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Johansen example.

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Presentation on theme: "Johansen example."— Presentation transcript:

1 Johansen example

2 Start wingive Load the LIBOR data base in the usual way Start pcgive and go into the multivariate option



5 This is the basic VAR set up

6 First estimate an unrestricted VAR to test the cointegrating RANK


8 This is the results for the VAR
This is the results for the VAR. Note 3 equations the same variables in each equation

9 Now test the system for the properties of its residuals


11 Ok for tests of serial correlation but fails normality and hetero
But carry on anyway as financial data

12 Now test the cointegrating rank



15 Test of cointegrating rank
Ho r=0, probability = so reject H0 r=1, probability = so reject H0 r=2, probability =0.009 so reject Strictly therefore r=3, but not sensible so conclude r=2

16 Now estimate the model subject to the reduced rank restriction that r=2





21 Estimates subject to r=2
2 cointegrating vectors (betas) The loading weights (alpha) Standard error of the alphas Restricted long run matrix (PI)

22 So this is the reduced rank system where we have imposed a rank of 2.

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