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Supporting Research on Biodiversity: LifeWatch on the Cloud

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1 Supporting Research on Biodiversity: LifeWatch on the Cloud
Fernando Aguilar Instituto de Física de Cantabria (IFCA) Santander - Spain

2 LifeWatch LifeWatch is the European e-Science infrastructure for biodiversity and ecosystem research (an ESFRI). Aim: to provide advanced capabilities for research on the complex biodiversity system. e-Science infrastructures capitalize existing resources and data from physical infrastructures, distributed centers and single research groups. The capabilities offered by LifeWatch, as a e-Science infrastructure, allow users to tackle the big basic questions in biodiversity, as well to address the urgent societal challenges concerning biodiversity, ecosystems and other cross-cutting issues.

3 Basic Architecture

4 Example of a pilot implementation
Final User (researcher/manager) Data Acquisition Data Portal Manage/dev Storage Solution Distributed Control Collaborative Environments VO Manager Cloud IaaS (integrated in FedCloud)

5 Along INDIGO DataCloud Architecture

6 EGI-LifeWatch Competence Center

7 EGI-LifeWatch CC applications
Bird Tracking Data Portal VLIZ Data Stream Open Data Portal Galaxy Network of Life R Virtual Lab MicroCT Data Portal Ecological modeling TRUFA CdP GBIF portal EGI-LFW CC Coordination Galaxy Citizen Science Virtual Labs Data Portal

8 EGI-LifeWatch Competence Centre
Support the requirements of the community in Biodiversity and Ecosystems research. Establishing a direct collaboration between and the ESFRI LifeWatch to address specific needs using the FedCloud. Four Mini-Projects: Exploitation of the EGI infrastructure by the LifeWatch user community. Tools required to support data management, data processing and modeling. Integrate in EGI FedCloud framework, workflows, Vlabs. Citizen Science in EGI e-infrastructure. Technical working groups: R, GIS, Semantics, Workflows, AAI, Storage, NoSQL. NEW!

9 Virtual Labs - VRE Portal for grouping Vlabs from ongoing Lifewatch National Initiatives or related projects. Data Oriented: Access: Data sources, web services, Data calogues. Analyze: Data Analysis, Modeling, workflows… Develop: Guide to develop new services. Software+Data+Hardware: Cloud Next steps: Standarization: Web services Computing+Storage New services: Geo, R based, remote desktop. Marine, Terrestrial&FreshWater, Alien Species

10 Virtual Labs - VRE

11 TRUFA Pipeline for transcriptome analysis (RNA-seq).
TRUFA is an open informatics platform offering a user friendly web-based interface. Generates outputs commonly used in de novo RNA-seq analysis. The platform permits analyzing RNA-seq data in a fast, robust and user-friendly way. Currently in HPC – Cloudification in progress (Docker, Mesos)

12 Remote Sensing + Data Lifecycle
Several examples of Data Lifecycle managing within Lifewatch. Plan, Data Acquisition, Describe, Preserve, Discover, Integrate, Analyze. Cuerda del Pozo: freshwater reservoir, instrumentation, water quality, modeling. VLIZ (BE): marine research, instrumentation (video plankton recorder, multibeam, fish radar, etc.), analysis, 50TB per year.

13 Others Greece RvLab MicroCT Mobile Apps Data Services Netherlands
Bird Tracking Italy Data Portal Vlab Based on VM over cloud

14 COOPEUS Bring together scientist and users involved in European projects with theirs US counterparts Create new synergies to stimulate an integration of existing infrastructures. Access to open sharing data and information. Collaboration between computer and environmental scientists. Future cooperation strategies between research infrastructures. PIDs, GEOSS, Metadata, Global challenges, RIs cooperation…

15 COOP+ COOPEUS Follow up – Focused in Global Challenges: Artic Research, Marine and Biodiversity. Reinforce the cross-disciplinary view – Data Sharing. USA, Canada, Australia, Brazil… Exploitation and Dissemination of RIs at Global Level. Exchange good practices. Global integrated platforms. Detecting Gaps: Is integration feasible? Specific: Global Carbon Cycle Modeling

16 Thanks for your interest!
Fernando Aguilar Instituto de Física de Cantabria (IFCA) Santander - Spain

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