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Islamic Graffiti.

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Presentation on theme: "Islamic Graffiti."— Presentation transcript:

1 Islamic Graffiti

2 Click on link and allow students to view imagery and ask their opinions. Be sure to ask students to be aware of what “lens” they are using in looking at work.

3 Click on link and allow students to view imagery and ask their opinions. Be sure to ask students to be aware of what “lens” they are using in looking at work.

4 Click on link and allow students to view imagery and ask their opinions. Be sure to ask students to be aware of what “lens” they are using in looking at work.

5 Click on link and allow students to view imagery and ask their opinions. Be sure to ask students to be aware of what “lens” they are using in looking at work.

6 How is eL Seed Breaking stereotypes about Islam and Muslims?

7 Graffiti, Sculptures that focus on a message of peace
Born in Paris 1981 International artist Graffiti, Sculptures that focus on a message of peace

8 "my goal was to bring people together, which is why I chose these words from the Quran. I like graffiti because it brings art to everyone. I like the fact of democratizing art. I hope it will inspire other people to do crazy projects and not to be scared"

9 Jara Mosque in Gabes, Tunisia, 2012
"Oh humankind, we have created you from a male and a female and made people and tribes so you may know each other," Permission granted by imam of mosque: Quote from Qur’an meant to promote respect and tolerance through knowledge

10 Muhammed Ali

11 Born in Birmingham to Bangledeshi parents 1979

12 Interview with the Artist
Photo credit: Victor de Jesus Interview with the Artist

13 Interview with Artist Image credit:

14 Yazan Halwani

15 Creates works that give memory of non-sectarian Beirut to help unify
Born in Lebanon in 1993 City of Beirut divided by previous civil war into East (Christian) and West (Muslim) Creates works that give memory of non-sectarian Beirut to help unify Works are portraits of famous Lebanese and Arabic figures (play’s good!)


17 Other forms of Islamic Street Art


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