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Orientation and Safety

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Presentation on theme: "Orientation and Safety"— Presentation transcript:

1 Orientation and Safety
OPEN 8-5 Monday-Friday CLOSED from 12-1

2 Orientation Objectives
Prepare candidates for an assignment Our goal is to place candidates that meet hiring criteria on an assignment PSI cannot fully guarantee everyone that goes thru orientation will be placed Placement depends on meeting the hiring criteria, qualifications and client needs

3 Harassment/Sexual Harassment
Harassment of any kind is NOT TOLERATED Sexual Harassment can be as little as someone hearing you tell a co-worker another co-worker is cute Always leave all non work related topics to be discussed outside of the work place Report Harassment of any kind immediately Finally-We are all adults and you know what is inappropriate in the work place so do not harass anyone in the work place

4 Benefits You must work 1800 consecutive hours or about months to be eligible for benefits Most employees will be taken permanent by the client before being eligible for benefits If an employee does become eligible for benefits refer to the handbook for details It is your responsibility to request your benefits pay when you reach your hours

5 Substance Abuse Policy
PSI has zero tolerance for substance abuse or any kind You will be drug screened for the following reasons: Pre-employment Randomly For Cause Post Accident A positive drug screen is immediate termination

6 Attendance Policy Our clients have strict attendance policies so avoid being late or absent at all cost to assure your assignment is not ended If you cannot avoid being out YOU MUST call both PSI and the client. You must let the client know 30 minutes prior to your shift. This is your time to show the client you deserve to be taken on permanently so SHOW UP EVERYDAY ON TIME

7 Open Door Policy Always contact PSI for questions or concerns, not the client regarding: Pay check corrections Pay rate changes Supervisor or Co-worker conflicts Transportation Issue Anything that might interfere with your Assignment Notify PSI if you change phone number or address PSI will contact the client and remember we are your employer

8 Assignment Policy You are expected to finish your assignment
NO CALL NO SHOW and you will never be eligible to work for PSI again If you realize the assignment is not for you give as much notice as possible but minimal finish your shift and call PSI If your assignment is ended PSI will call you and you will need to report to PSI within 24 hours, DO NOT GO BACK TO THE CLIENT SITE OR CALL THE CLIENT EVER If you are on lay off or shut down it is your responsibility to notify PSI

9 Workers Compensation Policy
If you sustain an on the job injury YOU MUST CALL PSI Immediately and report it, do not assume the client reported it PSI will direct on what to do next If medical treatment is needed we will take you to a medical provider If after hours make sure to leave a message DO NOT Go the ER for a non-emergency if you do PSI will not pay the bill, the ER is for emergencies only we will treat you first thing the following morning for your non- emergency injury.

10 Modified Duty Program If you are injured on the job the doctor will not write you out of work, he will put you on restrictive duty Either the client or PSI will accommodate the restrictions so you will continue to work to earn your wages Example: If you twist your ankle the doctor may put you on limited walking or sedentary work Workers Compensation Fraud is a Class C felony offense

11 PSI Safety Mission Statement
At PSI we are committed to providing a safe work environment to all of our associates and we expect our associates to work a manner at all times. We believe that safety starts with you and your co-workers. We want you to leave our client facilities each and every day the way you arrived. You safety and health is our number one concern.

12 General Safety Rules Personal Protective Equipment must be worn at all times if issued Report any unsafe conditions immediately Be aware of your surroundings and watch out for yourself and others Absolutely No Horseplay Do not operate any machinery that the guards are removed Never take short cuts, if you do not know the safe way to do something, stop and find out.

13 General Safety Rules Cont.
7. Do not used compressed air to blow off with, only use it for what it is intended for 8. Shirt must be tucked at all times around machinery Identify the emergency exits when you start you assignment at the client site Be very cautious when working around forklifts, listen for back up alarms and never assume the operator can see you Keep all fire protection, exits, and fire suppression equipment clear of obstructions

14 Lifting, Carrying and Bending
Do not lift or carry more than a comfortable weight Seek assistance for large, heavy or bulky objects. Use powered lifting equipment if available When picking up an object bend you knees, keep your back straight and use the strength in your legs, not you back When turning move your feet do not twist Remember large objects can restrict your view

15 Hazard Communication 1. You may be exposed to chemicals in the work place whether it be Glass Cleaner or Acids 2. It is your Right-To-Know all of the safety information about these chemicals and this information is found on a SDS sheet 3. The SDS will show exactly what to do if are exposed to the chemical 4. These SDS sheets are grouped in a book available to you at the client site, ask your supervisor 5. Never use anything that is not labeled

16 Personal Protective Equipment
Wear you safety glasses at all times If you use gloves, make sure they are in the right type Wear appropriate shoes to protect your feet. If steel toed boots are required wear them Do not wear loose cloths, necklaces, rings around any machinery When working in hot environments be sure to drink plenty of water Make sure you PPE is always in good serviceable condition

17 Forklift Awareness Always make eye contact with the driver to assure he sees you If you cannot see it, it cannot see you Do not trust your ears, always look for forklifts. Remember forklift are not like cars, the rear swings not the front Always stay in the designated walk was indicated by markings on the floor

18 Safety Policy Always follow safety rules and guidelines provided to you by the client Always wear your PPE, this is grounds for termination Do no operate a machine unless all guards are in place If you are ask to work off the ground or at anytime you feel unsafe report to PSI as soon as possible

19 Closing Remarks Remember we interview 100’s of applicants and we have chosen YOU You represent PSI so represent us well, show up on time everyday and do a good job and PSI will always be here to help with getting you employed Our number one goal is your safety

20 Orientation Quiz Now that you have completed the presentation, you are ready to take the orientation quiz. Click here to take the quiz

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