirement C – No change

28 WRC-15 agenda item 1.12 to consider an extension of the current worldwide allocation to the Earth exploration-satellite (active) service in the frequency band 9 300-9 900 MHz by up to 600 MHz within the frequency bands 8 700-9 300 MHz and/or 9 900-10 500 MHz, in accordance with Resolution 651 (WRC‑12) Resolution 651 (WRC‑12) calls for a possible extension of the current worldwide allocation to the EESS (active) in the frequency band 9 300-9 900 MHz by up to 600 MHz on a primary and/or secondary basis, as appropriate, within the frequency range 8 700‑9 300 MHz and/or 9 900-10 500 MHz while ensuring protection of existing services and taking due account of the safety services allocated in the frequency band 9 000 to 9 300 MHz.

29 WRC-15 agenda item 1.12 Method A − Primary EESS (active) allocation in the frequency band MHz with 2 options: Method A1 (with two sub-options) and Method A2 (which includes PFD limits to protect FS). Method B − Primary EESS (active) allocation in the frequency bands MHz and MHz with 2 options: Method B1 and Method B2 (which includes PFD limits to protect FS). Method C − Primary EESS (active) allocation in the frequency bands MHz and MHz, and secondary allocation in the frequency band MHz. Method D − No change

30 AI 1.12 Regional Positons Method APT ASMG ATU CEPT CITEL RCC
A – MHz (P) Some Support (A2) Supports (A1, Opt 2) (A2) B – MHz & (P) Supports (B2) Some Support (B1) (B1) C – MHz & GHz (P), MHz (s) D – No change Some Support

31 Agenda item 1.13 to review No. 5.268 with a view to examining the possibility for increasing the 5 km distance limitation and allowing space research service (space-to-space) use for proximity operations by space vehicles communicating with an orbiting manned space vehicle, in accordance with Resolution 652 (WRC‑12) Resolution 652 calls for sharing studies between SRS (space-to-space) systems communicating in proximity with orbiting manned space vehicles and systems operating in the fixed and mobile (except aeronautical mobile) services in the band  MHz; and for WRC-15 to consider modifying No. 5.268 to allow the removal or relaxation of the 5 km distance limitation without modifying the current pfd limits and to clarify more general use of the  MHz band for SRS (space‑to-space) systems beyond extra-vehicular activities.

32 Agenda item 1.13 Method − The proposed method is to modify RR No to remove the 5 km distance limitation and not solely limit the use of the frequency band MHz for extra-vehicular activities.

33 AI 1.13 Regional Positons Method APT ASMG ATU CEPT CITEL RCC
Removal of 5 km distance and EVA limitation Supports

34 Agenda item 1.14 to consider the feasibility of achieving a continuous reference time-scale, whether by the modification of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) or some other method, and take appropriate action, in accordance with Resolution 653 (WRC-12) which calls for studies on the feasibility of achieving a continuous reference time-scale for dissemination by radiocommunication systems Resolution 653 (WRC-12) recognizes that that a change in the reference time-scale may have operational and therefore economic consequences on telecommunications networks.

35 Agenda item 1.14 Method A − Remove the leap second insertion or deletion from the definition of UTC in order to make it become a continuous time-scale and either (A1) retain the name UTC or (A2) adopt a new name. Method B − Keep the current definition of UTC, disseminate the UTC time-scale and also disseminate a continuous time-scale (TAI) on an equal basis. Method C − Keep the current definition of UTC and enable the recovery of the International Atomic Time (TAI) (C1) or disseminate another continuous system timescale (C2). Method D − No change

36 AI 1.14 Regional Positons Method APT ASMG ATU CEPT CITEL RCC
A – Remove “leap second” from UTC Supports (A1) Some Support (A1) Some Support (A1/A2) Does not support B – Keep UTC but disseminate a continuous time scale C – Keep UTC but enable recovery of TAI or use a continuous time scale Some Support (C1/C2) D – No change

37 WRC-15 Agenda items 1.5, 1.17, 1.18, GFT,

38 Agenda item 1.5 Unmanned Aircraft Systems – Consider use of FSS bands (not App. 30/30A/30B) for control and non-payload communications (CNPC) of UAS in non-segregated airspaces. Different views were added on the analysis of the results of studies. Conclusion* towards 2 possible solutions: Identify conditions under which systems operating in the FSS could provide UA CNPC links; No change, on the basis of concerns about the ability of FSS to provide a safety service. * See CPM Report to WRC-15

39 Agenda item 1.5 ICAO position (extract) …conditions:
1. That the technical and regulatory actions be limited to the case of UAS using satellites, as studied, and not set a precedent that puts other aeronautical safety services at risk. 2. That all frequency bands which carry aeronautical safety communications be clearly identified in the ITU Radio Regulations. 3. That the assignments and use of the relevant frequency bands be consistent with article 4.10 of the ITU Radio Regulations which recognizes that safety services require special measures to ensure their freedom from harmful interference.…

40 Agenda item 1.5 Regional positions Method APT ASMG ATU CEPT CITEL RCC
Use of the fixed-satellite service Oppose   Oppose Support Support  B NOC to RR Oppose 

41 Agenda item 1.16 To consider regulatory provisions and spectrum allocations to enable possible new Automatic Identification System (AIS) technology applications and possible new applications to improve maritime radiocommunication in accordance with Resolution 360 (WRC‑12); Resolution 360 (WRC‑12): Consideration of regulatory provisions and spectrum allocations for enhanced Automatic Identification System technology applications and for enhanced maritime radiocommunication 

42 CPM-15 Report Chapter 3 – Section 3/1.16/5
Agenda 1.16-CPM Methods According to the complexity four issues have been identified to develop methods to satisfy the agenda item. For each of these issues methods to satisfy the agenda item have been developed. The issues are complementary to each other. Issue A: Application-specific messages, AIS protection Issue B: New applications for the maritime radiocommunication – terrestrial component Issue C: New applications for the maritime radiocommunication – satellite component Issue D: VDES regional solution CPM-15 Report Chapter 3 – Section 3/1.16/5

43 CPM-15 Report Chapter 3 – Section 3/1.16/5
Agenda 1.16-CPM Methods Issue A: Application-specific messages, AIS protection A1 identifies the channels 2027 and 2028 of RR Appendix 18 for the application-specific message (ASM) not necessary for the safety of navigation and ensure protection of AIS1, AIS2, 2027 and 2028 by not allowing ships to transmit on channels 2078, 2019, 2079 and 2020. A2 identifies alternate channels 87 and 88 for the ASM channels and ensures the protection of AIS 1 and AIS 2 by power limitation on channels 2078, 2019, 2079 and 2020. A3 identifies the channels 2027 and 2028 of RR Appendix 18 for the application-specific message (ASM) not necessary for the safety of navigation and ensure protection of AIS1, AIS2, 2027 and 2028 by appropriate actions including not allowing ships to transmit on channels 2078, 2019, 2079 and 2020. CPM-15 Report Chapter 3 – Section 3/1.16/5

44 CPM-15 Report Chapter 3 – Section 3/1.16/5
Agenda item 1.16 Issue A: Application-specific messages, AIS protection A1 identifies the channels 2027 and 2028 of RR Appendix 18 for the application-specific message (ASM) not necessary for the safety of navigation and ensure protection of AIS1, AIS2, 2027 and 2028 by not allowing ships to transmit on channels 2078, 2019, 2079 and 2020. A2 identifies alternate channels 87 and 88 for the ASM channels and ensures the protection of AIS 1 and AIS 2 by power limitation on channels 2078, 2019, 2079 and 2020. A3 identifies the channels 2027 and 2028 of RR Appendix 18 for the application-specific message (ASM) not necessary for the safety of navigation and ensure protection of AIS1, AIS2, 2027 and 2028 by appropriate actions including not allowing ships to transmit on channels 2078, 2019, 2079 and 2020. CPM-15 Report Chapter 3 – Section 3/1.16/5

45 Agenda item 1.16 Issue A : ASM identification, AIS protection Method
APT ASMG ATU CEPT CITEL RCC A1 Identification of channels 2027 and 2028 for ASM, AIS protection by forbidden usage on channels 2078, 2019, 2079 and 2020 Support TBD  Support A2 Identification of channels 87 and 87, power limitation on channels 2078, 2019, 2079 and 2020 for AIS protection A3 Identification of channels 2027 and 2028 for ASM

46 Agenda item 1.17 Spectrum requirements & regulatory actions, including appropriate aeronautical allocations, to support Wireless Avionics Intra-Communications (WAIC) Conclusion* towards a new Primary allocation to the AM(R)S reserved exclusively for WAIC systems in the frequency band MHz * See CPM Report to WRC-15

47 Agenda item 1.17 Regional positions Method APT ASMG ATU CEPT CITEL RCC
A primary AM(R)S allocation in MHz Support

48 Automotive Radar Applications
Agenda item 1.18 Automotive Radar Applications Conclusion* towards a Primary allocation to the RLS in frequency band GHz on a worldwide basis either: limited to automotive applications (with short range high resolution radars), OR supporting automotive radar operations * See CPM Report to WRC-15

49 Agenda item 1.18 Regional positions Method APT ASMG ATU CEPT CITEL RCC
A primary RLS allocation in GHz limited to automotive applications Support (short-range radars) B primary RLS allocation in GHz

50 Global flight tracking for civil aviation
Agenda item GFT Global flight tracking for civil aviation (PP-14) resolves to instruct WRC-15, pursuant to No. 119 of the ITU Convention; to include in its agenda, as a matter of urgency, the consideration of global flight tracking, including, if appropriate, and consistent with ITU practices, various aspects of the matter, taking into account ITU-R studies, instructs the Secretary-General to bring this resolution to the attention of WRC-15 and ICAO, instructs the Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau to prepare a specific report on the matter as referred to in resolves above for consideration by WRC‑15.

51 Global flight tracking for civil aviation
Agenda item GFT Global flight tracking for civil aviation ITU-R studies within Working Parties 5B & 4C Two views included in Annex 1 of the CPM Report to WRC-15 4 options proposed in the Director’s Report Option 1. No change to the Radio Regulations Option 2. A primary allocation in MHz to AMS(R)S  , limited to ADS-B Option 3. A primary allocation in MHz to AMS(R)S , limited to ADS-B and not claiming protection from ARNS in MHz Option 4. A secondary allocation in MHz to MSS , limited to ADS-B

52 Agenda item GFT ICAO position  To support consideration of all possible options for support of ICAO global flight tracking as supported by studies. This should include: - a new provision in the Earth-to-space direction only for an AMS(R)S allocation at MHz for the satellite reception of existing aircraft ADS-B signals that operate in accordance with recognized international aeronautical standards under the condition that it not constrain existing aeronautical safety systems - a future Conference (WRC-19) agenda item to address evolving GFT requirements.

53 Agenda item GFT Regional positions APT ASMG ATU CEPT CITEL RCC
to recognize the importance and urgent treatment of GFT, taking into account studies and the Director’s report support consideration of the requirements by GFT systems within the AMSS including identification of suitable frequency bands [sub-regions are urged to submit positions to ATU Secretary General by 30 September 2015] - primary allocation to AMS(R)S in the ; - footnote limits the AMS(R)S allocation to space station reception of ADS‑B; -new resolution with sharing provisions decision may be adopted based on sharing studies with non-standardized ARNS systems under RR.

Mobile-satellite service issues

55 Agenda item 1.9.2 the possibility of allocating the bands MHz and MHz to the maritime-mobile satellite service, together with additional regulatory measures

56 Agenda item Methods CPM Methods, regulatory and procedural considerations to satisfy the agenda item: Only possibilities for GSO satellite networks for the primary MMSS allocation are analysed 3 Methods are proposed: Method A: No change: no allocation to the MMSS in the 7/8 GHz band Method B: Allocation of the bands MHz (s-E) & MHz (E-s) to GSO MMSS: Apply existing pfd limits in RR Art. 21 Table 21-4 for the MHz band in MMSS downlink Coordination under RR Nos. 9.7 and 9.21 for MMSS satellite networks Coordination of MMSS earth stations: Option A: RR Nos & 9.17, 9.17A, 9.18 Option B: WRC Resolution to stipulate the implementation of exclusion zones around FS, EESS and SRS (deep space) earth stations

57 Agenda item Methods CPM Methods, regulatory and procedural considerations to satisfy the agenda item: 3 Methods are proposed: Method C: Allocation of the band MHz to GSO MMSS (space-to-Earth): MMSS does not claim protection from, nor constrain the use or development of incumbent terrestrial services. RR No. 5.43A does not apply. Sharing with space services under RR Art. 9 No allocation to the MMSS in the MHz (Earth-to-space) band

58 Agenda item 1.9.2 –Regional Positions
It is assumed that SUP of Res. 758 (WRC-12) is agreed by all Regional Groups

59 Consider new MSS allocation for broadband IMT in the range 22-26GHz
Agenda item 1.10 Consider new MSS allocation for broadband IMT in the range 22-26GHz

60 Agenda item Methods CPM Methods, regulatory and procedural considerations to satisfy the agenda item: Method A: No change – no allocation to MSS within GHz band Method B1: To allocate the frequency bands GHz (space-to-Earth) and GHz (Earth-to-space) to the GSO MSS under the following conditions: Application of pfd limits for MSS transmitting space stations in the frequency band GHz Application of e.i.r.p. density limits for MSS space stations in the band GHz to protect non-GSO space station links Coordination of MSS with ISS (space station links between non-GSO and GSO) in accordance with RR No. 9.7 in the frequency bands GHz (space-to-Earth) and GHz (Earth-to-space) Coordination of MSS transmitting earth stations with FS and MS receiving stations under RR No in the frequency band GHz

61 Agenda item Methods CPM Methods, regulatory and procedural considerations to satisfy the agenda item: Method B2: To allocate the frequency bands GHz (space-to-Earth) and GHz (Earth-to-space) to the GSO MSS on the following conditions: Application of pfd limits for MSS transmitting space stations in the frequency band GHz Application of e.i.r.p. density limits for MSS space stations in the band GHz to protect non-GSO space station links Coordination of MSS with ISS (space station links between non-GSO and GSO) in accordance with RR No. 9.7 in the frequency band GHz (space-to-Earth) Coordination of MSS transmitting earth stations with FS and MS receiving stations under RR No in the frequency band GHz

62 Agenda item Methods CPM Methods, regulatory and procedural considerations to satisfy the agenda item: Method C1↓ Option C1a: To allocate the frequency band GHz for the MSS (space-to-Earth) with the following conditions: MSS allocation shall be limited only to geostationary systems Application of pfd limits for MSS transmitting space stations in the frequency band GHz Coordination of MSS space stations under RR No. 9.7 Method C1↓ Option C1b: To allocate the frequency band GHz for the MSS (space-to-Earth) with the following conditions: Application of pfd limits for transmitting space stations in the frequency band GHz Coordination of MSS stations with the ISS in accordance with RR No. 9.7 in the frequency band GHz (space-to-Earth) Constraint on MSS (s-E) e.i.r.p. density to protect ISS

63 Agenda item Methods CPM Methods, regulatory and procedural considerations to satisfy the agenda item: Method C2↑ Option C2a: To allocate the frequency band GHz for the MSS (Earth-to-space) with the following conditions: MSS allocation shall be limited only to geostationary systems Coordination of MSS space stations under RR No. 9.7 Apply RR No to ensure protection of the terrestrial services Method C2↑ Option C2b: To allocate the frequency band GHz for the MSS (Earth-to-space) with the following conditions: Coordination with the ISS under RR No. 9.7

64 Agenda item 1.10 – Regional Positions
It is assumed that SUP of Res. 234 (WRC-12) is agreed by all Regional Groups

65 Agenda item 9.1 issue 9.1.1 Protection of the systems operating in the mobile-satellite service in the band  MHz

66 Agenda item 9.1 issue 9.1.1 - Methods
All Regional Groups support: Regulatory and procedural considerations in the CPM Report to WRC-15 to protect the MSS systems in the MHz band; Modification to Resolution 205 (Rev.WRC-12) with a view of having an adequate protection of the MSS in the frequency band MHz in order to detect and successfully process 406 MHz distress signals, taking into account the current and future deployment of services in adjacent frequency bands.

Fixed-satellite service issues

68 Agenda item 1.6 issue 1.6.1 To consider possible additional primary allocations: primary FSS allocation (Earth-to-space and space-to-Earth) of 250 MHz in the range between 10 GHz and 17 GHz in Region 1

69 Agenda item 1.6– Regional Positions
CPM Methods to satisfy the agenda item: In all methods, only possibilities for GSO satellite networks for the primary FSS allocation are analyzed. Focus on 3 contiguous/near contiguous frequency ranges: NOC is proposed for sub-frequency bands AA ( GHz, downlink), I and II ( GHz). No specific Methods are proposed for the other sub-frequency bands.

70 Agenda item 1.6 issue 1.6.1 – Methods
Method 2 and RR in the Earth-to-space direction:

71 Agenda item 1.6 issue 1.6.1 – Methods
Method 2 and RR in the space-to-Earth direction:

72 Agenda item 1.6– Regional Positions
It is assumed that SUP of Res. 151 (WRC-12) is agreed by all Regional Groups NOC for all other sub-frequency band (* Need confirm further)

73 Agenda item 1.7 Review the use of the band MHz by FSS (Earth-to-space), limited to feeder links of the non-GSO MSS systems

74 Agenda item 1.7 Methods CPM Method, and regulatory & procedural considerations to satisfy the agenda item: Only one Method is proposed The use of the band MHz by systems of the FSS providing Earth-to-space feeder links of non-GSO systems in the MSS be maintained as a primary allocation; Each of the time limits on this allocation given in RR No A, i.e., after 1 January 2016 no new assignments shall be made and after 1 January 2018 the FSS will become secondary to the ARNS, be suppressed; The text specifying that “use of the band MHz by FSS feeder links shall be made in accordance with Res. 114(Rev.WRC-15)” be added to the footnote; Coordination between FSS earth stations and ARNS ground stations is required under certain circumstances to ensure that the ARNS is protected from harmful interference and that a fixed distance be used in determining the coordination area; and Flexibility for AM(R)S improved while ensuring protection of the FSS

75 Agenda item 1.7- Regional Positions
APT: The PACP proposes that Rec. ITU-R P (the latest version in force) be incorporated by reference in RR No B via a revision of Resolution 748 (Rev. WRC-12).

76 Agenda item 1.8 Review the provisions relating to earth stations located on-board vessels (ESVs)

77 Agenda item 1.8 Methods CPM Method, and regulatory & procedural considerations to satisfy the agenda item: Method A: No Change to the Radio Regulations. Any reduction in antenna size and reduction of protection distance would adversely impact the deployment of backbone terrestrial services. Method B: Increasing off-shore protection distance in the C band Based on the increasing number of vessels and the current maximum ESV e.i.r.p. density levels, the protection distance is increased in the C band from 300 km to 345 km and no change for the Ku band.

78 Agenda item 1.8 Methods cont’d
Method C: Establishment of different protection distances for different maximum e.i.r.p. density levels, with shorter protection distances for e.i.r.p. density levels lower than those currently allowed by Res. 902 (WRC-03) Continue adequately protecting terrestrial services; Adoption of protection distances associated with maximum values of ESV e.i.r.p. spectral density towards the horizon when lower transmitting e.i.r.p. density levels (e.g., use of spread spectrum modulation) are or planned to be deployed; The effect of increased frequency of ESV passes needs to be taken into account since the minimum ESV antenna diameter considered for the 6 GHz band nowadays is 1.2m instead of the 2.4m diameter provided in Res. 902 (WRC-03);

79 Agenda item 1.8 Methods cont’d
Method D: Establishment of different protection distances for different maximum e.i.r.p. density levels for the increasing ESVs passes in the C and Ku bands The fundamental rules in Res. 902 (WRC-03) are still valid According to protection afforded by Res. 902 (WRC-03), different protection distances could be derived for ESVs transmitting lower e.i.r.p. density levels toward the horizon (e.g., use of spread spectrum modulation) Method E: Review of the regulatory regime governing operation of ESVs To review the regulatory regime governing the operation of ESVs to conform to the principles and objectives of the RR

80 Agenda item 1.8 – Regional Positions
It is assumed that SUP of Res. 909 (WRC-12) is agreed by all Regional Groups

81 Agenda item 1.9 issue 1.9.1 Consider possible new allocations to FSS in MHz (space-to-Earth) and MHz (Earth-to-space)

82 Agenda item 1.9 issue 1.9.1 – Methods
CPM Method, and regulatory & procedural considerations to satisfy the agenda item: Method A Make a primary FSS allocation on a worldwide basis for the bands MHz (s-E) & MHz (E-s), limited to GSO FSS space stations Space station emissions in the band MHz shall comply with an e.i.r.p. spectral density mask. When this is not sufficient for protection of near-Earth operations of SRS (deep space), a Resolution provides an operational consultation procedure for involved FSS and SRS parties FSS Tx earth stations in the band MHz shall be limited to specific E/S, i.e., operating at fixed, known locations, with 3.5m minimum antenna diameter Coordination under RR No. 9.17, No. 9.17A (which is also applicable to sharing with stations of the EESS that may be allocated to this band at WRC-15 under agenda item 1.11), and notification under RR No.11.2 shall apply RR Art. 21 (Tables 21-2, 21-3 and 21-4), RR App. 4 (Items A and C in Annex 2) and RR App. 7 (Tables 7b, 8c and 9a) are amended to include these bands The FSS shall not claim protection from the SRS and the SOS, nor constrain the use and development of SRS and SOS earth stations. RR Nos. 5.43A and 22.2 do not apply

83 Agenda item 1.9 issue 1.9.1 – Methods
Method B: Same as method A, but FSS (s-E) allocation limited to MHz. Unwanted emissions from FSS space station should also be controlled. Method C: No change, i.e., no FSS allocation in MHz and MHz bands.

84 Agenda item 1.9 issue 1.9.1 Regional Positions
It is assumed that SUP of Res. 758 (WRC-12) is agreed by all Regional Groups.

85 STATUS OF REGIONAL PREPARATIONS FOR WRC-15 Satellite Regulatory issues
New generation of Synthetic Aperture Radars

86 Issue A of WRC-15 AI 7 Method A1: NOC OR
Informing the Bureau of a suspension under RR No beyond six months Method A1: NOC OR Method A2: modification to RR No to provide a regulatory mechanism to clarify the issue, with two options: Option A: Day-for-day reduction in the suspension period after 6 months, or Option B: Day-for-day reduction in the suspension period after 6 months up to 12 months* followed by two times reduction thereafter

87 Issue A of WRC-15 AI 7 Informing the Bureau of a suspension under RR No beyond six months

88 Issue B of WRC-15 AI 7 Publication of information on bringing into use of satellite networks at the ITU website Clarifying the BR’s action through one of the following: Method B1-Option A: implement amendments to RR Nos. 11.44B, and Method B1-Option B: Same as previous + stating that BR publish the info as received Method B2-Option A: implement amendments to RR Nos. 11.44B, and , availing the BIU info at ITU-R website, and including the information in a Special Section (Res. 49) Method B2-Option B: Same as previous + stating that BR publish the info as received Method B3: Identify the BR actions required, and include in minutes of WRC-15

89 Issue B of WRC-15 AI 7 Publication of information on bringing into use of satellite networks at the ITU website

90 Issue C of WRC-15 AI 7 Method C1: NOC OR
Review or possible cancellation of the advance publication mechanism for satellite networks subject to coordination under section II of Article 9 of the Radio Regulations Method C1: NOC OR Method C2: Cancellation of the current API mechanism Option A: suppress the need for API Option B: Automatically generate API by BR as soon as CR/C received Method C3: Review of API mechanism Option A: Reduce the two-year validity period for an API (without CR/C) Option B: Suppress the minimum period of six months between API and CR/C

91 Issue C of WRC-15 AI 7 Review or possible cancellation of the advance publication mechanism for satellite networks subject to coordination under section II of Article 9 of the Radio Regulations

92 Issue D of WRC-15 AI 7 General use of modern electronic means of communications in coordination and notification procedures Method D: Conclusion towards amendments to Resolutions 907 (WRC-12) to include the use of modern electronic means, and to Resolution 908 (WRC-12) to expand its scope to all kind of satellite network filings and to request the BR to analyze whether it is possible to have a single consolidated interface for both the submission of satellite network filings and the related correspondence

93 Issue D of WRC-15 AI 7 General use of modern electronic means of communications in coordination and notification procedures

94 AI 9.1.3 Use of satellite orbital positions and associated frequency spectrum to deliver international public telecommunication services in developing countries Two possible conclusions: Option A: NOC Option B: Revise Resolution 11 (WRC-12) in order to continue with the studies as it may be required for resolves 2 of Resolution 11 (WRC-12) to continue even after WRC-15

95 AI 9.1.3 Regional Positions Method APT ASMG ATU CEPT CITEL RCC
Option A - NOC Support Option B  Support Remarks Supress Res 11 (WRC-12) Alteration

96 AI 9.1.5 Consideration of technical and regulatory actions in order to support existing and future operation of fixed-satellite service earth stations within the band MHz, as an aid to the safe operation of aircraft and reliable distribution of meteorological information in some countries in Region 1 Conclusion towards modification to Resolution 154 (WRC-12), calling for relevant administrations in Region 1 to use special care in the coordination, assignment, and management of frequencies taking into consideration the potential impact on the FSS earth stations used for satellite communications related to safe operation of aircraft and reliable distribution of meteorological information in the frequency band MHz. Consideration may be given to modifying RR No A to include a reference to the modified Resolution

97 AI 9.1.5 Regional Positions Method APT ASMG ATU CEPT CITEL RCC
Single conclusion  Support Support Remarks Alteration

98 Regulatory aspects for nanosatellites and picosatellites
AI 9.1.8 Regulatory aspects for nanosatellites and picosatellites The ITU-R Study Groups have concluded that additional efforts should be undertaken by the BR, administrations, and others to help increase knowledge and raise awareness about the applicable regulatory procedures for satellite networks among those entities involved in development and launch of nanosatellites and picosatellites. Another relevant response to this issue could be to consider modifications to the regulatory procedures for notifying satellite networks to accommodate nanosatellite and picosatellite missions

99 AI 9.1.8

100 END Questions?

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