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Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer

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Presentation on theme: "Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer"— Presentation transcript:

1 Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer
RHP 12 Regional Update Jeff Dane Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer

2 Who’s here today 95 plus Attendees
27 of our 37 or 73% of RHP12 providers Providers from: RHP 9 - Dallas RHP 14 – Midland/Odessa RHP 19 – Wichita Falls RHP 11- Abilene Managed Care Organizations Amerigroup Superior

3 Regional Healthcare Partnership 12
RHP 12 47 Counties 45,538 Square Miles 900 thousand residents < 7 people per sq. mile 55.9 % Urban, 44.1% Rural 56.8% Anglo/34.8% Hispanic 12.1% live below poverty line 13.4% Uninsured

4 Regional Healthcare Partnership 12 DY 2-6 vs. DY7-8
Provider Type Number of Providers DY 2-6 Projects DY 7-8 Minimum Point Thresholds Rural Hospitals 22 47 66 Urban Hospitals 6 20 126 Community Mental Health Centers 4 15 30 Health Science Centers 2 13 29 Local Health Department 1 Physician Group Psychiatric Hospital 5 Totals 37 99 262

5 Agenda Overview 9:45-10:30 View from HHSC 10:30-11:00 Break
Charles Smith, Executive Commissioner, Texas Health & Human Services Commission 10:30-11:00 Break 11:10–12:00 Legislative Update on Health Care Cesar Lopez, Associate General Counsel, Texas Hospital Association 12:00-1:00 Networking Lunch

6 Agenda Overview 3:15- 3:30 Closing Comments
1:00-2:00 Legislative Update on Mental Health Policy Nelson Jarrin, Director of Government Affairs, Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute 2:00-2:15 Break 2:15-3:15 Breakout Sessions Hospitals/Physician Practices Measure Bundles Bobbye Hrncirik, Vice President, UMC Health System CMHCs/LHDs Outcome Measures Christina Mintner, Vice President, Parkland Health & Hospital System 3:15- 3:30 Closing Comments

7 In your Folder Evaluation Form
RHP 12’s Dy7-8 Learning Collaborative Plan Survey Trivia Tickets

8 DY6 October Reporting Starts NEXT week – October 1st – October 31st
HHSC Hosted October Reporting Webinar Wednesday, October 4th, 10am-12pm Reporting Work Sessions Lubbock October 11th, 8-5pm – 309 North Slide Amarillo – October 12th, 8-5pm & October 13th 8- 3pm, 1400 S. Coulter

9 Community Needs Assessment Update
Texas Tech Rural & Community Health Department, Lubbock is preparing our updated CNA Once complete we will post to our website: along with a feedback survey Review of the Updated CNA will be by Webinar or public meeting before submission of our updated Regional Plan in January 2018

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