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Peer Edit.

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Presentation on theme: "Peer Edit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Peer Edit

2 Goal By the end of today, you should be able to edit your own writing and the writing of others

3 What is Peer Editing? Making suggestions, comments, compliments, and changes to writing Working with someone your own age

4 4 Strategies Stay on Task 2. Compliments 3. Suggestions 4. Corrections

5 1. Stay on Task Focus on your work Only discuss your writing
Monitor your time In your narrative….

6 2. Compliments Start your editing with compliments
State what the writer did well: I liked your topic because… You used a lot of good details, like… I like when you used words like… My favorite part was when… I liked the way you….

7 3. Suggestions Give the author specific ideas on how to make their writing better Don’t say, “It does not make sense.” Do say, “Try adding details so I can understand.” Be Positive in your feedback Don’t say, “Your words are boring.” Do say, “Try using terrible instead of bad.” Remember: Be Specific. Be Helpful. Be Kind.

8 3. Possible Suggestions Word Choice: Did the author choose interesting words? Details: Is there a lot of detail (seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, smelling)? Organization: Is the story told in the right order? Can you understand? Sentences: Do they end with proper punctuation? Topic: Does the author stick to the story, or do some things not fit?

9 4. Corrections Spelling Mistakes Grammar Mistakes Missing punctuation
Check your paper for: Spelling Mistakes Grammar Mistakes Missing punctuation Incomplete or Run-on Sentences

10 Remember Stay on Task Compliments Suggestions Corrections

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