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TM Forum Innovation Infocus

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1 TM Forum Innovation Infocus
November 2-3,  Dallas, TX The Impact of IoE on Intelligent Buildings Ron Zimmer CABA President & CEO Connect to what’s next™

2 About CABA The Continental Automated Buildings Association (CABA) is a leading international, not-for-profit, industry organization that promotes advanced technologies in homes and buildings. Vision CABA advances the connected home and intelligent buildings sectors. Mission CABA enables organizations and individuals to make informed decisions about the integration of technology, ecosystems and connected lifestyles in homes and buildings. Page 2

3 CABA Board of Directors
Page 3

4 Smart Buildings Networked. Intelligent. Adaptable.
Page 4 Source: Intel Corporation, CABA Board Member

5 The Architecture of Latest Building Automation System (BAS)
Page 5 Source: CABA Intelligent Buildings Market Sizing for North America Report

6 Source: CABA’s North American Intelligent Buildings Roadmap 2011
Intelligent Building Solutions Market Life Cycle Analysis Page 6 Source: CABA’s North American Intelligent Buildings Roadmap 2011

7 Enterprise Convergence Platform and Cloud Technology
Page 7 Source: IBM

8 Source: CABA’s Smart Grid Impact on Intelligent Buildings
Non-Residential Building Stock – North America (USA & Canada) Page 8 Source: CABA’s Smart Grid Impact on Intelligent Buildings

9 The Cybersecurity Ecosystem, 2016
Page 9 Source: CABA Intelligent Building and Cybersecurity, Landmark Research 2016

10 Embracing the Internet of Things
Page 10

11 NEW CABA RESEARCH PROJECTS Connected Multi-Dwelling Units and the Internet of Things
The Continental Automated Buildings Association is conducting a Landmark Research project called “Connected Multi-Dwelling Units and the Internet of Things”. The goal of this research project is to provide a comprehensive examination of all the major aspects of IoT related to MDUs, including: state of the market, MDU IoT trends, business opportunities, technical barriers and opportunities, future market direction, issues, case studies and industry recommendations. For more information and pricing contact Sashien Godakandae, CABA’s Business Development Coordinator, at X 229 or CABA MEMBERS ARE COLLABORATING & FUNDING THIS RESEARCH: Page 11

12 NEW CABA RESEARCH PROJECTS Intelligent Buildings and the Impact of the Internet of Things (IoT)
The Continental Automated Buildings Association is conducting a Landmark Research project called “Intelligent Buildings and the Impact of the Internet of Things”. This CABA research project will examine the impact of IoT related to intelligent buildings. This research will provide actionable data relevant to all segments of the intelligent building value chain, including, but not limited to: building owners, technology manufacturers, builders and developers, integrators and installers, service providers, insurance companies, industry associations and utility. For more information and pricing contact Sashien Godakandae, CABA’s Business Development Coordinator, at X 229 or CABA MEMBERS ARE COLLABORATING & FUNDING THIS RESEARCH: Page 12

13 Internet of Things Hierarchy
Page 13

14 Connected Devices Hierarchy
Page 14

15 Source: Intel Corporation, CABA Board Member
Internet of Things Devices that are connected to the internet, integrating greater computer capabilities, and using data analytics to extract meaningful information. Page 15 Source: Intel Corporation, CABA Board Member

16 “Internet of Things” Principles
Page 16 Source: Intel Corporation, CABA Board Member

17 Source: “Building Automation System Market” - marketandmarket 2016
Expected Growth for Building Automation System Market Expected to grow to $100.6B USD by 2022 CAGR 10.65% between Two key drivers are energy efficiency and security-life safety Growth also in wireless communications technologies and convergence of IoT and building automation Smart Buildings Smart Cities Source: “Building Automation System Market” - marketandmarket 2016 Page 17

18 CABA Zero Net Energy: Building Intelligent Controls Driving Success
Funders Complete Report can be found at: Page 18

19 Page 19
Source: CABA’s Convergence of Green and Intelligent Buildings Report

20 $3 - $30 - $400 RULE CABA Productivity Study
$3 - $ $400 RULE Improving Organizational Productivity with Building Automation Systems Research Project Page 20

21 Characteristics and Trends
Verticals Consultant/ Design Engineers IT companies Higher education Healthcare, mainly hospitals Governmental buildings Transport (airports) Offices Sports Stadiums Life science/pharmaceutical industry High tech/precision manufacturing Who is driving convergence? Facility managers IT SIs Trends New build and major refurbishment Remote access to data (needs to be IP) - Could be Cloud based Cheaper sensors, processors and available application software Possibility of generation data from M2M/IoE PoE platform – Low voltage lighting systems and sensors Uptake of wireless protocols Increasing use of software packages EPC (Gov, Edu, Health) End-users (property Investors) Page 21 Source: CABA Market Sizing for North America – Intelligent Buildings

22 Source: Arup Foresight
Smart Systems – The Building of the Future Page 22 Source: Arup Foresight

23 Intelligent Building Macro Environment
Smart Cities Homes Transportation Grid Intelligent Building Structures Page 23 Source: Institute of Engineering Technology and Compass Intelligence Analysis.

24 Source: Arup Foresight
CONTACT CABA Page 24 Source: Arup Foresight

25 Connect to what’s next™
CONTACT CABA Continental Automated Buildings Association (CABA) 1173 Cyrville Road, Suite 210 Ottawa, ON K1J 7S Toll free: CABA (2222) Fax: Connect to what’s next™ Page 25

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