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Greg Rakness Penn State University/Brookhaven National Lab

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1 Neutral Pion Suppression at Forward Rapidities from d+Au Collisions at STAR
Greg Rakness Penn State University/Brookhaven National Lab for the STAR Collaboration XIII International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering (DIS2005) Madison, Wisconsin 28 April 2005

2 No collider data to constrain nuclear gluon distributions at low-x...
Low-x physics = gluons x = fraction of proton momentum carried by parton The proton: Naïvely expect density of gluons in nucleus  A1/3... The nucleus: [Hirai, Kumano, Nagai, PRC 70 (2004) ] Q2 (GeV2) 1 10 100 0.001 0.01 0.1 x Accurate determinations of the proton's gluon structure have been extracted from scaling violations in inclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS)... x G(x,Q2) x Q = 100 GeV Q = 2 GeV 1 100 10 10-1 10-2 10-3 10-4 No collider data to constrain nuclear gluon distributions at low-x... Problem: as x continues to decrease, the gluon density increases cross sections must remain finite [J. Pumplin, et al., JHEP 0207 (2002) 012]

3 The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider
Au-Au New state of matter QGP De-confinement Deuteron-Au Nuclear modification Gluon saturation Polarized proton-proton Nucleon Spin Structure Spin Fragmentation pQCD RHIC is a QCD lab PHENIX STAR BRAHMS pp2pp PHOBOS

4 Forward Hadron Production at RHIC
Nuclear modification factor: Assume factorization to go from DIS to hadron collisions... (xn,xm) nm fn(xn) fm(xm) Suppression of inclusive h production of d+Au relative to p+p at forward rapidities… [I. Arsene, et al. (BRAHMS Coll.) PRL 93 (2004) ] “Shadowing” in nuclear DIS emerging in hadronic collisions?

5 Many (recent) descriptions of low-x suppression...
A short list (i.e., probably incomplete): Saturation (Color Glass Condensate) Jalilian-Marian, NPA 748 (2005) 664. Kharzeev, Kovchegov, and Tuchin, PLB 599 (2004) 23; PRD 68 (2003) Multiple Scattering Qiu and Vitev, PRL 93 (2004) ; hep-ph/ Shadowing R. Vogt, PRC 70 (2004) Armesto, Salgado, and Wiedemann, PRL 94 (2005) Parton Recombination Hwa, Yang, and Fries, PRC 71 (2005) Factorization breaking Kopeliovich, et al., hep-ph/ Nikolaev and Schaefer, PRD 71 (2005) Others? ... Some experimental issues that can be addressed at STAR: Rapidity dependence? Isospin? p+p under control? What x-values are probed? Monojet?

6 STAR Detector TPC: -1.0 <  < 1.0 STAR Forward  Detector (FPD)
FPD: ||  3.8 (p+p) ||  4.0 (p+p,d+Au) 8 6 4 2 Integral Matter (Rad. Length) <1 radiation length between interaction region and large rapidity region (2.2<<4.5) No WN calorimeter for Run-3 Forward  Detector (FPD) = Pb-glass electromagnetic calorimeter + Preshower

7 NLO pQCD compared with forward p + p  0 + X
 STAR ] E [GeV] gq gg qq qg Process breakdown: Kretzer (hep-ph/ ) Dg Dq Inclusive forward  production in p+p collisions consistent with NLO pQCD calculations at s = 200 GeV, in contrast to lower s [Bourrely and Soffer, EPJ C 36 (2004) 371]

8  Dependence of RdAu y=0 As y grows STAR Example model (CGC):
Kharzeev, Kovchegov, and Tuchin, Phys. Rev. D 68 , (2003) Example model (CGC):  Observe significant rapidity dependence, similar to expectations from models which suppress gluon density in heavy nuclei  RdAu for p0 systematically below linear extrapolation of h data to =4, consistent with expectations that p + p  h is isospin suppressed at large  [Guzey, Strikman and Vogelsang, Phys. Lett. B 603, 173 (2004)]

9 Measure two hadrons in final state
See L.C. Bland, et al., hep-ex/ Log10(xGluon) Gluon TPC Barrel EMC FTPC FPD For 22 processes PYTHIA Guzey, Strikman, and Vogelsang, Phys. Lett. B 603 (2004) 173. pQCD For 2  2 processes: xBj correlated with h of away-side particle strong azimuthal correlation expected (back-to-back peak)  Analysis of di-hadron azimuthal and rapidity correlations can give insight on particle production mechanism...

10 Back-to-back Azimuthal Correlations with large 
Beam View Top View Fit LCP normalized distributions and with Gaussian+constant Trigger by forward   ] Coicidence Probability [1/radian] E > 25 GeV   4 ] Midrapidity h tracks in TPC -0.75 < < +0.75 Leading Charged Particle(LCP) pT > 0.5 GeV/c LCP S = Probability of “correlated” event under Gaussian B = Probability of “un-correlated” event under constant s = Width of Gaussian

11 PYTHIA: a guide to the physics
Forward Inclusive  Cross-Section: g+g and q+g  q+g+g Soft processes Subprocesses involved: STAR FPD q+g PYTHIA prediction agrees well with the inclusive 0 cross section at 3-4 Dominant sources of large xF  production from: q + g  q + g (22)   + X q + g  q + g + g (23)   + X q g  q  g

12 Statistical errors only
STAR 45<Ep<55 GeV 25<Ep<35 GeV STAR preliminary PYTHIA=LO pQCD with parton showers (including detector effects), predicts S grows with <xF> (<pT,p>) sS decreases with <xF> (<pT,p>) PYTHIA prediction agrees with p+p data Larger intrinsic kT required to fit data (see Abazov, et al., hep- ex/ ) 25<E<35GeV 45<E<55GeV  Partonic scattering good language to discuss forward p0 production from p+p collisions at s = 200 GeV...

13 Expectation from HIJING (PYTHIA+shadowing +nuclear effects)
X.N.Wang and M Gyulassy, PR D44(1991) 3501 with detector effects HIJING predicts clear correlation in d+Au Small difference in “S” and “s” between p+p and d+Au “B” is bigger in d+Au due to increased particle multiplicity at midrapidity 25<Ep<35GeV 35<Ep<45GeV

14 Exploratory d+Au  p0 + h + X Correlations Preliminary Data
STAR Statistical errors only 25<Ep<35GeV 35<Ep<45GeV STAR preliminary PT is balanced by many gluons “Mono-jet” Dilute parton system (deuteron) Dense gluon field (Au)  E > 25 GeV   4   Beam View Top View

15 More d+Au data needed... STAR Large  0+h± correlations: Statistical errors only 25<Ep<35GeV 35<Ep<45GeV STAR preliminary Suppressed at small <xF> , <pT,> Consistent with CGC picture Consistent in d+Au and p+p at larger <xF> and <pT,> More data needed to measure dependence on pT, h, flavor... Fixed as E & pT grows

16 Outlook at STAR: Forward Meson Spectrometer
L. C. Bland, et al., hep-ex/ See talk by S. Heppelmann in Spin parallel session, 29 April STAR Physics Motivation: probing gluon saturation in p(d)+A collisions via… large rapidity particle production (,,,’,,K0,D0) detected through all  decays forward  probes gluons with smallest x in Au nucleus di-jets with large rapidity interval (Mueller-Navelet jets): full EM calorimetry coverage from 4 < h < -1 disentangling dynamical origins of large xF analyzing power in p+p collisions 2 in  2.2<<4  To be built from existing calorimetry from FNAL E831 (Colorado)

17 New FMS Calorimeter Loaded On a Rental Truck for Trip To BNL Lead Glass From FNAL E831

18 Conclusions Forward p0 production at s = 200 GeV: ... is consistent with partonic scattering calculations in p+p collisions  Inclusive cross section agrees with NLO pQCD and PYTHIA  Large Dh correlations agree with PYTHIA  Selects collisions of high-x quarks with low-x gluons ... is different in exploratory d+Au collisions (d-side):  Inclusive yield normalized to p+p is suppressed  Trend expected in models that suppress gluon density in nuclei  Shows evidence of isospin effects  Large Dh correlations are suppressed relative to p+p  Direction of suppression qualitatively consistent with CGC ... More data and quantitative theoretical understanding are needed to make definitive physics conclusions… The tools are coming into place to study low- x physics at RHIC

19 Backup transparencies

20 Inclusive 0 cross section vs. pT at fixed xF
Similar analyses performed prior: CERN ISR [J. Singh, et al., (CHLM Collab.) NP B140, 189 (1978)] 0 production at s=45 GeV, 0.55<pT<1.05 GeV/c, xF>0.3 BNL RHIC [S. S. Adler, et al., (PHENIX Collab.) PRL 91, (2003)] 0 production at s=200 GeV, 1<pT<14 GeV/c, xF=0 CONCLUSIONS: For 0.3<xF<0.5,  production: ~ (1/pT)6 independent of xF At pT=2 GeV/c, 0 production: ~ (1-xF)5 ISR at pT=1.05 GeV/c, xF>0.3: +: 0.12 (1-xF) (1-xF)2.93 : 0.55 (1-xF) (1-xF)3.02 At pT=2GeV/c:

21 Near-Term Future Plans
reconstruction of HIJING + GEANT simulations Simulations suggest that forward detection is feasible in centrality- averaged Cu+Cu collisions at s=200 GeV. In addition to establishing RCuCu at large rapidity, the FPD can trigger full STAR readout to examine particle correlations with large- rapidity . This can be useful to study flavor dependence of recoil jets at midrapidity. L.C. Bland, HardProbes

22 xBj at RHIC and LHC For a few cases…: Collinear partons with momentum fractions x+, x elastically scatter to   For  New kinematic regimes will soon be explored in nuclei both at RHIC and at the LHC…

23 NLO pQCD compared with midrapidity p+p
Analysis of h: KKP, NP B597, 337 (2001) : S. S. Adler, et al., PRL 91, (2003) Process breakdown: Kretzer (hep-ph/ ) qg+gq qq gg pT(GeV/c) Partonic scattering good model to describe p+p collisions at s = 200 GeV pT(GeV/c) P? [GeV]

24 p+p midrapidity production cross sections in comparison to NLO pQCD
charged hadrons Direct photons PHENIX, hep-ex/ Fixed order pQCD calculations agree with data for several different reactions...

25 Forward 0 Production in p + p collisions at s << 200 GeV
Data-pQCD difference at pT=1.5GeV/c √s=23.3GeV √s=52.8GeV Ed3dp3[b/GeV3] Ed3dp3[b/GeV3] 2 NLO calculation with different scale: pT and pT/2      xF xF Bourelly and Soffer (hep-ph/ , Data references therein): NLO pQCD calculations underpredict the data at low s from ISR data/pQCD appears to be function of , √s in addition to pT

26 Large Analyzing Powers at RHIC at  = 3.8
azimuthal asymmetry in particle yields from a transversely polarized beam on an unpolarized target = STAR STAR collab., PRL 92, (2004) Similar to FNAL E704 result at s = 20 GeV In agreement with several models including different dynamics: Sivers: spin and k correlation in initial state (related to orbital angular momentum?) Collins: Transversity distribution function & spin-dependent fragmentation function Qiu and Sterman (initial-state) / Koike (final-state) twist-3 pQCD calculations First measurement of AN for forward 0 production at s=200GeV

27 Partonic Correlations from PYTHIA
Large energy deposited at =3.8 one parton in hard scattering with peak in forward direction + broad  range other parton spread over broad  range q g  + q  g

28 Some advantages of  mesons/experimental details...
p + p  0 + X 25<E<35 [GeV] 35<E<45 45<E<55 E MGeV/c2] Identified  allows absolute energy calibration to ~1%... Efficiency driven by geometrical acceptance of calorimeter... <z> <xq>  carries most of the energy of the fragmenting parton… …and pions are well described by NLO pQCD calculations over a broad rapidity window at large s… <xg>

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